server problems

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server problems

Post by Yu-chan »

I've been having some problems with my server.
It seems that it doesn't load all the maps and campaigns, I can only see the default campaigns and 1 custom when I votemap or ref change. There should be 3 other custom campaigns in there but they just dont want to work.
And when I try to use 'ref campaign cmpgn_ss4' (or just ss4) it doesnt load the campaign, but instead the message that a ref has changed some settings comes up.

Also I make the server change a few settings when changing into competition or public using default_pub.cfg and default_comp.cfg. The comp cfg works fine but it wont load pub.cfg.

any ideas?
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Location: Belgium!

Post by deej »

Post those configs and the .campaign file you use.
Our servers now run on 64 bit steroids. Point your ET to:
- Forgotten Ground StopWatch Server with occasional wolfrof 1
- Fraggle Rock ETPub Server - Mix up ET/UT & Duke Nukem
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:41 am

Post by Yu-chan »


Code: Select all

set dedicated "2"				// 1: dedicated server for lan 2: dedicated server for internet
//set net_ip ""				// set to override the default IP ET uses
set net_port "27960"				// set to override the default port ET uses


set sv_maxclients "20"				// number of players including private slots
set g_password ""				// set to password protect the server
set sv_privateclients "2"			// if set > 0, then this number of client slots will be reserved for connections
set sv_privatepassword "welcome"			// that have "password" set to the value of "sv_privatePassword"
set rconpassword "xxx" 				// remote console access password
set refereePassword "xxx"				// referee status password


set sv_maxRate "13000"				// 10000 standard but poor for ET 
set sv_dl_maxRate "2500000"			// increase/decerease if you have plenty/little spare bandwidth 
set sv_allowDownload "1"        			// global toggle for both legacy download and web download
set sv_wwwDownload "1"				// toggle to enable web download
set sv_wwwBaseURL "" 				// base URL for redirection
set sv_wwwDlDisconnected "0"			// tell clients to perform their downloads while disconnected from the server
set sv_wwwFallbackURL ""			// URL to send to if an http/ftp fails or is refused client side

sets .Admin "Yu-chan"
sets .Location "Iceland"
sets .Email ""
sets .URL ""


#set sv_hostname "^4-^7=^1ICE^7=^4- COLD!" 			// name of server here
set sv_hostname "^1-^0SS^1/^7Public"
set server_motd0 "^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-"	// message in right corner of join screen here
set server_motd1 "^9No cheats or bitching!"
set server_motd2 "^9Let's look alive gentlemen"
set server_motd3 "^9Server from"
set server_motd4 "^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-^1-^9-"


set g_heavyWeaponRestriction "100"
set g_antilag "1"
set g_altStopwatchMode "0"
set g_autofireteams "1"
set g_complaintlimit "3"
set g_ipcomplaintlimit "3"
set g_fastres "0"
set g_friendlyFire "1"
set g_gametype "4"				// Game type should be set from map rotation script
set g_minGameClients "0"
set g_maxlives "0"
set g_alliedmaxlives "0"
set g_axismaxlives "0"
set g_teamforcebalance "1"
set g_noTeamSwitching "0"
set g_voiceChatsAllowed "4"
set g_doWarmup "0"
set g_warmup "40"
set g_spectatorInactivity "0"
set sv_floodProtect "0"
set sv_allowDownload "1"
set sv_pure "1"
set sv_minping "0"
set sv_maxping "0"
set match_latejoin "1"
set match_minplayers "0"
set match_mutespecs "0"
set match_readypercent "40"
set match_timeoutcount "0"
set match_warmupDamage "1"
set team_maxplayers "0"
set team_nocontrols "1"
set pmove_fixed "0"
set pmove_msec "8"
set g_userAxisRespawnTime "20"
set g_userAlliedRespawnTime "20"
set server_autoconfig "0"
set g_autofireteams "1"


set g_lms_teamForceBalance "0"
set g_lms_roundlimit "3"
set g_lms_matchlimit "2"
set g_lms_currentMatch "0"
set g_lms_lockTeams "0"
set g_lms_followTeamOnly "1"


set g_allowVote "0"
set vote_limit "5"
set vote_percent "51"
set vote_allow_comp "0"
set vote_allow_gametype "0"
set vote_allow_kick "1"
set vote_allow_map "0"
set vote_allow_matchreset "0"
set vote_allow_mutespecs "1"
set vote_allow_nextmap "0"
set vote_allow_pub "0"
set vote_allow_referee "0"
set vote_allow_shuffleteams "1"
set vote_allow_swapteams "0"
set vote_allow_friendlyfire "0"
set vote_allow_timelimit "0"
set vote_allow_warmupdamage "0"
set vote_allow_antilag "0"
set vote_allow_balancedteams "0"
set vote_allow_muting "1"


// sv_punkbuster is a readonly variable. Use +set sv_punkbuster on command line or use the command pb_sv_enable in the console

//fs_game etpro 


set g_log "etserver.log" 			// Game logging
set g_logsync 0
set logfile 3 					// Console logging ( 1: enable 2: enable and sync )

//exec public.cfg
//exec icewind3.cfg
//exec ssice1.cfg
exec etpro.cfg
// Campaign mode
//exec campaigncycle.cfg				// Campaign mode
//exec objectivecycle.cfg			// Objective mode
//exec lmscycle.cfg				// Last Man Standing mode
exec maprotate.cfg


// in case the game dies with an ERR_DROP
// or any situation leading to server running with no map
//set com_watchdog 10				// defaults 60
//set com_watchdog_cmd "exec campaigncycle.cfg"	// defaults to quit
set com_watchdog_cmd "exec maprotate.cfg" // ICE campaign


set sv_master1 ""
set sv_master2 ""
set sv_master3 ""
set sv_master4 ""

wait 150
config etpro


Code: Select all

// $Id: example.cfg 2425 2005-10-14 18:05:55Z zinx $
// ET Pro example configuration file

// b_defaultskills - new players start with these skill levels in each
// class.  The classes in order are:
// battle sense, explosives and construction (engineer), first aid (medic),
// signals (field ops), light weapons, and heavy weapons (soldier);
// therefore, to start everyone with level 2 battle sense and level 3
// light weapons, you could set this to "2 0 0 0 3 0 0".  Leaving this
// setting blank or using 0s for each class uses the normal behavior.
// default: ""		valid values: 0-4 for each skill
set b_defaultskills ""

// b_noskillupgrades - when set to 1, players may still score XP, but
// they will no longer gain skill or rank upgrades.  This is especially
// useful in combination with b_defaultskills to even out gameplay when
// playing in non-campaign mode.
// default: 0		valid values: 0, 1
set b_noskillupgrades 0

// b_banners - defines the number of banners you would like displayed
// in rotation.  The default value of 0 disables banners altogether.
// default: 0		valid values: 0-999
set b_banners 2

// b_banner<n> - define the banner text, where n is 1 to whatever number
// you set b_banners to.  For example, you could set b_banners to 2
// and use the following commands to define the banner text&#58;
// set b_banner1 "This is the first banner"
// set b_banner2 "This is the second banner"

// b_bannertime - the time in seconds between the display of banners
// default&#58; 0
set b_bannertime 420

// b_bannerlocation - Defines the locations where banners are printed
// add together the following values&#58;
// 8 - player chat area                16 - left popup area &#40;not recommended&#41;
// 32 - centered above the chat area   64 - console only
// 128 - banner area &#40;recommended&#41;
// For compatibility, the old-style locations &#40;from 0-4&#41; are also supported.
// The client defaults to b_logbanners 1, which effectively adds 64 to the
// locations list if it's not already present, so adding 64 isn't necessary
// unless you want to force the messages to be logged to the console.
// default&#58; 128		valid values&#58; 0-248
set b_bannerlocation 128
set b_banner1 "^9Server brought to you by ^"
set b_banner2 "^7Math&#58; Yu-chan > you"
// b_shove - Defines the amount of knockback inflicted upon someone that
// a player shoves.  Set to 0 to disable shoving.
// default&#58; 80
set b_shove 80

// b_shove_noz - Disables Z-axis &#40;vertical&#41; shoving to prevent players
// from shoving others over walls
// default&#58; 1		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_shove_noz 0

// b_statsaver - enables/disables the stat saver feature, which will
// save player stats across disconnects.  see the admin guide for details.
// default&#58; 1		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_statsaver 1

// b_intermissiontime - The maximum number of seconds the
// debriefing/intermission screen will be active before switching to the
// next map.
// default&#58; 60
set b_intermissiontime 60

// b_privatemessages - the minimum number of characters needed for the
// name match when sending a private message.  setting to 0 will disable
// private messaging.
// default&#58; 2		valid values&#58; 0-36
set b_privatemessages 2

// b_match_warmupjoin - controls whether or not players are allowed to
// join a team during the warmup countdown.
// default&#58; 0		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_match_warmupjoin 0

// b_xpstopwatch - controls whether or not XP is kept across both rounds
// of a stopwatch match.
// default&#58; 0		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_xpstopwatch 0

// b_multiview - enable OSP's multiview.  multiview allows spectators
// to view multiple players at the same time, but clients who are using
// multiview consume slightly more bandwidth and CPU time than normal
// spectators, so this feature can be disabled.
// default&#58; 0		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_multiview 1

// b_watermark - enables a server watermark on the client's display.
// see the admin guide for full details.  This should be the name of
// the image without the extension, or blank to disable; for example&#58;
// set b_watermark "ourclan/logo"
// default&#58; ""		valid values&#58; image filename
set b_watermark ""

// b_watermarkFadeAfter - controls how many seconds the watermark remains on
// the player's display after each map change before fading away.  Setting
// this to -1 means that the watermark will never fade away, although
// clients can still disable the watermark display.
// default&#58; -1		valid values&#58; -1, time in seconds
set b_watermarkFadeAfter -1

// b_watermarkFadeTime - controls how many seconds the watermark takes to
// fade away after displaying for b_watermarkFadeAfter seconds.  Setting
// this to 0 means that the watermark will instantly disappear rather than
// fading away.
// default&#58; 1.5
set b_watermarkFadeTime 1.5

// b_semiAdminLevels - defines the number of semiadmin levels to use.
// The default value of 0 disables semiadmin functionality.
// default&#58; 0		valid values&#58; 0-999
set b_semiAdminLevels 0

// b_semiAdminPass<n> - defines the password for semiadmin level <n>,
// where <n> is a number from 1 to b_semiAdminLevels.  For example&#58;
// set b_semiAdminPass1 "topsecret"

// b_semiAdminCmds<n> - defines the commands that semiadmin level <n> is
// allowed to perform, where <n> is a number from 1 to b_semiAdminLevels.
// For example&#58;
// set b_semiAdminCmds1 "kick clientkick say"

// b_levels_<class> - configures the number of XP required for each
// class upgrade.  Setting a skill level to 0 means that a player
// will start with that skill level, while setting a skill level to -1
// or omitting it means that a skill level is disabled.  A blank value
// means that the default values &#40;20, 50, 90, 140&#41; are used.
// examples&#58;
// set b_levels_battlesense "20 30 60 100" // upgrade battle sense faster
// set b_levels_medic "20 50 90" // disable level 4 medics
// default&#58; ""
set b_levels_battlesense ""
set b_levels_engineer ""
set b_levels_medic ""
set b_levels_fieldops ""
set b_levels_lightweapons ""
set b_levels_soldier ""
set b_levels_covertops ""

// team_max<weapon> - configures the maximum number of a weapon
// that a team may have.  A value of -1 means "no limit," and a value of
// 0 means that the weapon is disabled.
// default&#58; -1		valid values&#58; -1, 0-64
set team_maxMortars -1
set team_maxFlamers -1
set team_maxMg42s -1
set team_maxPanzers -1
set team_maxMines 5

// b_moverscale - Controls how fast most movers &#40;i.e. vehicles&#41; will move
// compared to their normal speed.  Extremely high values will cause
// erratic behavior.
// default&#58; 1.0
b_moverscale 1.0

// b_riflegrenades - enables/disables rifle grenades for engineers carrying
// the Garand/K43.
// default&#58; 1		valid values&#58; 0, 1
b_riflegrenades 1

// b_stickycharge - If set to 1, class chargebars will be 'sticky' across
// respawns -- that is, class chargebars will only recharge while that class
// is being played and the player is alive unless they die at the hands of
// an enemy player.  If set to 2, enemy players don't reset the charge,
// either.
// default&#58; 1		valid values&#58; 0, 1, 2
set b_stickycharge 1

// b_showClientCommands - log every command &#40;e.g. say, vsay, team&#41; that
// a client performs to the server log and console.  This is mostly
// useful for other programs that read the log file, but it can be
// helpful to a curious server administrator as well.
// default&#58; 0		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_showClientCmds 0

// b_brokenlogtimestamps - use the broken timestamp format for the server
// logfiles.  This option exists for reverse compatibility, in case a
// program that reads the server log file depends on the timestamps being
// broken in order to function properly.
// default&#58; 0		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_brokenlogtimestamps 1

// b_logrealtimestamps - log the time of day &#40;as hh&#58;; instead of
// the amount of time the server has been on the current map.
// default&#58; 1		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_logrealtimestamps 1

// b_spectatorNames - allows free floating spectators to see player names.
// 0&#58; nobody but shoutcasters can see names in spectator mode
// 1&#58; referees/semiadmins/shoutcasters can see names
// 2&#58; anybody can see names.
// default&#58; 1		valid values&#58; 0-2
set b_spectatorNames 1

// b_mapconfigdirectory - define the directory to look for default map configs.
// when a new map loads, the server looks for mapdefault_mapname.cfg
// and executes it if found. if not found, it looks for mapdefault.cfg.
// &#40;this setting will be ignored when a certified configuration is loaded&#41;
// default&#58; ""
set b_mapconfigdirectory ""

// b_mapscriptdirectory - points to the directory where your map 
// scripts reside; for example, b_mapscriptdirectory "etpromapscripts"
// will load scripts from .../etpro/etpromapscripts/, which contains
// the modified fueldump and battery.
// default&#58; ""
set b_mapscriptdirectory ""

// b_panzerlevelup - defines the skill level at which the panzerfausts
// receive the 'Improved Projectile Resources' upgrade.  The mortar is
// unaffected.  A value of '5' means that the panzerfaust will never
// be subject to this upgrade.
// default&#58; 1		valid values&#58; 0-5
set b_panzerlevelup 1

// b_shoutcastpassword - sets the shoutcaster password; when set,
// shoutcasters can login with /sclogin <shoutcastpassword> or
// /shoutcastlogin <shoutcastpassword>
// default&#58; ""
set b_shoutcastpassword ""

// b_customVoiceChat - when enabled, players may use custom voicechat
// messages, e.g. /vsay_team IAmSoldier Respawning Soldier w/Panzer
// default&#58; 1		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_customVoiceChat 1

// b_cursefilter - a space-separated list of banned words on the server
// default&#58; ""		valid values&#58; any list of words
// b_cursefilteraction - what to do when a banned word is spoken
//    0 = do nothing
//    1 = silently filter the messages &#40;it will still appear to the
//        player as though his/her message was sent&#41;
//    2 = censor &#40;e.g. "hey, you are a *********"&#41;
//    3 = filter the message &#40;it isn't displayed to anybody&#41;
// default&#58; 3
set b_cursefilter ""
set b_cursefilteraction 3

// b_campaignfile - allow specification of a specific campaign file instead
// of having the server scan for them all, thereby referencing every
// pk3 containing a campaign file.
// default&#58; ""
set b_campaignfile ""

// b_antiwarp - if set to 1, keeps players from warping around and generally
// being difficult to hit, prevents players from warping over landmines
// without triggering them, and possibly prevents other cheats involved
// with moving at super-high speeds in bursts.  We strongly recommend that
// you leave this option enabled, since players can trigger warping on-demand
// by dropping packets with an external program.
// This implementation of b_antiwarp should not cause problems for genuinely
// laggy players unless their ping is fluctuating by more than 800ms &#40;i.e., if
// they are spiking from 400ms ping to over 1200ms ping&#41; or they are getting
// less than 14 FPS.  Problems should be minimal with just low framerate.
// default&#58; 1		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_antiwarp 1

// b_damagexp - when enabled, certain types of XP will be rewarded based
// on the damage given to other players instead of the number of complete
// kills.  this can help even gameplay on extremely offense-biased maps,
// solves some problems with the original per-kill system &#40;e.g. an airstrike
// takes a player down to 1 health and blasts them into the air, but
// you receive no XP when they fall to their death.&#41;
// The damage-based XP system rewards 1 XP per kill and 1 XP for each
// 50hp of damage inflicted on an enemy player.
// default&#58; 0		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_damagexp 0

// b_floodMaxCommands <n> - flood protection -- approximately n rate-limited
// commands are allowed per 30 seconds, 0 disables.
// default&#58; 6
set b_floodMaxCommands 6

// b_intreadypercent - percentage of players required to be ready during
// intermission to abort the countdown and continue to the next map.
// default&#58; 75		valid values&#58; 0-100
set b_intreadypercent 75

// b_cheatkicktime - defines the time in minutes that cheaters will be
// banned for when kicked by etpro's anti-cheat system
// default&#58; -1 &#40;disabled&#41;
set b_cheatkicktime -1

// b_cheatlog - defines the name of a separate log for the anti-cheat system
// when set to an empty string, the anti-cheat system uses the main system
// log file
// default&#58; ""
set b_cheatlog "etpro_cheats.log"

// vote_allow_config - vote_allow_config is a space delimited list of
// league configurations available for voting and to referees, for example&#58;
// vote_allow_config "leaguea leaguec".  A value of "*" means that all
// existing configs may be voted for.
// default&#58; "" &#40;disabled&#41;
set vote_allow_config ""

// vote_allow_cointoss - controls whether voting for a coin toss is
// allowed.
// default&#58; 1		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set vote_allow_cointoss 1

// vote_allow_surrender - Allow a team to vote to surrender the current
// round.
// default&#58; 1		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set vote_allow_surrender 1

// b_headshot - headshot mode
// add these values together for custom headshot modes
// 1 - headshots only
// 2 - instagib
// 4 - clients can only damage other clients
// 8 - clients can only receive damage from other clients
// default&#58; 0		valid values&#58; 0-15
set b_headshot 0

// b_instagibDamage - damage used for instagib mode &#40;e.g. set this to 160
// so that a player can still be revived after being shot.&#41;
// default&#58; 400
set b_instagibDamage 400

// b_anticheat - enables warnings and kicks from ET Pro's anti-cheat system
// default&#58; 1		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_anticheat 1

// team_maxriflegrenades - controls the maximum number of people who can
// spawn with rifle grenades per team, or -1 for no limit.
// default&#58; -1
set team_maxriflegrenades -1

// b_fallingbugfix - enables a fix in the physics code which should
// prevent players from getting stuck on edges and subsequently falling
// to their death from 1 metre.
// default&#58; 1		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_fallingbugfix 1

// b_fixedphysics - controls various physics fixes
// 0 - Standard ET physics.
// 1 - Don't snap positions &#40;avoiding rounding error&#41;, jump velocity
//     set to match etmain's at b_fixedphysicsfps fps.
// 2 - Standard ET physics with anti-333fps; doesn't snap
//     positions above 166fps or change etmain jump velocity.
// default&#58; 0		valid values&#58; 0-2
set b_fixedphysics 1

// b_fixedphysicsfps - controls jump velocity when using b_fixedphysics 1
// Since jump height/velocity is so strongly tied to rounding error in
// etmain physics, the etmain velocity doesn't make sense when no longer
// rounding positions.  To compensate, b_fixedphysics 1 will set the
// player's jump velocity to the etmain equivalent at whatever framerate
// b_fixedphysicsfps is set to.
// default&#58; 125
set b_fixedphysicsfps 125

// b_ettv_flags - Bitmask controlling special features for ETTV slave clients
// 1 - Don't allow ETTV slaves to be kicked.
// 2 - Automatically give ETTV slaves shoutcaster status.
// default&#58; 3		valid values&#58; 0-3
set b_ettv_flags 3

// b_pronedelay - Don't allow players to turn or move for this many
// milliseconds after starting to go prone.
// default&#58; 0
set b_pronedelay 0

// b_flushItems - Align items so that they are at the same angle as the
// surface they land on &#40;i.e. ground-oriented items.&#41; Looks nicer than the
// normal behavior, with no behavioral changes.
// default&#58; 0		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_flushItems 1

// b_realHead - when enabled, the head hitbox is where the head is drawn on
// the client, instead of at the top-center of the body hitbox.
// Additional values can be added for debugging, although g_smoothClients
// should be 0 for the debug lines to match up properly&#58;
// 1 - enable real head hitbox
// 2 - enable real body hitbox while proning &#40;height only; for use with b_extendedprone&#41;
// 256 - Show headbox every server frame
// 512 - Show prone box every server frame
// 1024 - Show body hitbox every server frame
// default&#58; 0		valid values&#58; 0, 1, 3, ...
set b_realHead 1

// b_extendedprone - when enabled, the stand->prone animation will go through
// a crouch animation first, lengthening the time of the prone animation.
// This does not make people going prone easier to hit without b_realHead 3,
// so be sure to use that too.
// default&#58; 0		valid values&#58; 0, 1
set b_extendedprone 0

Code: Select all

g_password "match" // applies password
map oasis // or whatever
config clanwar

Code: Select all

g_password "" // removes password
campaign cmpgn_ss-server
exec maprotate.cfg
config etpro
the matchserver.cfg is pretty much the same as the server.cfg with a password.


ss-server (this one works)

Code: Select all

        name                   "ss-server"
        shortname              "cmpgn_ss-server"
        description            "**1. oasis*2. et_beach*3. tc_base*4. braundorf_b4*5. adlernest"
        maps                   "oasis;et_beach;tc_base;braundorf_b4;adlernest"
        mapTC                  374 374
        type                   "wolfmp"
ss4 (this is more of an test than an actual campaign..)

Code: Select all

        name                   "ss4"
        shortname              "cmpgn_ss4"
        description            "**1. baserace_b3b*2. baserace_b3b*3. baserace_b3b"
        maps                   "baserace_b3b;baserace_b3b;baserace_b3b"
        mapTC                  374 374
        type                   "wolfmp"

Code: Select all

        name                   "modis1"
        shortname              "cmpgn_modis1"
        description            "Radar, Beach, Goldrush"
        maps                   "radar;et_beach;sw_goldrush_te"
        mapTC                  374 374
        type                   "wolfmp"

Code: Select all

        name                   "modis2"
        shortname              "cmpgn_modis2"
        description            "Oasis, Base, Braundorf"
        maps                   "sw_oasis_b3;tc_base;braundorf_b4"
        mapTC                  374 374
        type                   "wolfmp"
and that's it iirc. except the .config files..
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Posts: 1053
Joined: Fri Mar 12, 2004 2:24 am
Location: Germany

Post by Deus »

Yu-chan wrote:default_pub.cfg

Code: Select all

g_password "" // removes password
campaign cmpgn_ss-server
exec maprotate.cfg
config etpro
My suggestion:

Code: Select all

g_password "" // removes password
campaign cmpgn_ss-server
exec maprotate.cfg
config none
exec etpro.cfg
The same applies to the end of your server.cfg unless there is a real etpro.config which seems to have got confused with etpro.cfg ATM.

The content of maprotate.cfg would also be of interest I guess
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Posts: 316
Joined: Mon Sep 29, 2003 8:30 am

Post by Lagger »

Recommended reading material on etpro .config files: ... nfig_Files
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:41 am

Post by Yu-chan »

I do have an etpro.config file, and the maprotate.cfg is

Code: Select all

set com_watchdog_cmd "vstr d_initial ; say watchdog found no map running - restarted mapcycle" 

set d1 "shuffle_teams; campaign cmpgn_ss-server; set nextcampaign vstr d2"
set d2 "shuffle_teams; campaign cmpgn_modis1; set nextcampaign vstr d3"
set d3 "shuffle_teams; campaign cmpgn_modis2; set nextcampaign vstr d4"
set d4 "shuffle_teams; campaign cmpgn_ss4; set nextcampaign vstr d1"

set d_initial "set g_gametype 4 ; map oasis ; set nextcampaign vstr d2"
vstr d_initial
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Post by Lagger »

Yu-chan wrote:I do have an etpro.config file
May we see that too?
Posts: 4
Joined: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:41 am

Post by Yu-chan »

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configname "default"

set g_gametype 4 
setl g_warmup 40 
setl g_doWarmup 0 
setl g_voiceChatsAllowed 5 
setl g_spectatorInactivity 0 
setl g_friendlyFire 1 
setl g_heavyWeaponRestriction 20 
setl g_medicChargeTime 45000
setl g_LTChargeTime 40000
setl g_engineerChargeTime 30000
setl g_soldierChargeTime 20000
setl g_covertopschargetime 30000
setl g_landminetimeout 0 
setl g_teamForceBalance 1 
setl g_filtercams 0 
setl team_maxMortars 2 
setl team_maxFlamers 2 
setl team_maxMg42s 2 
setl team_maxPanzers 2 
setl team_maxMines 10 
setl team_maxRiflegrenades 2 
setl team_maxplayers 0 
setl team_nocontrols 1 
setl match_timeoutcount 0 
setl match_timeoutlength 300 
setl match_minplayers 0 
setl match_latejoin 1 
setl match_mutespecs 0 
setl match_readypercent 100 
setl match_warmupDamage 2 
setl sv_pure 1 
setl sv_minping 0 
setl sv_maxping 900 
setl sv_cheats 0 
setl g_complaintlimit 6 
setl g_IPcomplaintLimit 4 

setl g_allowVote 0 
setl vote_limit 3 
setl vote_percent 51 
setl vote_allow_balancedteams 0 
setl vote_allow_muting 1 
setl vote_allow_swapteams 0 
setl vote_allow_friendlyfire 0 
setl vote_allow_timelimit 0 
setl vote_allow_warmupdamage 0 
setl vote_allow_kick 1 
setl vote_allow_map 0 
setl vote_allow_matchreset 0 
setl vote_allow_mutespecs 0 
setl vote_allow_nextmap 1 
setl vote_allow_referee 0 
setl vote_allow_config "" 
setl vote_allow_comp 0 
setl vote_allow_gametype 0 
setl vote_allow_pub 0 
setl vote_allow_shuffleteams 1 
setl vote_allow_cointoss 0 

set b_logrealtimestamps 1
set b_brokenlogtimestamps 0
set b_cheatlog "etpro_cheats.log"

setl b_mapscriptdirectory "" 

setl b_levels_battlesense "" 
setl b_levels_engineer "" 
setl b_levels_medic "" 
setl b_levels_fieldops "" 
setl b_levels_lightweapons "" 
setl b_levels_soldier "" 
setl b_levels_covertops "" 
setl b_statsaver 1 
setl b_intermissiontime 20 
setl b_privatemessages 0 
setl b_match_warmupjoin 1 
setl b_xpstopwatch 0 
setl b_multiview 0 
setl b_spectatornames 1 
setl b_defaultskills "" 
setl b_noskillupgrades 0 
setl b_shove 1 
setl b_stickycharge 2 
setl b_damagexp 1 
setl b_antiwarp 1 
setl b_panzerlevelup 1 
setl b_headshot 0 
setl b_riflegrenades 1 
setl b_fallingbugfix 1 
setl b_fixedphysics 1 
setl b_fixedphysicsfps 125 

setl b_anticheat 1 
setl b_cheatkicktime 5 

command "pb_sv_enable" 
command "pb_sv_kicklen 2" 
command "pb_sv_cvarempty" 
command "sv_cvarempty" 
command "sv_cvar rate IN 2500 250000" 
command "sv_cvar snaps IN 20 40" 
command "sv_cvar cl_maxpackets IN 15 50" 
command "sv_cvar cl_timenudge EQ 0" 
command "sv_cvar cl_freelook EQ 1" 
command "sv_cvar cl_yawspeed IN 0 140" 
command "sv_cvar cl_pitchspeed IN 0 140" 
command "sv_cvar m_pitch OUT -0.015 0.015" 
command "sv_cvar m_yaw IN -0.022 0.022" 
command "sv_cvar cg_bobup IN 0 0.005" 
command "sv_cvar cg_errordecay EQ 100" 
command "sv_cvar cg_shadows IN 0 1" 
command "sv_cvar cg_fov IN 90 125" 
command "sv_cvar r_flares IN 0 1" 
command "sv_cvar r_primitives IN 0 2" 
command "sv_cvar r_nv_fogdist_mode INCLUDE NV GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV" 
command "sv_cvar r_detailTextures EQ 0" 
command "sv_cvar r_clamptoedge EQ 1" 
command "sv_cvar r_drawworld EQ 1" 
command "sv_cvar r_drawfoliage EQ 1" 
command "sv_cvar r_znear EQ 3" 
command "sv_cvar r_showtris EQ 0" 
command "sv_cvar r_drawentities EQ 1" 
command "sv_cvar r_showmodelbounds EQ 0" 
command "sv_cvar r_lightmap EQ 0" 

map default 
set g_userTimeLimit 0 
set g_useralliedrespawntime 0 
set g_useraxisrespawntime 0 
set b_moverscale 1 
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Post by Deus »

command "sv_cvar rate IN 2500 250000"

\o/ 25000 is enough

the etpro.config seems ok at first sight
and so seems the maprotate.cfg

setl sv_pure 1
might be the 1st line after the

adittionlally I'd suggest you put all campaign into one single campaignfile and set it in your server.cfg with set b_campaignfile "yournewcampaignfile.campaign" and put it in a pk3 cause it is not showen/displayed in votemenu if not downloaded by clients.
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