Feature request: per-mapSCRIPT client autoexecs

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Feature request: per-mapSCRIPT client autoexecs

Post by KingJackaL »

It came up on coversation on the SD forums, so I thought it'd be worth at least dismissing.

Basically, the client-side autoexec files are good (a godsend compared to the old way where you had to toggle through maps/teams/etc), but they have some deficiencies. No doubt per-weapon scripts have already been mooted, but a less obvious one is per-mapSCRIPT.

It's only really likely to be an issue when making spawn scripts etc - where it's common for map scripts to add/'move' a spawn - changing the order and numbering of the spawn points, and hence requiring a new mapscript. Except you can only have one script installed for each map.

My suggestion to kick things off: leave the current naming conventions intact, but if a file '/etpro/autoexec_MAPNAME.MD5.cfg' is available (where 'MAPNAME' is the .bsp name, and 'MD5' is a hash for the mapscript), exec that as the per-map file.

Not sure if it'd be more hassle than it's worth (mapscripts are _normally_ put in pk3's by server admins which get downloaded - but I am aware that you can just leave an edited mapscript on the server, and I'm not sure if clients get that script... guess they must... so they can compute a hash), but any thoughts/rage? :)
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Post by ReyalP »

The clients don't current need or get the mapscript, but that doesn't mean that the server couldn't let them know a hash of the current mapscript.

Some way of dealing with this would be nice, but I'm not sure autoexec.hash.cfg is the way to do it. It strikes me as ugly, in that quite a lot of the mapscript fixes/changes don't require a new script. For example, my current fueldump script works fine on vanilla, etpro, and moris' fueldump. It would suck if it suddenly didn't load until I made a new copy for each one. I suppose it could check for mapname.hash first, and then just use mapname if there wasn't a match...
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Post by mortis »

a script hash check would be a good idea anyway; clients playing in matches could verify the proper game league configs, aka verify the TWL hash or whatnot. Client sniffs server mapscript and league configs to verify, if needed. Just a thought.
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