How should I relate to the new hitboxes?

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Post by ouroboro »

"...ouroboros silly claim that CSish hitmodels were somehow inherently better..."

they are. this is a shooter. that means shooting people, yes. scoring kills, however, is not the primary objective. i fail to see how making it harder to hit people would change the objectives. it would simply up the stakes and many top players would be knocked down a peg (not to mention players who suck, like me). everyone would simply have to improve their aim. do we really prefer it to be relatively easy to kill the enemy? or do we want more challenging gameplay?

if the former, might i suggest we make the headbox larger? perhaps make it like q3a with only one box around the entire player, but give it headbox damage? cmon let's take those pesky defenders down ASAP so we can get to the objective, right? or rather, would it be better if it actually required TRULY precise aim to kill? i say the latter...

you called my statement "silly" and gave it a "rofl", yet you say "realism is just a distraction"? then why are we even playing a game roughly based on history? i never suggested it should be realistic to the point of becoming America's Army (which is a great game for other reasons), i'm simply suggesting that shooting the model of your enemy makes perfect sense and is instinctively what you're supposed to do anyway. ET has plenty of arcadey aspects that will not change, such as raising people from the dead (when it says "You killed ETPlayer", true realism would require him to actually die :roll: ).

in etmain, i knew that if an engi was building the bridge on FD and i shot over the boxes, i could kill him even though i couldn't see him. that was silly, so bani fixed it. the very premise of a headbox is itself a nod to my way of thinking - shots to the head do more damage to people, so they improved the original single bounding box from q3a and made the game reflect that reality. b_realhead improves that idea even further, and i'm gonna go way out on a limb and guess that b_realhead wasn't done to make the game less realistic...

also, as you know very well, having made your hitbox display mod, there are even boxes to differentiate between the legs and other body parts when prone, because they wanted to "tighten" the box around that smaller area to better reflect it's surface area.

tightening the hitboxes even more by essentially wrapping the model in an invisible cocoon that is form-fitted rather than a bulky box is simply the next step in the evolution. this would also allow for different damage per body part, which would enhance gameplay IMO by making extremities less vital. as it stands now, i can shoot you in the "foot" (read: in the body box but aiming at your model's foot) and it will do the same damage as if i hit your model in the heart. this would in fact mean fewer kills for lesser skilled aimers, because a shot to the arm wouldn't get the job done - yet skilled aimers would be rewarded by hitting the chest or head.

anyway, just because we have different opinions certainly doesn't mean i'm "silly". i don't think your opinion is silly, in fact i value it and welcome the debate.
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Post by ReyalP »

The suggestion that CSish hitboxes might be good is not silly. Your blanket statement that they are always better no matter how it changes the game is silly.

By your argument smaller hitboxes encourage skill, and skill improves the game, so surely the ultimate would be a 1 pixel hitbox. :roll:

Reducing the hittable area by about 50% would have a big impact on gameplay, and not just on the required aiming skill. You would get less kills per ammo, spread would be a bigger factor, warping and imprefections in antilag would be bigger factors. You could no longer aim at head level and expect to get body shots for those that miss the head, and so on. Would it make the game better or worse ? I don't know, but I do know it is foolish to claim to know the answer without testing it.
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Post by ouroboro »

SCDS_reyalP wrote:By your argument smaller hitboxes encourage skill, and skill improves the game, so surely the ultimate would be a 1 pixel hitbox. :roll:
now you're the one being silly, unless the player models are 1 pixel as well...

the hitbox would essentially become an invisible "hit suit", which in my mind is better.

you didn't address any of my finer points - such as bodypart-based damage.
SCDS_reyalP wrote:You could no longer aim at head level and expect to get body shots for those that miss the head, and so on.
nor should you "expect" to get any hits at all unless you were aiming at the player model. playing in such a way that you don't really have to worry about missing the head because, hey at least i'll hit the invisible corner of a bounding box which is hanging out in midair above the model's shoulder is IMO lame. missing should equal a miss, naturally (we're shooting historic weapons with bullets, not globules of energy from a plasma-gun). however if you miss the head by aiming a little low you will still hit the chest/back box, which would of course be given a high damage number.

just because people are used to dealing with the sub-par hit detection of rtcw/et doesn't mean it was ever any good. in fact the fixes made by the etpro team confirm that it did in fact suck. in any shooter game, nobody would prefer leading/trailing to aiming directly, it's just that in games that have shitty hit detection but are otherwise the cats pajamas, we make adjustments and cope.

fixing things that are in fact broken, however, can only be for the good of any game. will new adjustments need to be made? of course, but that's just growing pains - it's natural.

at the risk of mentioning CS again, and i don't mean to compare the two games in any way other than the fact that CS is an old and highly evolved game - in CS there were many, many, MANY changes made between beta and 1.6, and with every change the whining could be heard like a dull roar all accross the land, but nobody stopped playing CS - in fact it continued to grow - because for those that enjoy it, CS was just a great game and they had to play it. and now with CS:Source on the HL2 engine, the comparisons to 1.6 and why CS:S sucks ass are being shouted from the rooftops, yet source is already nearly surpassing Condition Zero, and i dare say it will pass 1.6 given time and bug fixes.
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Post by ReyalP »

You completely ignore the fact that what you propose would dramatically change the dynamics of combat. Adding locational damage is an even bigger change, not a "finer point".

Yet you are somehow certain, without even playing it, that this would be "better". That isn't a rational conclusion.
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Post by Spark2 »

Well ouroboro, it doesn't make sense to argue with you because you are seeing the issue from a completely different perspective. I once thought like you but years of playing Urban Terror have thoroughly disillusioned me. :) Gameplay always _has_ to come first. And like I said, future games will certainly use more accurate hit detection models like Doom3, but it has to be considered while designing the gameplay and just plugging it into a current game can have very bad results.
I don't think that it would have as bad results as in Urban Terror though, because aligned hitboxes are still better than per-poly hit detection and the models in ET are fatter anyway. Maybe if the hitboxes are big enough and don't leave too many holes in the shape of the hit area I might even be able to like or tolerate it. Let's see... But not if it makes the game slower in any possible way.
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Post by ouroboro »

what you guys are essentially saying is that the fun of ET is being able to spray a huge invisible box and get kills. so why are headshots the holy grail in this game? why does everyone try to aim precisely at the head? because it's the money shot! it gets the job done! so we are already spending a lot of time perfecting our shooting skill to be able to get quick, precise kills.

how would making the limbs and torso equally precise be a game-destroying change?

in your world, company xyz makes a first person shooter game - they make it so that shots landed on the models are registered as hits, and shots that miss are scored as misses (hey, go figure! how did they ever come up with that concept?!). they are able to do this because the technology exists, so they make use of it. everybody loves the game, but it's too damned hard. people start asking company xyz to wrap an invisible bubble around the players, wherein any shot that penetrates this invisible bubble is registered as a hit - making the gameplay much faster, since any newbie can jump on a server and own ass.

this is the perfect scenario?

just because the ET comparison is taking place in the reverse order (bulky box exists, possible opportunity to tighten it closer to the model arises), doesn't make any difference - when playing a first person shooter, hits/misses should be according to the model you see before you.

dunno how to make it more clear, but try this:

car racing game - cars have invisible collision detection boxes around them. which is better: cars are able to make exciting, white knuckled, door-scraping near miss passes, or make the box bigger so you can't even get near other cars without taking damage?

bad analogy i know, this is a shooter game. the point is, games are about seeing and hearing and reacting to what you see and hear. it always makes more sense if what you see actually represents what is there. as the bodybox is now in ET, this is not the case. in fact, rather than call it a hitbox, a better name would be "personal force field", except that instead of protecting you, the force field represents a range around your person within which enemies can harm you without actually striking you.

one final note, and i mean this in all seriousness - if realism is to be avoided, and gameplay (as it currently exists) is everything, why not remove player models in favor of showing hitboxes only? this way we can hit what we're shooting at rather than playing a rediculous game of momorizing where we should actually shoot in order to hit what we see before us. remember, realism is irrelevant; no need to see the faces, uniforms, weapons... since were are in effect (and in reality) all just a stack of blocks, why not see that stack of blocks? gameplay, as you define it, would in fact IMPROVE, because battles would end even quicker than they do now.
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Post by Rain »

KingJackaL wrote:OK, so it's not Doom3 per-poly hit detection, but that'd be REAL nice :).

/me whips zinx :wink:
Actually, zinx told me that per-poly hit detection wouldn't be much harder to do, but it'd be kind of moot since the animations won't always be a 100% match on the server and client.
ouroboro wrote:what you guys are essentially saying is that the fun of ET is being able to spray a huge invisible box and get kills.
As far as I can tell, what (most?) everyone is saying is that there's the potential for a huge gameplay impact here (which you seem to acknowledge), and that the rest of the game is built around the old, broken-in-many-cases hit detection (which you don't seem to acknowledge.) While I agree that more accurate hit detection is a Good Thing, it could radically change the (un)balance in the game, which is not a good thing unless the balance is adjusted. Since most competitive players are diametrically opposed to any change of the sort, that's unlikely to happen in etpro—and such a high level of accuracy in hit detection may be undesirable.

At the moment, the cylinders used for hit detection are a bit larger than the model to help compensate for the radical difference in detection methods. It's possible that they'll be enlarged a bit more with more testing (to increase the effective hit area), but at this point, I don't know.
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Screens of new hitboxes

Post by neo »

Are somewhere screens of new hitboxes?
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Post by Herf »

Can someone give me a sense of where I should be aiming exactly now?

In the past the answer in battle was at middle of the helmet, as half the head hitbox was floating in air usually. Shooting at the face was bad.

Now, do I aim at the nose? where is the center of these hitboxes? Is it stable, or does it move around like in previous et hitboxes.

Would really like to see pictures.

I like the change, even not knowing exactly where the headboxes are, my hs have improved a bit. So they must be corresponding better to reality. But I think if I could see the pictures, i could more fully adjust my aim.
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Post by ouroboro »

see what i mean? we should never have this problem in a shooter. what you see should be what you get.

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Post by KingJackaL »

ouroboro wrote:see what i mean? we should never have this problem in a shooter. what you see should be what you get.

Play SP only. Anything less than per-poly hit detection ( ATM, I think that's only DOOM3 ) won't do.

Soooo... hf with your DOOM3 SP and nothing else :P
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Post by ReyalP »

Herf wrote:Can someone give me a sense of where I should be aiming exactly now?
The new head box should completely enclose the head model, so the middle of the face should be your target. If you have changed cg_crosshairY, set it back to 0.

Note I say "should", because there may still be other oddities in other parts of the hit detection, but I don't know of any suitable tools to test this. It seems very good if they players are holding still, but that doesn't mean it stays that way when people move around.

I agree 100% with rain. Starting from scratch, per-polyish hit detection would be a Good Thing, but the current game is balanced around the old method, and the rest of the prediction/network/hit detection code may not be accurate enough for that to make any sense. I suspect that latter is one reason Urban Terrors hit detection feels so flakey at times. Having an accurate hit model doesn't mean shit, unless every step in the process is accurate.
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Post by ouroboro »

so you essentially agree with me, but your confidence in the rest of the ET code leads you to believe that it wouldn't be able to handle proper hit detection (which would of course always be defined as exact model detection)?

if so, i concede the debate to you and walk away singing "you can't always get what you want"...

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Post by Sif=RoK= »

having a much more accurate, per poly or close to it hit detection sounds pretty awesome to me, however as has been pointed out a few things need to be re-balanced.

imo you would want to have a slightly bigger than 'real' hit detection, so even if the model lags slightly behind due to rounding errors etc, you can still hit it.

i also think if you reduce the hitable area by 50% or so, maybe increase accuracy / firerate / a combination of both by 50% or so, to compensate, therefore the same 'quality' of aim in the new version and the old version would equate to the same overall accuracy.

i also dont mind the idea of scaled damage per body part, i'm not a fan of realism, but i'm a fan of accuracy, and the more bonuses you get for being able to aim well the better imo.

will this, or something similer be implemented for explosions as well?, since the explosion code is pretty dodgy already..
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Post by Spark2 »

Sif=RoK= wrote:i also dont mind the idea of scaled damage per body part, i'm not a fan of realism, but i'm a fan of accuracy, and the more bonuses you get for being able to aim well the better imo.
Urban Terror has a ridiculous amount of damage zones. At first they had zones like "waste" and "groin" which did a lot more damage and zones like "spine", "heart" and "neck" which were lethal if not protected. It soon turned out that those zones made the outcome of a firefight a lot more random, because thanks to spread, latencies and human error, it was simply impossible to really control where your bullets would hit. Not to mention that you really can't aim for a "liver" from 200 feet away. :) So they reverted this to just a few hitzones, but firefights still feel a lot more random than in ET, which sucks IMO.

The general problem with "the more bonuses you get for being able to aim well the better" is, that it moves the balance of speed vs. accuracy towards the accuracy and away from the speed. The best aimers combine a very accurate aiming with a very FAST aiming, however if you need to be incredibly accurate to win, then the speed has to suffer. Mainly because of the head hitbox, ET is already a low sens favoring game (it made me a low sens player), but it's not as bad as Urban Terror or Counter-Strike and I'd hate to see this changed. :/

You also have to consider, if you have zones which do less damage, then you need zones which do more damage to balance this out and this could result in some rather nasty balancing issues.

That said, the more I think about it, the more I'm getting convinced that aligned hitboxes might work for me, as long as they are large enough so that the sum of the hitboxes is about the same size as the current hitbox. It would still change the dynamics of the game (away from the "always aim at head area" rule) which wouldn't be a big deal for me but probably for others.
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