ETPro 3.1.0 selected for Qcon Qualifiers????

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Post by zinx »

nothx wrote:So zinx, would you recommend that version 3.1.9 or 3.1.13 be used in qualifiers?
If no bugs are found in 3.1.13, it would probably be the best choice; ET 2.60 has some very important fixes. 3.1.9 doesn't take screenshots automatically properly; I don't know if that's a problem for QCon or not. If it isn't, then 3.1.9 should probably be used if 3.1.13/2.60 can't be used for some reason.
Slayer wrote:Zinx: Is there any potential chance of releasing an official mod version for 2.56 ET or is that something that will not happen.
It's not going to happen. ET Pro is tied more to the engine version than most other mods, and it would be a real pain for us to support an obsolete version of ET; as far as I know, there's no advantage in sticking with 2.56 instead of upgrading to 2.60.
SoL wrote:Any chance of a tiny hint as to what these "major changes" might entail? I'm sure everyone would love to know.
They're mostly internal restructuring; There probably won't be any huge new features that most people care about.
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Post by Herf »

zinx wrote:There is almost zero chance of 3.2.0 being released within the next month; two months is possible, but don't count on it. There are some major changes that need made, and we're not going to release a piece of crap and call it stable. Sorry.
thanks for the info zinc : )
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Post by DG »

what's the score with ETTV compatibillity? I know it works with 3.10 just fine, and presumably with 3.1.9. But any 2.60?

I'd definately put ETTV @ qcon as priority consideration.
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Post by zinx »

Well, update on 3.2.0; apparently we're going to forego the major changes for it and opt for a stable release for 2.60. Oops.
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Post by SoL »

zinx wrote:Well, update on 3.2.0; apparently we're going to forego the major changes for it and opt for a stable release for 2.60. Oops.
Does that mean you're post-poning the "major changes" or cancelling them? I assume those changes are for the better so it would be good if they're done at least some time.
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Post by Slayer »

Thank you very much Zinx for your prompt response to the community.

edit: Can you give us information on a planned release date for 3.2.0?

If a date has been set at this point of course.
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Post by EagleReloaded »

At this time, we are planning on using ET 2.56 with ETPro 3.1.0. This may change if a 2.6-compatible version of ETPro is released before the event.
I'd say that requirement has been satisfied, perhaps we should all be off harassing QC?
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Post by emcee »

Slayer wrote:I am simply trying to help our high-end competitive community (you are not part of it). The high-end competition in North America wants 3.1.9 and up.
I think that about sums up most of the quakecon bound teams' opinions, senor IfReborn.

Thanks for the info zinx, I know I for one really like the feel of the new version and will be waiting for any news about the update.
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Post by Spoofeh »

emcee wrote:To have to play 3.1.0 means having to downgrade all of NA's servers
I thought b_realhead 0 reverted the hitboxes to the old method, so you shouldn't need to downgrade (unless there are other as important differences).

Euros havent's practiced with b_realhead 1 and will have the ping disadvantage in the qualification. US players don't remember how to aim with b_realhead 0, and b_realhead 1 is the way forward.

Regardless of which version is used there will be endless flames/whining from the teams that don't make it. I certainly don't envy Lekdevil. :?
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Post by /*Demoman*/ »

personally I understand people wanting the new headboxes.... they are more accuate... this is true...but you have to remember this is qcon and et is gaining more people who have never played the game before just because its at qcon.

The headboxes have been the same since q3... this is the only mod that has changed that.... to force the new headboxes on those who havent played etpro's change isnt fair to them.

This is the whole reason etpro didnt just swap the old code with the new code but instead made it a cvar

for me its too little to late to make such a drastic change to how the q3 engine handle boxes.... for those of us thats been used to the shoulder shot headshot for crouching targets always endup not getting a headshot now... and then when we go to a non-etpro server... or back to rtcw/q3 we find ourselves shooting over people's heads while aiming at the top of their head of a standing target.

it throws off everyone's game.... it gives a complete advantage to those who have used the new headboxes... so I completely agree with qcons decision to use the old headboxes...its not that I dont like the new ones.. I just think for fairness to all its better to use whats been the same for over 5+ years now... its just easier for 3.1.9 people to get used to the old boxes than it would be for non-et people to get used to the new one
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Post by Dersaidin »

What non et people are going to be playing high level compeditive ET at Qcon?

RTCW ppl maybe?

Pfft, Whichever headboxes are picked, it shouldnt take more than 4 weeks, at the most, for players to get used to them. Thats plenty of time, isnt it?
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Post by EagleReloaded »

Let's all go set b_fixedPhysics to 0 while we're at it and have to rewrite god awful pmove_fixed toggles. Go read the changelog in /publicbeta/ sometime, hitboxes aren't exactly the sole change in the past 9 months.

Anyone who plays ET in this state at QuakeCon is going to find themselves playing a radically different game if they choose to continue with it, doesn't it make more sense for them to get used to it right from the start? If they have to treat it as an entirely new game so be it, that's how you should approach any game regardless of how well you think you know the engine. If anything it's going to make the teams that go look that bit more impressive.
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Post by MeeZ? »

emcee wrote:Excuses? Please kindly step away from an issue that will not be affecting you.

To have to play 3.1.0 means having to downgrade all of NA's servers and relearn how to aim for a headshot, as well as not being able to enjoy some of the bugfixes made. Having to play on that version of ET Pro is simply ludicrous, although I'm not sure if it will necessarily be the harbinger of doom that a lot have prophesized.

However, knowing the NA ET, I doubt a solid and flame free argument is going to be displayed before lekdevil, so any support the ETPro team can put behind would be much obliged.

Emm... Stop looking at everything from a north-american point of view.

If we're arguing like this, I'll continue. We have to upgrade all of Europe's servers (a lot more than NA) and learn how to get headshots, as well as getting used to the changes made. It isn't ludicrous, it's the fact that the biggest ET ladder/comp homebase uses 3.1.0... Just because quakecon is in america, doesn't mean qcon should use the same format as TWL.
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Post by Nogen »

ouroboro wrote:yet another historical example of stodgy old europeans being afraid to advance with the times.
2 words. Metric System :twisted:
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