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Certifying your etpro .config

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 6:51 pm
by KingJackaL
I figured it was time to put some RFC-style info up given league admins are starting to get around to wanting certified .config's. It may be simpler for leagues to simply copy the below .config and edit in their settings.

As such, below is a code listing for what I would consider a good layout and execution of a .config. And and all critique/improvements welcomed:

Code: Select all

configname "defaults"
	setl sv_pure 1

	setl g_altStopwatchMode 0
	setl g_autofireteams 1
	setl g_complaintlimit 6
	setl g_doWarmup 1
	setl g_fastres 0
	setl g_filtercams 1
	setl g_friendlyFire 1
	setl g_gametype 3
	setl g_gravity 800
	setl g_heavyWeaponRestriction 100
	setl g_ipcomplaintlimit 3
	setl g_knockback 1000
	setl g_landminetimeout 0
	set  g_minGameClients 2
	setl g_noTeamSwitching 1
	setl g_spectatorInactivity 0
	setl g_speed 320
	setl g_teamforcebalance 0
	setl g_voiceChatsAllowed 99
	setl g_warmup 20

	setl g_alliedmaxlives 0
	setl g_axismaxlives 0
	setl g_maxlives 0
	setl g_enforcemaxlives 1

	setl g_medicChargeTime 45000
	setl g_engineerChargeTime 30000
	setl g_LTChargeTime 40000
	setl g_soldierChargeTime 20000
	setl g_covertopsChargeTime 30000

	set  logfile 1
	set  g_log "match.log"

	set  sv_allowDownload 1
	setl sv_minping 0
	setl sv_maxping 0
	setl sv_cheats 0

	setl team_maxMortars 2
	setl team_maxFlamers 2
	setl team_maxmines 7
	setl team_maxMg42s 2
	setl team_maxPanzers 2
	setl team_maxriflegrenades 2
	setl team_maxplayers 6
	setl team_nocontrols 0

	setl match_latejoin 1
	setl match_minplayers 2
	setl match_mutespecs 0
	setl match_readypercent 100
	setl match_timeoutcount 2
	setl match_timeoutlength 180
	setl match_warmupDamage 2

	setl pmove_fixed 0
	setl pmove_msec 8

	setl g_allowVote 1
	setl vote_limit -1
	setl vote_percent 50
	setl vote_allow_antilag 0
	setl vote_allow_balancedteams 0
	setl vote_allow_cointoss 1
	setl vote_allow_config "*"
	setl vote_allow_friendlyfire 0
	setl vote_allow_gametype 0
	setl vote_allow_kick 1
	setl vote_allow_map 1
	setl vote_allow_matchreset 1
	setl vote_allow_mutespecs 0
	setl vote_allow_muting 0
	setl vote_allow_nextmap 0
	setl vote_allow_referee 1
	setl vote_allow_shuffleteams 0
	setl vote_allow_swapteams 1
	setl vote_allow_timelimit 1
	setl vote_allow_warmupdamage 1

	setl b_antiwarp 1
	setl b_banners 0
	setl b_customVoiceChat 1
	setl b_damagexp 1
	setl b_fallingbugfix 1
	setl b_fixedphysics 1
	setl b_fixedphysicsfps 125
	setl b_floodMaxCommands 6
	setl b_headshot 0
	setl b_intermissiontime 40
	setl b_intreadypercent 70
	setl b_match_warmupjoin 0
	set  b_multiview 1
	setl b_noskillupgrades 0
	setl b_panzerlevelup 1
	setl b_privatemessages 3
	setl b_pronedelay 0
	setl b_riflegrenades 1
	setl b_shove 80
	setl b_shove_noz 1
	setl b_spectatornames 1
	setl b_statsaver 1
	setl b_stickycharge 1
	setl b_xpstopwatch 0

	set  b_watermark "league/watermark"
	set  b_watermarkFadeAfter 40
	set  b_watermarkFadeTime 5

	setl b_defaultskills ""
	setl b_levels_battlesense "20 50 90 140"
	setl b_levels_engineer "20 50 90 140"
	setl b_levels_medic "20 50 90 140"
	setl b_levels_fieldops "20 50 90 140"
	setl b_levels_lightweapons "20 50 90 140"
	setl b_levels_soldier "20 50 90 140"
	setl b_levels_covertops "20 50 90 140"

	setl b_mapscriptdirectory "etpromapscripts"
	setl b_mapconfigdirectory ""

	set  b_anticheat 1
	setl b_cheatkicktime -1
	set  b_cheatlog "cheats.log"

	set  nextmap ""

	command "pb_sv_enable"
	command "sv_cvarempty"
	command "pb_sv_cvarempty"
	command "pb_sv_kicklen 1"

	command "sv_cvar cg_bobup IN -0.005 0.005"
	command "sv_cvar cg_errordecay EQ 100"
	command "sv_cvar cg_fov IN 90 120"
	command "sv_cvar cg_shadows IN 0 1"
	command "sv_cvar cl_freelook EQ 1"
	command "sv_cvar m_pitch OUT -0.015 0.015"
	command "sv_cvar m_yaw IN -0.022 0.022"
	command "sv_cvar r_clampToEdge EQ 1"
	command "sv_cvar r_ext_ATI_pntriangles EQ 0"
	command "sv_cvar r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic EQ 0"
	command "sv_cvar r_flares IN 0 1"
	command "sv_cvar r_nv_fogdist_mode INCLUDE NV GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV"
	command "sv_cvar r_primitives IN 0 2"
map default
	setl g_userTimeLimit 15
	command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 1"
	setl b_moverscale 1
	setl g_useralliedrespawntime 0
	setl g_useraxisrespawntime 0
map radar
	command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 0"
map fueldump
	setl b_moverscale 1.5
Note the very small list of sv_cvar's. I've noticed many leagues are still using PunkBuster to limit things such as r_gamma, r_picmip and lots of other little things that may have mattered in RTCW, but not anymore. Engine limited cvars (such as those 2) shouldn't be included, and neither should cvars that etpro3.1 and it's features makes redundant. For example, rate/cl_maxpackets monitoring should be made redundant with the use of b_antiwarp.

There's also a bunch of set's no longer needed. For example, sv_fps is forced in etpro to 20 - no point setting it. sv_floodprotect is superceeded by the b_floodMaxCommands cvar, etc.

The per-map settings at the bottom are an example only, though turning off grass on radar should be a feature all leagues use. To see why:

The etpro team have already certified several .config's:

When going through your league .config, note the following:

- Any cvar that isn't a number (vote_allow_config, b_watermark, b_levels_medic etc) must have quotes around it's value, even if its value is a single number.
- XP levels lists shouldn't have comma's in them (b_levels_medic etc)
- Putting cvars in groups alphabetically as above makes it a LOT easier to maintain and verify.
- Make sure there's an extra endline at the end of the file (after the closing '}')
- TEST YOUR .CONFIG - you can do this simply by putting it in your /etpro/configs dir, and starting your et.exe with +set dedicated 2 +exec server.cfg (or whatever), then calling the .config with /config NAME. The console will report any major syntax errors in the .config
- Make sure to include ALL relevant gameplay-related cvars. That means pretty much everything in the above listing.
- In order to get the .config certified, you will need a copy of the .config linked from your leagues' website (to ensure that it is indeed the official league .config).

I'll update this as I think of things....

hf :twisted:

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:20 am
by Squale
hum ye not bad
per aps with little changement it's better
how do you think like this ? :

Code: Select all

configname "SQLM cfg" 
   setl sv_pure 1 

   setl g_altStopwatchMode 0 
   setl g_autofireteams 1 
   setl g_complaintlimit 6 
   setl g_doWarmup 1 
   setl g_fastres 0 
   setl g_filtercams 1 
   setl g_friendlyFire 1 
   setl g_gametype 3 
   setl g_gravity 800 
   setl g_heavyWeaponRestriction 100 
   setl g_ipcomplaintlimit 3 
   setl g_knockback 1000 
   setl g_landminetimeout 0 
   set  g_minGameClients 2 
   setl g_noTeamSwitching 1 
   setl g_spectatorInactivity 0 
   setl g_speed 320 
   setl g_teamforcebalance 1 
   setl g_voiceChatsAllowed 99 
   setl g_warmup 20 

   setl g_alliedmaxlives 0 
   setl g_axismaxlives 0 
   setl g_maxlives 0 
   setl g_enforcemaxlives 1 

   setl g_medicChargeTime 45000 
   setl g_engineerChargeTime 30000 
   setl g_LTChargeTime 40000 
   setl g_soldierChargeTime 20000 
   setl g_covertopsChargeTime 30000 

   set  logfile 1 
   set  g_log "match.log" 

   set  sv_allowDownload 1 
   setl sv_minping 0 
   setl sv_maxping 170 
   setl sv_cheats 0 

   setl team_maxMortars 1 
   setl team_maxFlamers 1 
   setl team_maxmines 7 
   setl team_maxMg42s 1 
   setl team_maxPanzers 1 
   setl team_maxriflegrenades 1 
   setl team_nocontrols 0 

   setl match_latejoin 1 
   setl match_minplayers 2 
   setl match_mutespecs 0 
   setl match_readypercent 100 
   setl match_timeoutcount 2 
   setl match_timeoutlength 180 
   setl match_warmupDamage 2 

   setl pmove_fixed 0 
   setl pmove_msec 8 

   setl g_allowVote 1 
   setl vote_limit -1 
   setl vote_percent 60 
   setl vote_allow_antilag 0 
   setl vote_allow_balancedteams 0 
   setl vote_allow_cointoss 1 
   setl vote_allow_config "*" 
   setl vote_allow_friendlyfire 0 
   setl vote_allow_gametype 0 
   setl vote_allow_kick 1 
   setl vote_allow_map 0 
   setl vote_allow_matchreset 0 
   setl vote_allow_mutespecs 0 
   setl vote_allow_muting 0 
   setl vote_allow_nextmap 0 
   setl vote_allow_referee 0 
   setl vote_allow_shuffleteams 0 
   setl vote_allow_swapteams 0 
   setl vote_allow_timelimit 0 
   setl vote_allow_warmupdamage 0
   setl vote_allow_pub "1"
   setl vote_allow_comp "1" 

   setl b_antiwarp 1 
   setl b_customVoiceChat 1 
   setl b_damagexp 1 
   setl b_fallingbugfix 1 
   setl b_fixedphysics 1 
   setl b_fixedphysicsfps 125 
   setl b_floodMaxCommands 6 
   setl b_headshot 0 
   setl b_intermissiontime 40 
   setl b_intreadypercent 70 
   setl b_match_warmupjoin 0 
   setl b_multiview 0 
   setl b_noskillupgrades 0 
   //   setl b_panzerlevelup 1 
   setl b_privatemessages 3 
   setl b_pronedelay 0 
   setl b_riflegrenades 1 
   setl b_shove 80 
   setl b_shove_noz 1 
   setl b_spectatornames 0 
   setl b_statsaver 1 
   setl b_stickycharge 1 
   setl b_xpstopwatch 0 
   setl b_XPSave 1
   setl b_spectator 3
   setl b_packDistance 1.5

   set b_banners 2
   set b_banner1 " ^3For Match, mail ^"
   set b_banner2 " ^3Notre Site WEB : ^1 "
   set b_bannerlocation 4
   set b_bannertime 80

   set  b_watermark "league/watermark" 
   set  b_watermarkFadeAfter 40 
   set  b_watermarkFadeTime 5 

   setl b_defaultskills "" 
   setl b_levels_battlesense "20 50 90 140" 
   setl b_levels_engineer "20 50 90 140" 
   setl b_levels_medic "20 50 90 140" 
   setl b_levels_fieldops "20 50 90 140" 
   setl b_levels_lightweapons "20 50 90 140" 
   setl b_levels_soldier "20 50 90 140" 
   setl b_levels_covertops "20 50 90 140" 

   setl b_mapscriptdirectory "etpromapscripts" 
   setl b_mapconfigdirectory "" 

   set  b_anticheat 1 
   setl b_cheatkicktime -1 
   set  b_cheatlog "cheats.log" 

   set  nextmap "" 

   command "pb_sv_enable" 
   command "sv_cvarempty" 
   command "pb_sv_cvarempty" 
   command "pb_sv_kicklen 1" 

   command "pb_sv_cvar cl_heron IN 0"   
   command "sv_cvar cg_bobup IN -0.005 0.005" 
   command "sv_cvar cg_errordecay EQ 100" 
   command "sv_cvar cg_fov IN 90 120" 
   command "sv_cvar cg_shadows IN 0 1" 
   command "sv_cvar cl_freelook EQ 1" 
   command "sv_cvar m_pitch OUT -0.015 0.015" 
   command "sv_cvar m_yaw IN -0.022 0.022" 
   command "sv_cvar r_clampToEdge EQ 1" 
   command "sv_cvar r_ext_ATI_pntriangles EQ 0" 
   command "sv_cvar r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic EQ 0" 
   command "sv_cvar r_flares IN 0 1" 
   command "sv_cvar r_nv_fogdist_mode INCLUDE NV GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV" 
   command "sv_cvar r_primitives IN 0 2"
   command "sv_cvar r_showtris EQ 0"
   command "sv_cvar r_shownormals EQ 0"
   command "sv_cvar r_wolffog EQ 1"
map default 
   setl g_userTimeLimit 15 
   command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 1" 
   setl b_moverscale 1 
   setl g_useralliedrespawntime 0 
   setl g_useraxisrespawntime 0 
map radar 
   command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 0" 
map fueldump 
   setl b_moverscale 1.5 
map supplydepot
   set b_moverscale 1
map et_ice
   set g_useraxisrespawntime 20
   set g_useralliesrespawntime 30
and i have little question how do you creat signature in bottom ?
for certified the cfg.

why you use setl and not just set ???? i don't understant that

and for PB SV it's good to add this :

Code: Select all

PB_SV_CVAR glow IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR ignorewalls IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR pingpredict IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR autoaim IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR autofire IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR ogc_aim IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR ogc_bot IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR ogc_fov IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR ogc_glow IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR ogc_mode IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR ogc_names IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR ogc_wall IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR ogc_trans IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR ogc_weapons IN 0

PB_SV_CVAR cl_punkbuster IN 1
PB_SV_CVAR safe IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR radar IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR mode IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR names IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR bunny IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR nofx IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR wall IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR shoot IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR weapons IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR alias IN 0
PB_SV_CVAR guid IN 0set pb_sv_kicklen 1
set pb_sv_cvar cl_freelook in 1
set pb_sv_cvar cl_maxpackets in 30 100
set pb_sv_cvar cl_timenudge in -20 0
set pb_sv_cvar snaps in 20 40
set pb_sv_cvar cg_bobup in 0 0.005
set pb_sv_cvar cg_shadows in 0 1
set pb_sv_cvar cg_thirdperson in 0
set pb_sv_cvar com_maxfps out 0.00001 40
set pb_sv_cvar m_pitch out -0.015 0.015
set pb_sv_cvar m_yaw in 0.022
set pb_sv_cvar r_allowextensions in 1
set pb_sv_cvar r_ati_fsaa_samples 0
set pb_sv_cvar r_ati_truform_tess 0
set pb_sv_cvar r_drawentities in 1
set pb_sv_cvar r_drawfoliage in 1
set pb_sv_cvar r_ext_ATI_pntriangles 0
set pb_sv_cvar r_ext_NV_fog_dist in 0
set pb_sv_cvar r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic 0
set pb_sv_cvar r_flares in 0 1
set pb_sv_cvar r_lightmap in 0 1
set pb_sv_cvar r_mapoverbrightbits in 0 3
set pb_sv_cvar r_rmse in 0
set pb_sv_cvar r_showtris in 0
set pb_sv_cvar r_showmodelbounds in 0
set pb_sv_cvar r_shownormals in 0
set pb_sv_cvar r_uifullscreen in 0
set pb_sv_cvar r_wolffog in 1
set pb_sv_cvar cg_bobpitch in 0 0.002
set pb_sv_task 300 600 pb_sv_cvarsrch com_maxfps
set pb_sv_task 600 600 pb_sv_bindsrch com_maxfps 
set pb_sv_cvar cg_bobroll in 0 0.002
set pb_sv_cvar cg_fov in 90 140
set pb_sv_cvar r_gamma in 0 3
set pb_sv_cvar r_intensity in 0 1.5
set pb_sv_cvar r_overbrightbits in 0 2
set pb_sv_cvar r_picmip in 0 2
set pb_sv_cvar rate in 2500 25000
set pb_sv_cvar r_uifullscreen in 0
set pb_sv_cvar m_pitch out -0.011 0.011

set pb_sv_autoss 1
set pb_sv_autossfrom 300
set pb_sv_autossto 1200
set pb_sv_ssfloor 1
set pb_sv_ssceiling 500
set pb_sv_ssdelay 15
set pb_sv_sspath
set pb_sv_ssheight 240
set pb_sv_sswidth 320
set pb_sv_ssSrate 1
set pb_sv_ssxpct 50
set pb_sv_ssypct 50
set pb_sv_cvarlogging 2
set pb_sv_cvarwalk 4
set pb_sv_cvaruserpulse 15
set pb_sv_cvarchangedpulse 15 
how do you think ...???

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:43 am
by Deus
pb_sv_cvar is a command, so set is the wrong way to initialize it
the signature is done by etprodevteam to certify the config is in its pure state and has not been tempered with.
I am lazy so I will not compare your config to the preivious one to check what has changed.

set = set
setl = set locked

for more information use the search function of the forum

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2005 6:43 am
by deej
pb_sv_cvar checks are useless if you do sv_cvar checks in your config.

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 4:08 pm
by KingJackaL
I didn't do those things for reasons which are:

team_maxplayers - you need to use this for league games to enforce your max team size. Otherwise teams will (inadvertently or not) push the boundaries when subbing etc.

vote_allow_pub/vote_allow_comp - shouldn't be in a league config. This should be up to server admins through their .cfg's. If a server admin wants a server to be competition only, he should be able to run it competition only, etc. There's no good reason why you should force pub mode being votable on a server admin, or any other combination of those 2 cvars.

b_banners - should be set to 0 to override server admins that use a dual pub/comp server, and have a large number of annoying banners scrolling past. You don't want these in clan matches, and in order for any match played on your .config to be consistent, you have to force these off. Your banners are equally inappropriate. For example, you have a 'for match, email bla bla' banner - this will show up IN matches if it's in your .config. Which of course makes it redundant. Arguable though, and could be OK for your league - but this definately shouldn't be in any default example!

b_multiview - should be set, NOT setl'd. Not all server admins will have the bandwidth to allow multiview. It's fine to set it on or off - but don't setl (unless possibly to 0), or you could be enforcing lag when the config is used on a server where resources are scarce.

b_XPSave - no such cvar :?

b_packDistance - no such cvar :?

b_spectator - no such cvar :?

pb_sv_cvar cl_heron - waste of time, etpro is adding in a spawn timer soon. And you can't stop all spawn timers - only Heron. IMO, leagues should allow spawn timers. I'd certainly discourage including this line in a default example .config, though if you really want to try and block only the most obvious spawn timer in your league, be my guest...

r_showtris/r_shownormals/r_wolffog - they're all cheat protected vars, so if somebody can change these, I doubt an sv_cvar check will help you. If you DO think this guesture isn't futile, then you'll want to go lock all the other cheat protected cvars.

And lastly no, I don't think a long list of PB bollocks helps anybody :P. The less PB interfere's with things, and the shorter my example can be, the better. Those cheat cvars are a reasonably good idea, but I don't think they'd be useful in a default example. They change quite often, are often configurable, and besides - the best way to catch cheats is through active refereeing (that's how I catch them ;) ).

The example does need the 3.1.9 cvars added, I should probably get around to that sometime...

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 5:43 pm
by DG
Just my 2p, and sorry for the quote shite which generally annoys me:
KingJackaL wrote: team_maxplayers - you need to use this for league games to enforce your max team size. Otherwise teams will (inadvertently or not) push the boundaries when subbing etc.
is it really necessary? i'd have thought it'd be more common to have a problem of waiting for a 999 to time out in order to let the 6th in.
vote_allow_pub/vote_allow_comp - shouldn't be in a league config. This should be up to server admins through their .cfg's. If a server admin wants a server to be competition only, he should be able to run it competition only, etc. There's no good reason why you should force pub mode being votable on a server admin, or any other combination of those 2 cvars.
allowing this vote means you can swap the server between clanwar and public mode without requiring an admin, making use of default_comp.cfg and default_pub.cfg. Reloading comp can be useful to double check the settings are right.
b_banners - should be set to 0
werd :)
I agree it should be forced off if anything.
pb_sv_cvar cl_heron - waste of time
r_showtris/r_shownormals/r_wolffog - they're all cheat protected vars, so if somebody can change these, I doubt an sv_cvar check will help you. If you DO think this guesture isn't futile, then you'll want to go lock all the other cheat protected cvars.
cvar unlockers can bypass the cheat-protection, but enforcing the cvars does work. blurb. though note below that I say i found r_shownormals and r_wolffog cvars are protected by PB anyway.

And lastly no, I don't think a long list of PB bollocks helps anybody :P. The less PB interfere's with things, and the shorter my example can be, the better. Those cheat cvars are a reasonably good idea, but I don't think they'd be useful in a default example. They change quite often, are often configurable, and besides - the best way to catch cheats is through active refereeing (that's how I catch them ;) ).

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 6:42 pm
by KingJackaL
DG wrote:is it really necessary? i'd have thought it'd be more common to have a problem of waiting for a 999 to time out in order to let the 6th in.
Good point, hadn't thought of that.
DG wrote:allowing this vote means you can swap the server between clanwar and public mode without requiring an admin, making use of default_comp.cfg and default_pub.cfg. Reloading comp can be useful to double check the settings are right.
Not needed. Swap between pub/comp mode? Let the server admin set that in his .cfg's - what if he doesn't have any pub setup and doesn't want any?

Checking settings are right? Waste of time - if the .config is loaded, then they ARE right. That's the whole point of a .config - it ENFORCES your settings over any .cfg files (hence the obscene number of setl's). If you're really unsure, that's what /callvote config is for - which is also a faster way to do things than swapping pub/comp modes.

Posted: Sun Jan 23, 2005 5:02 am
by DG
DG wrote:allowing this vote means you can swap the server between clanwar and public mode without requiring an admin, making use of default_comp.cfg and default_pub.cfg. Reloading comp can be useful to double check the settings are right.
Not needed. Swap between pub/comp mode? Let the server admin set that in his .cfg's - what if he doesn't have any pub setup and doesn't want any?
misread you before, we're arguing for the same thing.

if there isnt a need to set something in a league config then it shouldnt be set

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 6:53 am
by deej
can anyone explain the workings of the version command?

By trial & error I found out that this:

Code: Select all

configname "^1R^70^1F ^7Cup ^16 ^7vs ^16^7"
generates a "command { not known" error but when changing to this:

Code: Select all

configname "^1R^70^1F ^7Cup ^16 ^7vs ^16^7"
works perfectly :?.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 8:47 am
by jarppa
deej wrote:can anyone explain the workings of the version command?
Yep, it would be nice. My config works fine, but I'm not able get it certified. Where should I put the config file in my web host? And what should I specify to Version line.

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 9:32 am
by DG
if you're not running a league/tournament then no need to get it certified and no need to have any "version" in there.

the .config file goes into the "config" subfolder of "etpro".

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 2:38 pm
by Pangea
I have a stupid question about certified configs and their versions. When a certified config is loaded, ETPro always says "Config version ist the most recent available", even if it's not.

There are two certified configs on our server, their version strings are:

When I load the first one, ETPro says "Config version ist the most recent available". Actually, I have never ever seen something else than "Config version ist the most recent available". Isn't that a little bit :crazy: ?

Also, I absolutely have no idea how ETPro should be able to verify that there is no more recent version.

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 2:46 pm
by Lekdevil.NL
Pangea wrote:Also, I absolutely have no idea how ETPro should be able to verify that there is no more recent version.
Here's a hint (which, incidentally, also answers your other question):

Non-authoritative answer:

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 2:50 pm
by Deus
it was meant to work this way:

et checks the url given in the config for its ipadress (dns)
and when the given versionnumber matches the ipadress it is the most recent available, if the ip is higher than there is never one available.

but ....

this is not finished yet IIRC

and ...

it needs the league-admins to have access to their dns to give certain subdomains certain ips.

If you know of a better way feel free to tell here :)

Another way could be that the leagues have a little textfile at the given domain that et can download which contains the recent verison-number and can be compared to the config.

in every case this information needs to be available 24/7

Posted: Tue May 17, 2005 3:43 pm
by Pangea
Hmm... that method seems pretty clever to me. ;)
Obviously it's not implemented yet. I checked two other configs. One would be terribly outdated, the other one would require a new top level domain. :roll:

As long as it's not implemented, ETPro shouldn't display that the config is the most recent one by default. Imagine, you are on an opponent's server and notice that the config is outdated. You tell them "Hey, the config is outdated!" and they reply: "No, it's the most recent one available, can't you read?". Wouldn't that be a little bit :evil: ? :P