Map scripts.

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Post by Dersaidin »

reyalP mentioned an idea for the vis problems on IRC:
spawn misc_vis_dummy which target the script_mover
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Post by Ragnar_40k »

Either I do something wrong or it doesn't work. :/

I removed the cloned lms ramp model and added the following (don't know if mins and maxs keys are necessary):

Code: Select all

            classname "misc_vis_dummy"
            target    "bunkerplanks"
            origin    "1960 -3752 1024"
            mins      "-1000 -1000 -1000"
            maxs      "1000 1000 1000"
2 frame gif animation showing the result:

PS: The bunkerplanks-model is a "func_constructible" not a "script_mover".
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Post by Dersaidin »


I think you'll find that the actual visible ramp brushwork is the script_mover called "bunkerplanks_model" - which is what you'd want to target.

You shouldn't need the mins and maxs - I'm pretty sure that misc_vis_dummy is a... "point entity" (I guess thats what you'd call it)

I'm not exactly sure how a misc_vis_dummy works.
It might only make the target visible if your in the same visportal as the misc_vis_dummy if so, then you'd need a few of them - one for each vis portal.
Or, more likely, it might make the target visible whenever the misc_vis_dummy is visible (in a visible vis portal). This would be much more practical.

If its the second case, then it should work (assuming the origin is in a good spot - I'd say you'd want it above the ramp in about eye level of the screenshot)
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Post by ReyalP »

I'm not sure why the planks aren't showing correctly in the first place, as I haven't really looked at the details of what happens when you do that.

misc_vis_dummy is a suggestion of something to investigate, not something I know will fix your problem

Code: Select all

/*QUAKED misc_vis_dummy (1 .5 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) 
If this entity is "visible" (in player's PVS) then it's target is forced to be active whether it is in the player's PVS or not.
This entity itself is never visible or transmitted to clients.
For safety, you should have each dummy only point at one entity (however, it's okay to have many dummies pointing at one entity)
Mins and max's shouldn't matter. The origin should be in the same you want the model to show up in.
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Post by Ragnar_40k »

Dersaidin wrote:Hmmm

I think you'll find that the actual visible ramp brushwork is the script_mover
called "bunkerplanks_model" - which is what you'd want to target.
"bunkerplanks_model" is a cloned lms ramp (model "*1"). To make the bunker ramp constructible I need to clone the ramp included in the func_constructible (model "*10").

In my script I had to clone both (to the same position): model 1 to avoid flicker and model 10 for the func_constructible. I hoped I could avoid cloning the lms model when using a misc_vis_dummy ...

PS: I seems that a code block like:

Code: Select all

            classname "misc_vis_dummy"
            target    "bunkerplanks"
            origin    "1844 -4354 1186"
breaks the script somehow, since all commands in the game_managers spawn-trigger located after this block are not excecuted at all.
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Post by Dersaidin »

I'm not sure what you mean there...

Looking at the mapscript, the bunkerplanks_model is the entity which includes the visible brushwork. The func_constructible just makes the bunkerplanks_model entity visible/invisible/underconstruction as engineers build it.

I'm pretty sure the bunkerplanks_model is the visible, and the bunkerblanks is just a hitbox for plyers and the "You are near ___".

So I think you'd want to target the vis dummy on the bunkerplanks_model, as thats the thing that you are actually see and thats what your wanting to be visible.
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Post by Ragnar_40k »

The func_constructible also includes a ramp model with brush works. Just clone model 1 and model 10 with different origins (e.g. just add 100 to the first coordinate value) and you'll have 2 ramps.

I need model 10 for the func_constructible, but it has the vis issue. So I also need to clone model 1 (the func_static lms model) and give it the same origin to avoid flicker, since model 1 doesn't have the vis issue.
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Post by Ragnar_40k »

Ok here a Battery script with a rebuildable Backdoor. The script includes:
  • ETPro fixes.
  • Sturdy Beach Assault Ramp
  • Constructible Bunker Assault Ramp
  • Rebuildable Backdoor
Download link

The script isn't final yet and still needs some fine tuning, but the main features all work. Suggestions welcome. :D
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Post by mortis »

Holy smokes!
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Post by Father »

Ragnar_40k wrote:Ok here a Battery script with a rebuildable Backdoor. The script includes:
  • ETPro fixes.
  • Sturdy Beach Assault Ramp
  • Constructible Bunker Assault Ramp
  • Rebuildable Backdoor
Download link

The script isn't final yet and still needs some fine tuning, but the main features all work. Suggestions welcome. :D
Aaaaahh.. it looks great (I love that new 'Assault Ramp'), but if you remove NOTES after map is loaded.. it will be better for me. And I think destroyed backdoor + new ramp is too big problem for Axis and it's too hard to defend Gun Controls - only dynamitable 'backdoors' - it would be cool.

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Post by Luk4ward »

Ragnar_40k wrote:Ok here a Battery script with a rebuildable Backdoor. The script includes:
  • ETPro fixes.
  • Sturdy Beach Assault Ramp
  • Constructible Bunker Assault Ramp
  • Rebuildable Backdoor
Download link

The script isn't final yet and still needs some fine tuning, but the main features all work. Suggestions welcome. :D
The map script is gr8 ;], my suggestions are:

* remove axis mg to avoid the conflict with ramp, or if it is possibly make this mg neutral or maybe already built but can be crashed

* move the materials of allies ramp somewhere outside the bunker
* move the materials of the back door somewhere inside the bunker

I think thats all, on our server there is also ammo/med cabinet on the pontoon and 3rd allies beach spawn (near the lighthouse)
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Post by Ragnar_40k »

I positioned the constructible boxes where they are because otherwise it would be to easy to build (and hold) the ramp resp. the back door. E.g. when the ramp materials are outside of the bunker, then you can drop the constructible ramp altogether and make a static ramp, since Allies always can build this ramp w/o any resistance (and it would be cheap XP for the engi).
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Post by Luk4ward »

Ragnar, u should update your map scripts as soon as possible. Have a look at mortis script which includes the fix for "wallhack" exploit ;p ... 32&start=0 :

battery mapscript

Ouroboro brought a clipping error/exploit to my attention. It can be fixed by this script for a minimal amount of loss of shooting angle on the corner.
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