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Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:55 pm
by Grizbo
Fella wrote:Yeah, trickjumping is fine and dandy to an exent but when it's taken to the limit of obviously taking advantage of some poor game development and especially when it obviously makes no sense at all, then yeah, it's really dumb.
Poor development? I agree the rounding error that made it FPS dependent was poor, but with the fixed physics, that error element is removed, same for everyone. No error there anymore :)
Fella wrote:I think a lot of these jumps are nothing more than taking advantage of glitchy parts of the maps. The same type of glitches that will let you time warp, die if you sink into a wall, somehow end up underground and can shoot people from under the sand, etc..

I mean, I highly doubt the game developers (use Oasis for an example) said: "hey, lets make a nice map called Oasis and make it so that you have to blow a wall down or go through a tunnel to get into the back to blow the guns. But, let's also make it impossible to climb a ten foot wall to get over the top but yet make it so that someone can jump over it from another building"
Uhhh, no. Quake 3 was released (if I remember correctly) in 2000. Thats where the engine for ET and a whole bunch of other games stems from. Sure they've been tweaked, modified, enhanced, etc but essentially, they're Quake 3 engine games. And you're telling me that the game developers had NO IDEA that this trick jumping thing existed, after 4 years, and various teams making games based on this engine?

Just after Oasis was finished, everyone realised "Ohh shit!!! What is this trick jump thing, I never knew that existed at all!!!!!! That's ruined our map that has..."

Not everyone is a fan of Splash Damages work, but give the guys some credit for heavens sake. I can't believe they didn't design their maps with at least an awareness that trick jumping is possible, even if they didn't intentionally create areas of the maps to be jumpable (and I don't believe wall jump is an accident, for one). Trick jumping has been around for so long, its a part of the game and I strongly believe developers have that in mind when they design these games. As someone pointed out, some games do have it removed from the code, so if its left in, its got to be on purpose, with it being so widely known about. And if its left in deliberately, it can hardly be called cheating or exploiting or a bug. Its like using the mg on Goldrush to kill Axis near the bank and being accused of cheating...(actually, I've had people shout that in game at me... :roll: ).

Its a skill. Scripts can only give you a series of commands, its never going to be flexible as a player will be. Ok, some cheap lame players are going to get a boost from using them, but they're cheating themselves of a skill that isn't actually that hard to learn, and will make them a better player.

The argument that jumping a wall isn't realistic, is frankly nonsense. Its a game. Respawning isn't realistic either, people aren't complaining about that being in there. ET isn't a game thats as heavily into realism as others in the genre, such as Call Of Duty. But, if you know what's possible, you know what to look out for when defending. Stacking against the oasis wall as far as I'm concerned should be allowed, I'm not sure what leagues don't allow that unless its under a general "no stacking beyond 2 people" rule. Planting round the back of the Oasis guns by stacking is blatently unfair, but any team that allows a team of Allies to build a human pyramid and hop over wall without noticing anything amiss is gonna lose anyway.

But the point is, if trickjumping is there intentionally, its use can't really be called an exploit. If someone can prove its a horrific accident that nobody intended, predicted or realised existed, bring it on. Till then, quit the complaining about something thats been a part of the engine for donkey's years and is intentional.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:18 pm
by AdminNOOB
"The argument that jumping a wall isn't realistic, is frankly nonsense. Its a game. Respawning isn't realistic either, people aren't complaining about that being in there"

The unrealistic part is that the jump is allowed while not being allowed to climb over the darn thing...that's what's unrealistic. I mean, what grown man can't climb a brick wall, let alone one that is maybe 10 feet high, let alone a soldier that can jump 15 feet over it...that's what's unrealistic. Unrealistic in the "expectation" that these inconsistencies are there.
Why shouldn't you be allowed to stack three dudes to plant dyno ? How is that unfair ? If you can pull it off planting it then the opposition should be able to pull it off to defuse especially since the respawn 1/2 the distance from the gun compared to the allies and yes, they deserve to lose if they allow that to happen but I don't see why three man grouping is illegal. It's not beyond human comprehension for one man to have two on top of his shoulders and as long as jumping beyond olympic world record holders is allowed, so should stacking. Also, I really don't think some of the capable jumps in this game were originally intended. I mean, it took some people weeks and weeks of just jumping around 1000 different ways to find out what you can get away w/ and there is no way you can tell me it makes sense that you can die......say, jumping off the bridge in gold rush but yet jump from fuel depot tower onto some barbed wire and not even lose any hp...that makes no sense at all.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:38 pm
by AdminNOOB
"of course, if it was really an exploit, you should have sent it to one of the etpro team as soon as you became aware of it, and (again assuming it was real) it would probably be fixed by now..."

Well, I never really cared about it in the beginning as I played on the same servers all the time but now that we're in TWL it's annoying.

I have your email and will have to send it to you when I get home from work. Oh yeah, be sure to give your entire clan this script and enjoy it :(

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:13 pm
by squadjot
AdminNOOB wrote:"As far a 'speedjump scripts' and 'rapidfire scripts'
'speedjump scripts' = a joke
'rapidfire scripts' = maybe..but not in etpro afaik

wtf about bots?..and bots getting accuracy 30..yeah thats maybe true..but i also seen obviously bots get above 60 ..but thats anohter discussion i think :P

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:40 pm
by Kendle
As regards the Oasis wall-jump, that was discussed a long time ago on SplashDamage forum and one of the SD game devs confirmed that being able to jump it was intentional.

They not only knew it could be done because of the nature of the Q3 engine (SD were Q3 modders long before they made ET), but they put the little building outcrop next to the ammo rack room precisely so the jump could be made.

I'd spend the next 30 mins or so trawling the SD forum looking for the post if I thought Fella and AdminNOOB even remotely believed the Oasis wall-jump wasn't intentional.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 1:27 am
by >>steven!
what oasis walljump


Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:16 am
by MeeZ?
AdminNOOB wrote:333 FPS ???????????????????

I'm lucky to get 45 on Temple :( Network problems or not, getting over the bridge on temple can be a pain sometimes and it would be nice to be able to jump over it to get the flag and bash some people. How in the world do you get 333 FPS anyway ? Wow!
Well I dont really play public orintated maps much. But since when has it been possible to jump the canyon. Thats gotta be some pretty nice bunnyhopping. Someone show me how to do it and ill give it a go with my 43 fps i get on that map.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 2:40 am
by SickBoy
MeeZ? wrote:
AdminNOOB wrote:333 FPS ???????????????????

I'm lucky to get 45 on Temple :( Network problems or not, getting over the bridge on temple can be a pain sometimes and it would be nice to be able to jump over it to get the flag and bash some people. How in the world do you get 333 FPS anyway ? Wow!
Well I dont really play public orintated maps much. But since when has it been possible to jump the canyon. Thats gotta be some pretty nice bunnyhopping. Someone show me how to do it and ill give it a go with my 43 fps i get on that map. ... jump.dm_83

I don't get 333fps either but you can simulate with pmove_msec 3.

This jump is ridiculously easy, but at 43 it's impossible. It may be possible at 125fps if you build up speed with some more hops, I haven't tried.

But as I already said you can't really play with 333fps so it's all academic.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 3:13 am
by Kamel
trick jumping is an art, trick jumping takes practice, and lots of it. most of all, trick jumping is a skill. sure it's "unrealistic", but that doesn't mean it's not a fun element of the game. you should try it sometime... it's not just something you can pull out of your ass, which is why i like it so much.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 5:37 am
by Grizbo
AdminNOOB wrote:The unrealistic part is that the jump is allowed while not being allowed to climb over the darn thing...that's what's unrealistic. I mean, what grown man can't climb a brick wall, let alone one that is maybe 10 feet high, let alone a soldier that can jump 15 feet over it...that's what's unrealistic. Unrealistic in the "expectation" that these inconsistencies are there.
But you can only climb up and down ladders, not whole walls. There's no logic to climbing the wall just because in real life you think you could. As someone said, in real life you can throw rocks at people, doesn't mean it should suddenly be in the game. What you can do in real life isn't what goes into the game always...
AdminNOOB wrote:there is no way you can tell me it makes sense that you can die......say, jumping off the bridge in gold rush but yet jump from fuel depot tower onto some barbed wire and not even lose any hp...that makes no sense at all.
Thats all down to unbroken falling distances and speeds and stuff, and whether the terrain you land on is damaging. It doesn't always follow real world logic, but thats what happens when you're not playing in the real world...

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:56 pm
by AdminNOOB
Sorry I didn't send the file to you last night; got caught up on the Halloween marathon; it's on it's way now.

Re: realism in a non realistic game....

Being able to stack/climb over some walls if you can jump like a superhero isn't asking all that much, it really isn't. After all, every mod is making attempts to make things more balanced and consistent and this would make many happy.

Speaking of more realism w/in a game that's pretty much the same as this; anyone know when Price Of Peace is coming out ? Isn't it supposed to basically be an ET that makes a bit more sense ? I'm getting anxious for this game!

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2004 3:03 pm
by ReyalP
AdminNOOB wrote:Sorry I didn't send the file to you last night; got caught up on the Halloween marathon; it's on it's way now.

Strangely he never did.

Are we surprised ? :roll:

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 4:43 am
by Heimdal
Trickjumping isnt something you can do with a script. Maybe some really simple jumps. But real strafejumping needs skill, Im sure I can get around much faster than anyone using that "speedjump" script. Strafejumping is the skill of getting around on the map, really knowing the map, where you can jump, where you can not. Why is jumping far more unrealistic than running at 45 mph and taking 3 shots in the head before falling? Or being almost hit by a nade and then take some med packs (god knows whats in them) then be fine again? Or being "revived" by a syringe of morphine? (Which has a working time of at least 15 minutes anyways :P). Your point of realism here I really dont see. If you want realism then go play CoD or something.. And, climbing walls would be too easy.. Trickjumping at least requires some skill. Same with stacking. Making a stack isnt teamwork, it's uber easy and allows you to do things you cannot do with trickjumping, like planting on the back side of the guns in oasis.

In conclusion, banning trickjumping from the game is a ridicoulous claim from those who doesnt bother to learn it themselves and therefore feel no one should do it. Same with banning scripting/cfgs. Anyone can get them. And there is a difference from scripting and botting, scripting gives you something you can probably do better manually while an aimbot gives you something that is impossible to do for humans.

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 10:51 am
by dA*Rogue
SCDS_reyalP wrote:
AdminNOOB wrote:Sorry I didn't send the file to you last night; got caught up on the Halloween marathon; it's on it's way now.

Strangely he never did.

Are we surprised ? :roll:
I'm shocked!!!111oneoneonehundrenandeleven


Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 12:11 pm
by Jinks
LOL Did you honestly expect to come on the forum for a mod of the q3 engine - suggest removing strafe jumping and get a positive response? No really think about it, did you expect ANYONE to go "oh hell yeah that's a great idea" Just curious please let us know.