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Finding ourself (Official request by

Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 11:19 pm
by chosen_
As you may already checked, some things going on in the european et scene.

Next to running a LAN with (again) some thousand euro of prize money during the next months, talking about 5on5 and coming close to the next ClanBase EuroCup, next to bringing ET and ETPro back into German television, the ESL starts its International Premiership with the first stage in the next week.
Somehow, we have built up the second ET competition running with 1500€ prize money next to the EuroCup as a stable and season based event.

On the way to find our very own ET, different people and admins talking about reducing knockback.
On our way to improving the game, we are thinking about features you guys already made in the past ET Pro versions and which we'd like to have a chance to think about in our upcoming cups. By having less knockback, the game already changed, in order to find some more cvars to play with and to finally find a serious way to test them, we'd like to have the following cvars to play with in upcoming configs:

Cvars & Feature Requests
b_screenShakes - sets client-side screen shaking on damage impact (0.0 equals no shaking while 1.0 equals to full shaking)
b_weaponShakes - toggles client-side weapon shaking on fire
b_recoil - toggles recoil on pistols
b_sprintRechargeTime - sets the sprint recharge time
b_spread - toggles spread on all hit-scan weapons and perform the
following damage balances: Sten damage increases from 14 to 18. FG42
damage decreases from 15 to 12. Rifles are affected by damage falloff.
MG42/Tank MG damage decreases from 18 to 16 and is affected by damage falloff.
b_damageMarkers - toggles client-side damage markers based on where the player is being hit.

As you may already see, some person, rumors call him madscientist, made those proposes already, since again some more people seemed to be fine with it, we are going to think about including this into our upcoming configs.
Those changes will take time for sure, so its not a request from now to then, but somehow, it would be great if you can include some of these features after the next official release.

Next to new things, there are some things we are too lazy to use, maybe because some of the people out there whining that they would need a the simple items, since we want to allow them in our config, I just remember the reason of the cb removing them. - According to the whiners out there, it would be great to see you fixing the bugs on b_simpleitems with smoke and other stuff.

"Lag Lag Lag" - Mh, may it stopped - I dont know how it would be having b_antilag disabled, informations around say its useless, since the etpro netcode is somehow ever used - Great - but the anti lag is a big big problem. Having people with higher and unstable ping in an advantage is not realy great for online competitions.

Featues and Bugs
b_simpleitems - seeing items through smoke (more important one)
b_antilag - The "LAG".
Edit: b_antilag
Find a solution to have ...
- the hitboxes of a player with a higher ping atleast more on the guy with the higher ping
- an advantage in an infight with having a stable ping under 100 (STABLE is important)

In addition, is there any date of the next official ETPro release?

Somehow, our time is running close to the main events, in order to this we will have to use one ETPro version during the whole cup (8 weeks).
- 3 weeks left for us to find the right version to play with (already thought about etmain oO).

Re: Finding ourself (Official request by

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:48 am
by ReyalP
chosen_ wrote: Lag Lag Lag - Mh, may it stopped - I dont know how it would be having b_antilag disabled, informations around say its useless, since the etpro netcode is somehow ever used - Great - but the anti lag is a big big problem. Having people with higher and unstable ping in an advantage is not realy great for online competitions.
If you think there is a bug, you are going to have to be more specific than that.

Re: Finding ourself (Official request by

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 1:02 am
by Deus
chosen_ wrote:Having people with higher and unstable ping in an advantage is not realy great for online competitions.
If your car is too slow you tune it up. If there is nothing more to improve you need a new one. Get the point?

Re: Finding ourself (Official request by

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 1:09 am
by chosen_
Deus wrote:If your car is too slow you tune it up. If there is nothing more to improve you need a new one. Get the point?
If you are unable to improve things, you should try to find something new on your own, I made some requests, spam in another thread, please.
ReyalP wrote:If you think there is a bug, you are going to have to be more specific than that.
I called it featues and bugs, antilag as feature, but it should be possible to fine some better stuff (maybe)

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:11 am
by madscientist
The current implementation of antilag is fine by me. Maybe it's some confusion about antiwarp which can cause lower pingers to have increased pings when they endure packetloss. This in turn can give the wrong impression that ETPro "antilag" disadvantages lower pingers with respect to higher pingers. Then again, it has nothing to do with the real antilag but has more to do with your connection.

About the CVARs request, I've advocated these for a while and it seems all right that they deserve proper implementation since many leagues/tourneys are genuinely interested (ESL, Australian State of Origin, etc...). ETPro did implement cvars such as b_wolfRof and b_damageFalloff in the past for testing and there should be no reason to exclude the proposed ones.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 7:57 am
by ouroboro
madscientist wrote:ETPro did implement cvars such as b_wolfRof and b_damageFalloff in the past for testing and there should be no reason to exclude the proposed ones.
The risk of community fragmentation is one reason. Luckily that didn't happen with the "wolf" stuff (all dumb ideas for etpro anyway, IMO). W:ET is already quite fragmented along the etpro/etpub lines, having a large piece of etpro break off would be bad.

My gut tells me that options are always good, unfortunately they can have a negative impact and thus should not be introduced without a great deal of thought, IMO.

You could always publish your lua mods to those interested parties in the meantime . . .

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 8:09 am
by Lagger
"Lag Lag Lag" - Mh, may it stopped - I dont know how it would be having b_antilag disabled, informations around say its useless, since the etpro netcode is somehow ever used - Great - but the anti lag is a big big problem. Having people with higher and unstable ping in an advantage is not realy great for online competitions.
Did you read that to yourself before posting it? It's total nonsense.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:13 am
by ogrec
If this cvars would make the game worse than they won't be used like no dmg falloff isn't. As simple as that. Also, not all that cvars have to be used together, you can just disable screenshakes, os just disable spread, or just knockback. Some cvars would be used, some wouldn't, depending on how good/bad they turn out to be. We need them so we could test them first, then decide should they be implemented.

About community fragmentation, only b_sprintRechargeTime and b_spread could cause it, other 3 cvars are client side, if you want to keep them as they are just do it.
Actually pistol recoil isn't but it's broken (depending on fps) and i'd like to se pistols a bit more powerfull on long distnace...

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:20 am
by madscientist
ouroboro wrote:...all dumb ideas for etpro anyway, IMO...
How exactly do you quantify an idea as being dumb?

The requested cvars have been long thought of, and implemented in a proof-of-concept server for testing with an overall positive response. Leagues and tourneys are interested in their implementations, at least for testing and that's precisely what this thread is about [An official request towards the ETPro team].

Re: Finding ourself (Official request by

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 10:05 am
by Father
chosen_ wrote: Cvars & Feature Requests
b_screenShakes - sets client-side screen shaking on damage impact (0.0 equals no shaking while 1.0 equals to full shaking)
b_weaponShakes - toggles client-side weapon shaking on fire
b_recoil - toggles recoil on pistols
You forgot b_aimbot :roll:

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:23 am
by Ragnar_40k
Imho madscientist suggestion don't go far enough.

At first I would remove all player models. They only distract and cost FPS. Additonally hitboxes and model animation correlate badly. So I suggest to display the hitboxes instead of the player models. Red boxes for axis. Blue boxes for Allies.

Secondly I would remove all brushes which don't add any clipping to a map. They only waste performance and can't foold real pros. Additionally textures make the game look different on all graphic cards - this is not fair! So drop all this map geometry shit and display only the clipping brushes in nice shades of gray. The best solution would be not to use map data but to simplify everyting (to a cube?).

Thirdly: the classes and weapons. We all know that medic is the only class for a pro. So drop soldier, field, covert and engi - nobody needs it, nobody wants to play it. To make this work all engis related stuff should be removed. And weapons must have unlimited ammo, since there are no fields (reloading sucks btw. it should be removed too). And escorting vehicles is boring - drop it! Additionally its unfair that some medics have adrenaline and some have not - so my proposal is that all players are always on adrenaline to make things even. Waiting for spawn sucks too, so you should spawn instantly when dead. This would also make medpacks and syringes useless - drop it! Oh, and nobody needs nades. It would also be nice when you can see the bullet tracers all the time.

Fourthly: game physics. This one is simple: remove all this random shit and we will make ET a real pro game!

Finally: after all these changes take effect we can remove the 3rd dimension and useless gimmicks like the hud/radar since it doesn't add anything to the game anymore. This would also lead to rather high fps values and unbeaten fast netcode.

PS: I already made a concept drawing how it coud look like:
As you can see a lot of action is going on. A 5vs.5 match. The player (marked by a black border) is under heavy attack by 3 Allied players (as you can clearly see by the bullet tracers).
PPS: All scores should be removed - pros can only win!
PPPS: I suggest to call it ET2 since this is alot more than a simple mod.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 11:34 am
by ogrec
Ragnar_40k wrote:...
Are you from EU clan?

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:16 pm
by ouroboro
ogrec wrote:We need them so we could test them first, then decide should they be implemented.
The object of etpro is to fix bugs (duh), add clearly beneficial improvements (e.g. b_realhead), options for tweaking balance (class/weapon/spam customization) and make necessary gameplay changes (e.g. the 10-shot Garand). Your proposals are not necessary in order to make W:ET playable competitively. They are drastic, game-altering changes best suited to a lua mod. That's why lua was introduced and is continually improved to allow admins greater flexibility than what is available in etpro-proper.
madscientist wrote:
ouroboro wrote:...all dumb ideas for etpro anyway, IMO...
How exactly do you quantify an idea as being dumb?
I didn't say they were dumb. I said they were dumb for etpro. See above.

I think your ideas are interesting. I see you've accomplished them. Congratulations and good luck! And remember:
ouroboro wrote:You could always publish your lua mods to those interested parties . . .
Ragnar_40k wrote::lol:
Some of those (the first and second proposals especially) would actually be great for a new game, not for W:ET. I know you understand this and were being sarcastic. Sadly, some people cannot seem to get their head around this concept.

Now someone go make that game, I want to play it! :D

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:44 pm
by madscientist
ouroboro wrote:The object of etpro is to fix bugs (duh), add clearly beneficial improvements (e.g. b_realhead), options for tweaking balance (class/weapon/spam customization) and make necessary gameplay changes (e.g. the 10-shot Garand). Your proposals are not necessary in order to make W:ET playable competitively. They are drastic...
If that was the case, how do you explain that cvars such as b_wolfRof and b_distanceFalloff exist? Both cvars change the game drastically and they did not fix any bugs. Also, I can't recall reading any notice about ETPro only fixing bugs.

Posted: Fri Sep 08, 2006 12:49 pm
by ogrec
ouroboro wrote:The object of etpro is to fix bugs (duh), add clearly beneficial improvements (e.g. b_realhead), options for tweaking balance (class/weapon/spam customization) and make necessary gameplay changes (e.g. the 10-shot Garand). Your proposals are not necessary in order to make W:ET playable competitively. They are drastic, game-altering changes best suited to a lua mod. That's why lua was introduced and is continually improved to allow admins greater flexibility than what is available in etpro-proper.
(`ender`) etpro is tbh competitive mode for et
(`ender`) not bugfixer mod
There is a huge difference between bug fixing and making game more competitive.