Repeated download of ETPRO3_0_0.pk3????

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Repeated download of ETPRO3_0_0.pk3????

Post by Deadhead_DMT »

Hi, I am running an ET server and switched it to ETPRO 3_0_0 recently. It comes up and says ETPRO 3_0_0 when loading. And I get functioning ETPRO 3 items like the lagometer, and alternate HUD.... No problem.

I and a lot of other people don't seem to have any problems, BUT...

I had a problem report from users who did not previously have ETPRO installed on their own computer.

In order to test the problem, I installed another copy of ET into a different directory from the one I normally use to emmulate that of new user; one who has never installed ETPRO before.

The problem I've discovered is that when a user signs on WITHOUT etpro installed, then the server gets caught in an endless loop downloading ETPRO3_0_0.Pk3 over and over again. After allowing it to repeat the download a good number of times, I checked the directory, and DID FIND the newly installed ETPRO folder with the ETPRO3_0_0.pk3 file in it along with a few other files. The download appears normal. So why does it continue to try to download this ETPRO3_0_0.pk3 file. (the download is from my web site and is the exact same file that is on the game server; also the web site has no problems in downloading maps or configuration files as needed) :!:

I removed the ETPRO folder and did the test again serveral more times, and got the same results. I've done the same test at 3 other servers randomly and found 2 of them responded with the same problem I am having but 1 of them did a single download of the ETPRO3_0_0.pk3 file and then let me into the game with no problems.

Has anyone experienced this before and do you have a quick fix to the problem. I don't want any gamers turned away from our server because of the repeating download barrier. Please help! :cry:
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Post by Threshold »

First off Deadhead I would say upgrade to the New Patch 3.0.1. It fixes allot of bug's. As for server problem I'm sure someone will post.
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-7- Slappy
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Post by -7- Slappy »

I'm sure you're right. ;)

And yeah, update that server to 3.0.1 - show some love for the ET Pro crew! 8)
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