Feat req's: tkdamagekick, perteammessages, permapconfigsfile

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Feat req's: tkdamagekick, perteammessages, permapconfigsfile

Post by KingJackaL »

I just wanted to mention a few smaller features I'd like to see go into BayonET. No, not a semi-auto panzer or an F16 - just a few admin features to make running a pub server a little easier. Note that while these are the type of admin-side features that ET Pro tends to have, these are more applicable to pub ET than comp ET. In order descending of how badly I'd like to see them :).

TK Damage Kick

Short version
Basically a clone of the shrub cvar 'g_teamdamagerestriction'. Or, anything else that fulfills:
http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/vi ... php?t=2537

TK's are annoying. TKH's are worse. TKH clans ganging up on your servers worse still. I REALLY like the Shrub tk-damage auto-kick cvar. Please, I consider this almost mandatory for pub servers. This means people can't get on the server and TK-wound other players and get away with it. If you don't have enough admins to go around all the servers and/or some of you try some of that 'sleep' stuff, they can ruin peoples' games on your servers in no time at all, clearing a server. If they get kicked for putting over X% of their bullets into teammates, they have to spend most of their time playing for real... so they give up! A win for ggz!

A system similar to Shrub would be moderately easy to implement - take stats on how many bullets that hit hit teammates vs enemies. Once the number of hits passes a threshold, periodically check to see if teamhits/allhits>tk-damage-level. If it is, kick. Improvements can be made to the basic system by toning down how landmines count toward hits, making sure it's not active during warmup ( ;) ), perhaps allowing a warning first, then kicking if the ratio stays above the limit, etc etc.

Per-team Banner Messages

Short version
'b_banners', but per team.

Was just working on some new configs for a public campaign server, and thought 'hmmm, why dont I use banners to tell players some tips and tricks on the maps by using b_banners and per-map configs'. It works ok for sure, no complaints - but I was thinking it would be even better if you could set banners to be either global, to axis only, or to allies only - allowing you to have hints for each team on the map. This could significantly ease the learning curves for custom maps ( yes, I KNOW the command map shows the whole thing and there's a briefing - but does anybody notice the bottom of the limbo menu :p ).

Working out how the timer will go is the main design decision, whether to have 3 timers - one for each banner type (global, axis, allies), or to use the current single timer, but allow banners to be toggled between the 3 states.

Single Per-Map Configs File
Helpful. (applies also to ETPro)

Short version
mapdefault_all.cfg, like the pluggable configs have.

Sounds lame, but I admin several servers, and it can be a pain when you've got even 4 or 5 per-map configs per server and several servers that need different settings ( 6-map campaign servers, SW servers etc ). Having recently made a pluggable config, I've realise how much easier that is than tabbing between a couple dozen 3-line text files! I must have this, if only for my sanity! :)

Use the pluggable configs format for all mapdefault configs. Put in a mapdefaultall.cfg. Leave in compatibility to read from seperate mapdefault_NAMEHERE.cfg files so there are no issues, but modify the precedence to be:
Individual per-map configs -> mapdefaultall.cfg -> mapdefault.cfg -> server configs
...allowing a single pluggable mapdefault file to be used, streamlining making per-map configs!

Admin Selectable XP Resets

Short version
clearxp command, like Shrub has. As mentioned here:
http://bani.anime.net/banimod/forums/vi ... php?t=2486

Sorry if you've got it already and I've just missed it (oops), but this is a handy thing to have lying around. Not just so that you can have no-XP-reset noob heaven servers, but also so that you can call XP shuffles at the beginning of campaigns, THEN reset the XP (shuffle happens during warmup, and because the XP was still saved, the shuffles isn't completely random). You could also combine new (much larger) custom XP levels settings with no xp reset and statsaver to make the servers more RPG-like - where they save your stats when you come back (and maybe have the admin do a clearxp every week).

Just allow a command for manually resetting all XP levels on the server. Probably include a toggle cvar for whether XP will accrue per map/campaign (default), or indefinately (with manual resets).

Sorry about the long post, hope it's organised well enough that you can skim to the bits you care about. Cheers.
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