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Can't change spawn point in etpro

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:35 am
by harkov

I have a problem with changing spawn points in etpro. Nothing happens when i select one on the map nor when i use the /setspawnpt command. I seem to be stuck at the default spawn. So my spawn changes when the default spawn moves, but i can't select command posts or go back to the previous default spawn. In etmain or any mod besides etpro changing spawn works just fine. I've tried reinstalling ET and deleted the etpro directory. No effect though. Does anyone have a solution for this?


Re: Can't change spawn point in etpro

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 12:44 am
by ReyalP
harkov wrote:Hi,

I have a problem with changing spawn points in etpro. Nothing happens when i select one on the map nor when i use the /setspawnpt command. I seem to be stuck at the default spawn. So my spawn changes when the default spawn moves, but i can't select command posts or go back to the previous default spawn. In etmain or any mod besides etpro changing spawn works just fine. I've tried reinstalling ET and deleted the etpro directory. No effect though. Does anyone have a solution for this?

Spawnpoint selection in etpro is pretty much the same as other mods. A few mapscripts may change the numbers around for a particular location.

If you can give a more detailed example, including what map, and spawnpoint numbers you tried to use, that might help. You should also make sure that the problem isn't specific to one particular server.

Posted: Wed May 02, 2007 1:08 am
by harkov
I'm sure it's just on etpro servers. Anyway lets take oasis as an example. When playing axis the first spawn is the old city. While the old city flag is held by axis i can't change spawn to the main axis base. Not by selecting it on the map or /setspawnpt 4 (iirc). Or as allies after the old city has been taken i cant use /setspawnpt 1 to spawn at the ammo and health cabinets. It just makes me spawn at the old city flag.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:09 pm
by Rain
Ensure you don't have a variable named setspawnpt, or try binding/scripting "cmd setspawnpt" instead. My spawn scripts have been working for a long time, so it would appear to be something specific to your configuration...