Does this work?

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Does this work?

Post by D.Devil »

Hi, I'm LigaAdmin, so I made my own config.
Here it is:

Code: Select all

configname "^9just^7-^0LGZ^7|^86^0on^86"
setl b_spectatorNames 1
setl b_stickycharge 2
setl b_antiwarp 1
setl b_damagexp 1
setl b_intreadypercent 75
setl b_headshot 0
setl b_anticheat 1
setl b_cheatlog "cheat.log"
setl b_defaultskills ""
setl b_levels_battlesense ""
setl b_levels_covertops ""
setl b_levels_engineer ""
setl b_levels_fieldops ""
setl b_levels_medic ""
setl b_levels_soldier "140"
setl b_panzerlevelup 1
setl b_noskillupgrades 0
setl b_shove 0
setl b_shove_noz 0
setl b_xpstopwatch 0
setl b_match_warmupjoin 1
setl b_riflegrenades 1
setl b_multiview 1
setl b_statsaver 1
setl b_matchmode 3
setl b_intermissiontime 20

setl sv_maxrate 25000
setl sv_minrate 7000
setl sv_timeout 240
setl sv_screenshake 5
setl sv_pure 1
setl sv_zombietime 1
setl sv_cheats 0
setl g_landminetimeout 0
setl g_medicChargeTime 45000
setl g_LTChargeTime 40000
setl g_covertopsChargeTime 30000
setl g_engineerChargeTime 30000
setl g_soldierChargeTime 20000
setl g_knockback 1000
setl g_gravity 800
setl g_speed 320
setl g_inactivity 240
setl g_warmup 20
setl g_heavyweaponrestriction 12
setl g_gametype 3
setl g_allowvote 1
setl g_dowarmup 1
setl g_friendlyFire 1
setl g_landminetimeout 1
setl g_smoothClients 1
setl g_altStopwatchMode 0
setl g_fastres 0
setl g_forcerespawn 0
setl g_maxlives 0
setl g_syncronousclients 0

setl match_timeoutlength 180
setl match_readypercent 100
setl match_minplayers 2
setl match_timeoutcount 1
setl match_warmupdamage 1
setl match_latejoin 1
setl match_warmupfire 1
setl match_mutespecs 0

setl team_maxplayers 6
setl team_maxFlamers 1
setl team_maxMg42s 1
setl team_maxMortars 1
setl team_maxPanzers 1
setl team_maxmines 7
setl team_nocontrols 0
setl team_timeoutcount 1
setl team_timeoutlength 180

setl vote_allow_comp 1
setl vote_allow_kick 1
setl vote_allow_map 1
setl vote_allow_swapteams 1
setl vote_allow_warmupdamage 1
setl vote_allow_antilag 0
setl vote_allow_balancedteams 0
setl vote_allow_friendlyfire 0
setl vote_allow_gametype 0
setl vote_allow_mutespecs 1
setl vote_allow_nextmap 0
setl vote_allow_pub 0
setl vote_allow_referee 0
setl vote_allow_shuffleteams 0
setl vote_allow_timelimit 0
setl vote_limit 0
setl vote_percent 51
setl vote_allow_config "*"

setl pmove_msec 8
setl pmove_fixed 0

command "pb_sv_enable"
command "pb_sv_cvarempty"
command "pb_sv_kicklen 0"
command "pb_sv_cvarlogging 2"
command "pb_sv_autoss 1"
command "pb_sv_ssfloor 1"
command "pb_sv_ssSrate 1"
command "pb_sv_GUIDRelax 4"
command "pb_sv_cvarwalk 4"
command "pb_sv_ssdelay 15"
command "pb_sv_cvaruserpulse 15"
command "pb_sv_cvarchangedpulse 15"
command "pb_sv_ssxpct 50"
command "pb_sv_ssypct 50"
command "pb_sv_ssheight 240"
command "pb_sv_autossfrom 300"
command "pb_sv_sswidth 320"
command "pb_sv_ssceiling 500"
command "pb_sv_autossto 1200"
command "pb_sv_cvar cl_heron IN 0"

command "sv_cvarempty"
command "sv_cvar b_antilag EQ 1"
command "sv_cvar cg_thirdperson EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar cg_shadows IN 0 1"
command "sv_cvar cg_bobup IN 0 0.005"
command "sv_cvar cg_autoAction EQ 7"
command "sv_cvar cg_errordecay EQ 100"
command "sv_cvar cg_fov IN 90 125"
command "sv_cvar cl_timenudge EQ 0"
command "sv_cvar cl_maxpackets IN 30 100"
command "sv_cvar m_pitch OUT -0.015 0.015"
command "sv_cvar m_yaw EQ 0.022"
command "sv_cvar r_wolffog EQ 1"
command "sv_cvar r_flares IN 0 1"
command "sv_cvar r_primitives IN 0 2"
command "sv_cvar r_drawfoliage EQ 1" 
command "sv_cvar rate IN 7000 25000"
command "sv_cvar snaps EQ 40"
command "sv_cvar r_nv_fogdist_mode INCLUDE NV GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV" 
map default 
setl b_mapscriptdirectory "etpromapscripts"
setl g_userTimeLimit 0
setl b_moverscale 1.0
setl g_useralliedrespawntime 0 
setl g_useraxisrespawntime 0 
command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 1"
command "sv_cvar r_drawfoliage EQ 1" 
map fueldump 
setl g_userTimeLimit 20 
setl b_moverscale 1.5
map radar 
setl g_userTimeLimit 15
setl b_moverscale 1.0
command forcecvar r_drawfoliage 0
command "sv_cvar r_drawfoliage IN 0 1" 
map battery 
setl g_userTimeLimit 15
setl b_moverscale 1.0
map goldrush 
setl g_userTimeLimit 25
setl b_moverscale 1.0
map oasis 
setl g_userTimeLimit 20
setl b_moverscale 1.0
map railgun 
setl g_userTimeLimit 20
setl b_moverscale 1.0
map caen 
set g_useralliedrespawntime 30
set g_userTimeLimit 20 
setl b_moverscale 1.5 
map supplydepot 
setl g_userTimeLimit 15 
setl b_moverscale 1.5
map tc_base 
setl g_userTimeLimit 15 
setl b_moverscale 1
map et_ice 
setl g_userTimeLimit 20 
setl b_moverscale 1
Is gras on radar turned off?
If not, whats wrong?

An I made a little extra config, coz it's ligarule, that normally is played without gras, except both teams argee to play with gras.
So thats the extra config:

Code: Select all

command "sv_cvar r_drawfoliage EQ 1" 
command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 1"
It's made to be executed on radar.
If it doesn't work, PLZ gimme a working version.


( / #just-lgz )
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Post by D.Devil »

Oh, one q more......
I've made 1on1/2on2/3on3 configs also, and in the 1on1/2on2 config, (both played with only FO on silly or multi)
So I wrote on all other classes on the levels cvar:
-1 -1 -1 -1

I wanted, that these classes get no upgrades on XP.
Was that correct?
If not, thats doesn't matter, other classes aren't allowed.....
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Post by D.Devil »


I mean, the Opening Cup with prizes worth more than 200€ and the best german clans is running now...


Y doesn't radargras offturning work?
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Post by Lagger »

Code: Select all

configname "^9just^7-^0LGZ^7|^86^0on^86"
   setl b_spectatorNames 1
   setl b_stickycharge 2
   setl b_antiwarp 1
   setl b_damagexp 1
   setl b_intreadypercent 75
   setl b_headshot 0
   setl b_anticheat 1
   setl b_cheatlog "cheat.log"
   setl b_defaultskills ""
   setl b_levels_battlesense ""
   setl b_levels_covertops ""
   setl b_levels_engineer ""
   setl b_levels_fieldops ""
   setl b_levels_medic ""
   setl b_levels_soldier "140"
   setl b_panzerlevelup 1
   setl b_noskillupgrades 0
   setl b_shove 0
   setl b_shove_noz 0
   setl b_xpstopwatch 0
   setl b_match_warmupjoin 1
   setl b_riflegrenades 1
   setl b_multiview 1
   setl b_statsaver 1
   setl b_matchmode 3
   setl b_intermissiontime 20

   setl sv_minrate 7000
   setl sv_timeout 240
   setl sv_screenshake 5
   setl sv_pure 1
   setl sv_zombietime 1
   setl sv_cheats 0
   setl g_landminetimeout 0
   setl g_medicChargeTime 45000
   setl g_LTChargeTime 40000
   setl g_covertopsChargeTime 30000
   setl g_engineerChargeTime 30000
   setl g_soldierChargeTime 20000
   setl g_knockback 1000
   setl g_gravity 800
   setl g_speed 320
   setl g_inactivity 240
   setl g_warmup 20
   setl g_heavyweaponrestriction 12
   setl g_gametype 3
   setl g_allowvote 1
   setl g_dowarmup 1
   setl g_friendlyFire 1
   setl g_landminetimeout 1
   setl g_smoothClients 1
   setl g_altStopwatchMode 0
   setl g_fastres 0
   setl g_forcerespawn 0
   setl g_maxlives 0
   setl g_syncronousclients 0

   setl match_timeoutlength 180
   setl match_readypercent 100
   setl match_minplayers 2
   setl match_timeoutcount 1
   setl match_warmupdamage 1
   setl match_latejoin 1
   setl match_warmupfire 1
   setl match_mutespecs 0

   setl team_maxplayers 6
   setl team_maxFlamers 1
   setl team_maxMg42s 1
   setl team_maxMortars 1
   setl team_maxPanzers 1
   setl team_maxmines 7
   setl team_nocontrols 0
   setl team_timeoutcount 1
   setl team_timeoutlength 180

   setl vote_allow_comp 1
   setl vote_allow_kick 1
   setl vote_allow_map 1
   setl vote_allow_swapteams 1
   setl vote_allow_warmupdamage 1
   setl vote_allow_antilag 0
   setl vote_allow_balancedteams 0
   setl vote_allow_friendlyfire 0
   setl vote_allow_gametype 0
   setl vote_allow_mutespecs 1
   setl vote_allow_nextmap 0
   setl vote_allow_pub 0
   setl vote_allow_referee 0
   setl vote_allow_shuffleteams 0
   setl vote_allow_timelimit 0
   setl vote_limit 0
   setl vote_percent 51

   setl pmove_msec 8
   setl pmove_fixed 0

   command "pb_sv_enable"
   command "pb_sv_cvarempty"
   command "pb_sv_kicklen 0"
   command "pb_sv_cvarlogging 2"
   command "pb_sv_autoss 1"
   command "pb_sv_ssfloor 1"
   command "pb_sv_ssSrate 1"
   command "pb_sv_GUIDRelax 4"
   command "pb_sv_cvarwalk 4"
   command "pb_sv_ssdelay 15"
   command "pb_sv_cvaruserpulse 15"
   command "pb_sv_cvarchangedpulse 15"
   command "pb_sv_ssxpct 50"
   command "pb_sv_ssypct 50"
   command "pb_sv_ssheight 240"
   command "pb_sv_autossfrom 300"
   command "pb_sv_sswidth 320"
   command "pb_sv_ssceiling 500"
   command "pb_sv_autossto 1200"

   command "sv_cvarempty"
   command "sv_cvar cg_thirdperson EQ 0"
   command "sv_cvar cg_shadows IN 0 1"
   command "sv_cvar cg_bobup IN 0 0.005"
   command "sv_cvar cg_autoAction EQ 7"
   command "sv_cvar cg_errordecay EQ 100"
   command "sv_cvar cg_fov IN 90 125"
   command "sv_cvar cl_timenudge EQ 0"
   command "sv_cvar cl_maxpackets IN 30 100"
   command "sv_cvar m_pitch OUT -0.015 0.015"
   command "sv_cvar m_yaw EQ 0.022"
   command "sv_cvar r_wolffog EQ 1"
   command "sv_cvar r_flares IN 0 1"
   command "sv_cvar r_primitives IN 0 2"
   command "sv_cvar rate IN 7000 25000"
   command "sv_cvar snaps EQ 40"
   command "sv_cvar r_nv_fogdist_mode INCLUDE NV GL_EYE_RADIAL_NV"
   command "sv_cvar cl_heron EQ 0"
map default
   setl b_mapscriptdirectory "etpromapscripts"
   setl g_userTimeLimit 0
   setl b_moverscale 1.0
   setl g_useralliedrespawntime 0
   setl g_useraxisrespawntime 0
   command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 1"
map fueldump
   setl g_userTimeLimit 20
   setl b_moverscale 1.5
map radar
   setl g_userTimeLimit 15
   command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 0"
map battery
   setl g_userTimeLimit 15
map goldrush
   setl g_userTimeLimit 25
map oasis
   setl g_userTimeLimit 20
map railgun
   setl g_userTimeLimit 20
map caen
   set g_useralliedrespawntime 30
   set g_userTimeLimit 20
   setl b_moverscale 1.5
map supplydepot
   setl g_userTimeLimit 15
   setl b_moverscale 1.5
map tc_base
   setl g_userTimeLimit 15
map et_ice
   setl g_userTimeLimit 20
i've tried to fix some mistakes made in you config

your sv_cvar restrictions on r_drawfoliage contradicted themselves. in fact, on radar, r_drawfoliage would be checked 3 times.

forcing b_antilag to 1 serves no purpose whatsoever. the setting of b_antilag is a personal choice now, unlike g_antilag that was a global choice. there is no cheating involved with b_antilag, and thus it should'nt be restricted.

cl_heron should be checked with sv_cvar, not pb_sv_cvar

vote_allow_config and sv_maxrate are choices of the server admin, not you. some servers have limited bandwidth available, and on those, you just made the server choke.

have fun with your league :)
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Post by D.Devil »

U R my new hero :)
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Post by D.Devil »

So if I checked what U mean, in the radar.cfg only has to stand
command "forcecvar r_drawfoliage 1"

So, THX!
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