1.1.60 - release candidate 6 - codename "Minerva"

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1.1.60 - release candidate 6 - codename "Minerva"

Post by bani »

This is the sixth public beta release. Please report bugs to this thread only!
You may download the server binaries from here.

** NEW SOUNDPACK 2003-02-18 **

Support for optional soundpack:
Download the 2003-02-18 soundpack here.
Contains voices for extended playerclasses, taunts, as well as shotgun reload sound.
win32 servers and clients: Place it in C:\Return to Castle Wolfenstein\main\
linux servers: Place it in /usr/local/games/wolf/main/
linux players: Place it in /usr/local/games/wolf/main/ or ~/.wolf/main/

Private messaging:
  • g_privateMessages (default 1) enables private messaging
  • g_minmsgchars (default 2) minimum # of characters to match player names on
Players may send private messages to each other using the /msg or /msg_team commands.
/msg <playername> <text> sends private message to all players matching <playername>. <playername> can be a partial match, eg a clan tag
/msg_team <playername> <text> as above, but only sends to players on your own team.

Players may now selectively ignore other players by using /ignore <clientid> and remove ignores with /unignore <clientid>. /ignore and /unignore without a clientid print your current ignore list.

Class summary:
Players may get a summary of players on their team with the /classes command.

Kickable grenades:
Players may opt-out or opt-in to kickable grenades with /kickablegrenades <0/1>.

Deployable spawnpoint changes:
"No deployables" now appears at the end of the spawnpoint list, so that player scripts work without changes.
Specific spawnpoint selections (allied side, axis side) now override deployables.

Player loadouts:
  • g_soldierNades (default 4)
  • g_medicNades (default 1)
  • g_medicClips (default 0)
  • g_engineerNades (default 8 )
  • g_engineerClips (default 1)
  • g_LTNades (default 1)
  • g_CONades (default 6)
  • g_spyNades (default 2)
  • g_pilotNades (default 2)
  • g_scoutNades (default 3)
  • g_binocs (default 184) - select which players start out with binoculars. only lt's can call artillery strikes. 1=soldier 2=medic 4=engineer 8=lt 16=co 32=spy 64=pilot 128=scout
Give ammo:
  • g_giveammo (default 0)
If enabled, players may give spare clips to other players with the /giveammo command. Target player must be carrying the same smg.

  • g_reportgibs (default 0) gibs are reported in console
  • g_gibpoints (default 0) players score for gibbing enemy, and penalized for gibbing teammates
  • g_smokinggibs (default 1) players gibbed by panzerfaust at close range leave smoking gibs
Tap outs:
  • g_showtapout (default 0) - show players who tap out in console
New weapon modes:
  • g_unlockWeapons (default 0) 1=unlocks mp40/thompson for medics and engineers 2=unlocks all weapons for all classes 3=soldiers drop their primary weapon on limbo
  • g_dropclips (default 0) 1=extra ammo clips are dropped along with weapons
Gameplay changes:
  • semiadmins no longer get lowscore kicked
  • goldrush - players who disconnect drop their gold now
  • goldrush - white colored gold = 10
Bug/exploit fixes:
  • g_ftfix (default 1) fixes flamethrower invisible-flames bug/exploit (stock bug)
  • invisible-flames bug/exploit when underwater bug fixed (stock bug)
  • team locking properly follows stopwatch (tested)
  • no longer zombie players on map rotations (stock bug)
  • flag deploying exploit fixed
  • instagib - artillery strikes no longer allowed
Objective anti-camping
  • g_obj_campprotect (default 0) 1=enables objective anti-camping
  • g_obj_camptimeout (default 20) seconds before players are penalized
  • g_obj_campwarnmessage - message given to players 5 seconds before they will be penalized
  • g_obj_camppenaltyseconds (default 5) seconds to penalize player on next respawn
  • g_obj_camppenaltymessage - message given to players when penalized
  • g_obj_campradiustrigger (default 200) radius around trigger objectives (eg dynamite objectives, radios) for anticamp detection
  • g_obj_campradiusflag (default 319) radius around flags (eg documents) for anticamp detection
  • g_obj_campok (default "ducts") map area names which are explicitly ok for camping
The default settings listed above are suitable for mp_beach, but will require changes for other maps.

Capture the flag game mode:
g_gametype2 7 enables classic 2-flag capture the flag game mode. requires specific script support for maps. scripts available for mp_depot, mp_trenchtoast, mp_ice, mp_sub. any checkpoint map should be easily convertible to ctf mode.

Penalty box
Admins may put players in a penalty box with /penaltybox <clientid> <seconds>. Offending player is gibbed and prevented from respawning for <seconds>. Defaults to 60 if no time specified.

Flag locking
  • g_flaglocking (default 0) axis/allies-only spawn flags are locked once captured. dual team spawn flags are unaffected.
Throwable packs
  • g_throwablepacks (default 0) 1 = throwable medpacks 2 = throwable ammopacks 3 = both
If enabled, players may throw medpacks and ammopacks by holding down activate.
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Post by duke'ku »

Dammit bani, right after you gave me 1.1.59. ;)

But damn! Tons of stuff! :D
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Post by I-M nUbee »

SO uh... when does our bill come in the mail?
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Post by Majikthise »

Very nice update. I'm impressed.
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Post by ZarkingFardwarks »

bani, you are awesome. there's so many cool things in there that i wish i ran a server just to try them out on =)

but yeah /ignore clientid is a beautiful addition, that alone is worth the update
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Post by gotenks »

i wonder if he can add the way to talk directly to someone?
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Re: 1.1.60 - release candidate 6 - codename "Minerva&qu

Post by Sexy|Beast »

bani wrote:Private messaging:
  • g_privateMessages (default 1) enables private messaging
  • g_minmsgchars (default 2) minimum # of characters to match player names on
Players may send private messages to each other using the /msg or /msg_team commands.
/msg <playername> <text> sends private message to all players matching <playername>. <playername> can be a partial match, eg a clan tag
/msg_team <playername> <text> as above, but only sends to players on your own team.
Do you mean this, Gotenks? I love this feature! Notice how you can send private messages to your whole clan by using your tag. Nice.

Also, the /giveammo and /ingnoreclient commands are sweet. And I noticed he added the option for binoculars for all classes. I have often found need for binos as a Medic.

So many awesome additions! Thanks again Bani! :P
Things are more like they are now than they were before.
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Post by =FF=im2good4u »

yeah its treu its cool but why still beta 6 ?? why not a real versoin like 2.0

anyway its cool
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Post by alexjones8194 »

unlock weapoms? drop clips????private messages ?medicclips? medicnades? give ammo? i thought u didnt like shrubmod ! :lol: :lol: :shock: :shock:
kenny stinks
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Post by bani »

alexjones8194 wrote:unlock weapoms? drop clips????private messages ?medicclips? medicnades? give ammo? i thought u didnt like shrubmod ! :lol: :lol: :shock: :shock:
i dont. the players at charter communications asked for them.

notice i did msg_team, which shrub doesnt have. nor does shrub have soldiernades or ltnades...

anything shrub does i can do better :twisted:
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Post by WeblionX »

*Tries to not break out into song* So... Is the next release Mink?
Got any old idtech3 tutorials you made or saved? Send them my way.
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Post by duke'ku »

bani, is there any way to make it so not all users have to download banisoundpack? I even have my server set to unpure, but when new users connect, they still start downloading banisoundpack. I don't want to turn downloads off, because I want people to be able to play, but if there was a way to make banisoundpack entirely optional, I would...
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Post by alexjones8194 »

g_unlockWeapons (default 0) 1=unlocks mp40/thompson for medics and engineers 2=unlocks all weapons for all classes 3=soldiers drop their primary weapon on limbo
okay okay so how do i select 2 and 3? i like them both
kenny stinks
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Post by duke'ku »

Also - it seems that private messages don't work. I've sent them to people and they've sent ones to me, and none of us get what is sent.
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Post by bani »

duke'ku wrote:bani, is there any way to make it so not all users have to download banisoundpack? I even have my server set to unpure, but when new users connect, they still start downloading banisoundpack. I don't want to turn downloads off, because I want people to be able to play, but if there was a way to make banisoundpack entirely optional, I would...
put the banisoundpack.pk3 in /usr/local/games/wolfenstein/main/ -- not /usr/local/games/wolfenstein/bani/ and not ~/.wolf/main/ and not ~/.wolf/bani/