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et colors as html hex

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 2:37 pm
by ouroboro
all color codes specified in et src (others just repeat these) & html hex equivs (err close enough):

Code: Select all

^0 = #000000
^1 = #FF0000
^2 = #00FF00
^3 = #FFFF00
^4 = #0000FF
^5 = #00FFFF
^6 = #FF00FF
^7 = #FFFFFF
^8 = #FF8000
^9 = #808080
^: = #BFBFBF
^< = #008000
^= = #808000
^> = #000080
^? = #800000
^@ = #804000
^A = #FF991A
^B = #008080
^C = #800080
^D = #0080FF
^E = #8000FF
^F = #3399CC
^H = #006633
^I = #FF0033
^J = #B31A1A
^K = #993300
^L = #CC9933
^M = #999933
^O = #FFFF80
rgba -> rgb -> hex (ex: 1.0, 0.6f, 0.1f, 1.0 -> 255, 153, 26 -> #FF991A):


:crazy: stfu this is for my own interest!

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 3:48 pm
by gotenks
remember, there's a character limit (including color codes) for names

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 4:41 pm
by RoadKillPuppy
I messed around with the systats source to handle the extended chars as well and ended up with these:

Code: Select all

        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#71431F" &#41;;       // SPACE
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#B3916E" &#41;;       // !
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#286D72" &#41;;       // "
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#701071" &#41;;       // #
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#3484D9" &#41;;       // $
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#6B32A3" &#41;;       // %
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#5A8CA5" &#41;;       // &
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#C9D6CD" &#41;;       // '
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#31604C" &#41;;       // &#40;
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#C73854" &#41;;       // &#41;
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#F8F8F8" &#41;;       // *
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#873819" &#41;;       // +
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#B29E69" &#41;;       // ,
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#8D8F6A" &#41;;       // -
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#F7FFDF" &#41;;       // .
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#E6F2AA" &#41;;       // /
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#000000" &#41;;       // 0
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#CA171D" &#41;;       // 1
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#25E629" &#41;;       // 2
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#F1F848" &#41;;       // 3
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#3033B8" &#41;;       // 4
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#3EE7E2" &#41;;       // 5
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#D425D8" &#41;;       // 6
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#FFFDF2" &#41;;       // 7
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#EA8126" &#41;;       // 8
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#818085" &#41;;       // 9
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#C1C2C7" &#41;;       // &#58;
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#BEB6C1" &#41;;       // ;
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#34673E" &#41;;       // <
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#7B7C40" &#41;;       // =
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#120D61" &#41;;       // >
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#5B0812" &#41;;       // ?
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#623307" &#41;;       // @
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#EB9F53" &#41;;       // A
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#106F59" &#41;;       // B
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#5A134F" &#41;;       // C
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#035AFF" &#41;;       // D
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#681EA7" &#41;;       // E
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#5097C1" &#41;;       // F
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#BEDAC4" &#41;;       // G
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#024D2C" &#41;;       // H
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#7D081B" &#41;;       // I
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#90243E" &#41;;       // J
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#743313" &#41;;       // K
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#A7905E" &#41;;       // L
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#555C26" &#41;;       // M
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#AEAC97" &#41;;       // N
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#C0BF7F" &#41;;       // O
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#000000" &#41;;       // P
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#DA0120" &#41;;       // Q
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#00B906" &#41;;       // R
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#E8FF19" &#41;;       // S
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#170BDB" &#41;;       // T
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#23C2C6" &#41;;       // U
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#E201DB" &#41;;       // V
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#FFFFFF" &#41;;       // W
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#CA7C27" &#41;;       // X
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#757575" &#41;;       // Y
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#CC8034" &#41;;       // Z
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#CC8034" &#41;;       // &#91;
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#34673E" &#41;;       // \
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#7B7C40" &#41;;       // &#93;
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "" &#41;;              // ^
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#5B0812" &#41;;       // _
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#170BDB" &#41;;       // ´
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#EB9F53" &#41;;       // a
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#106F59" &#41;;       // b
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#5A134F" &#41;;       // c
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#035AFF" &#41;;       // d
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#681EA7" &#41;;       // e
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#5097C1" &#41;;       // f
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#BEDAC4" &#41;;       // g
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#024D2C" &#41;;       // h
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#7D081B" &#41;;       // i
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#90243E" &#41;;       // j
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#743313" &#41;;       // k
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#A7905E" &#41;;       // l
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#555C26" &#41;;       // m
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#AEAC97" &#41;;       // n
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#C0BF7F" &#41;;       // o
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#000000" &#41;;       // p
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#DA0120" &#41;;       // q
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#00B906" &#41;;       // r
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#E8FF19" &#41;;       // s
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#170BDB" &#41;;       // t
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#23C2C6" &#41;;       // u
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#E201DB" &#41;;       // v
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#FFFFFF" &#41;;       // w
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#CA7C27" &#41;;       // x
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#757575" &#41;;       // y
        vecColors.push_back&#40; "#CC8034" &#41;;       // z
Not 100% correct, but close enough to me...

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:10 pm
by ouroboro
fyi i got the rgba info from q_math.c:

Code: Select all

vec4_t	g_color_table&#91;32&#93; =
		&#123; 0.0,	0.0,	0.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// 0 - black		0
		&#123; 1.0,	0.0,	0.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// 1 - red			1
		&#123; 0.0,	1.0,	0.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// 2 - green		2
		&#123; 1.0,	1.0,	0.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// 3 - yellow		3
		&#123; 0.0,	0.0,	1.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// 4 - blue			4
		&#123; 0.0,	1.0,	1.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// 5 - cyan			5
		&#123; 1.0,	0.0,	1.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// 6 - purple		6
		&#123; 1.0,	1.0,	1.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// 7 - white		7
		&#123; 1.0,	0.5,	0.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// 8 - orange		8
		&#123; 0.5,	0.5,	0.5,	1.0 &#125;,	// 9 - md.grey		9
		&#123; 0.75,	0.75,	0.75,	1.0 &#125;,	// &#58; - lt.grey		10		// lt grey for names
		&#123; 0.75, 0.75,	0.75,	1.0 &#125;,	// ; - lt.grey		11
		&#123; 0.0,	0.5,	0.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// < -		12
		&#123; 0.5,	0.5,	0.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// = - md.yellow	13
		&#123; 0.0,	0.0,	0.5,	1.0 &#125;,	// > -		14
		&#123; 0.5,	0.0,	0.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// ? -		15
		&#123; 0.5,	0.25,	0.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// @ -	16
		&#123; 1.0,	0.6f,	0.1f,	1.0 &#125;,	// A -	17
		&#123; 0.0,	0.5,	0.5,	1.0 &#125;,	// B - md.cyan		18
		&#123; 0.5,	0.0,	0.5,	1.0 &#125;,	// C - md.purple	19
		&#123; 0.0,	0.5,	1.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// D				20
		&#123; 0.5,	0.0,	1.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// E				21
		&#123; 0.2f,	0.6f,	0.8f,	1.0 &#125;,	// F				22
		&#123; 0.8f,	1.0,	0.8f,	1.0 &#125;,	// G				23
		&#123; 0.0,	0.4,	0.2f,	1.0 &#125;,	// H				24
		&#123; 1.0,	0.0,	0.2f,	1.0 &#125;,	// I				25
		&#123; 0.7f,	0.1f,	0.1f,	1.0 &#125;,	// J				26
		&#123; 0.6f,	0.2f,	0.0,	1.0 &#125;,	// K				27
		&#123; 0.8f,	0.6f,	0.2f,	1.0 &#125;,	// L				28
		&#123; 0.6f,	0.6f,	0.2f,	1.0 &#125;,	// M				29
		&#123; 1.0,	1.0,	0.75,	1.0 &#125;,	// N				30
		&#123; 1.0,	1.0,	0.5,	1.0 &#125;,	// O				31
there's also some stuff in q_shared.h but it adds nothing to the above colors.

with that info you can get the (more or less) exact hex codes, which work out to what i posted above. for example ^1 = 1, 0, 0 which = 255, 0, 0 = #ff0000 (pure red). you have #CA171D, which it may look like on screen depending how your monitor looks, but the game is actually intending #ff0000. i was just curious about this so i posted it here mostly so i would have it saved someplace :P

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:26 pm
by gotenks
ouroboro wrote:have it saved someplace :P
that's what i thought, before the crash (lost a pm telling me some info)

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 5:27 pm
by ouroboro
but bani put the forums on an opteron now!!! \o/

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 1:37 am
by ouroboro
hrm i made a complete list if anyone needs it:

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 1:21 am
by Deus
ouroboro wrote:hrm i made a complete list if anyone needs it:
This differs from

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 5:33 pm
by ouroboro
wolfwiki must be wrong. they probably used an eyedropper to get the hex values. i got them from the source code. i'd edit that info but i've never felt comfortable editing people's stuff on wiki's aside from minor spelling or whatever. i don't want to offend anyone. feel free to do so though if you trust my info. you could check yourself but you'd come to the same values as mine.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 7:00 pm
by zinx
(byte)(0.5 * 255) = 127

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 9:12 pm
by ouroboro
i'd call that 128, since .5 rounds up.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 10:33 pm
by gotenks
integers round down... even .9

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 3:32 am
by ouroboro
< .5 rounds down. >= .5 rounds up. every elementary school kid knows that.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 5:39 am
by RoadKillPuppy
kids don't do integers

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 6:05 am
by gotenks
ANY computer casting (to an int type number, eg non floating point) rounds down... EVERY computer programmer knows that
AND the rules are, .5 rounds to the even number... eg:
7.5 => 8
6.5 => 6