XP Save

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XP Save

Post by chubbyrooster »

I know most of the folks here don't like XP Save due to how it's used on most public Shrub Servers. However, et campaign.pk3's are a pain in the butt especially when you are bringing in new maps to try, changing the order, dropping them, adding others, etc.. I think XP Save is useful primarily for the purpose of running a selection of maps in objective cycle, then resetting XP when appropriate.

For example, for say 6 custom maps, what is the difference between
(1) running campaigncycle
set d1 "campaign custom01_campaign ; set nextcampaign vstr d2"
set d2 "campaign custom02_campaign ; set nextcampaign vstr d1"


(2) running objectivecycle
set d1 "set g_gametype 2 ; map venice ; set nextmap vstr d2 ; clearXP"
set d2 "set g_gametype 2 ; map oasis ; set nextmap vstr d3"
set d3 "set g_gametype 2 ; map supplydepot ; set nextmap vstr d4"
set d4 "set g_gametype 2 ; map fueldump ; set nextmap vstr d5 ; clearXP"
set d5 "set g_gametype 2 ; map caen ; set nextmap vstr d6"
set d6 "set g_gametype 2 ; map mp_beach ; set nextmap vstr d1"

The main advantages of (2) is a server admin can change a map rotation by editing a single text file. No campaign.pk3 to create and distribute to the client.

In reality, what is a campaign? It is an XP reset mechanism. Well, you do get all the buttons on the map (so you know what's coming) when it loads and some stats, but that's about all they offer instead of running objective with XP Save and strategic clearXP's.

I'd really like to see XP Save in etpro for this reason. We'd drop running shrub and run etpro 24/7 for everything -- pub and competition (of course) if you could give us XP Save. Thanks.
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Post by [FF]Adam »

am i retwaded or isn't this covered ??

maybe here?

tFF original 4 map
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Post by KingJackaL »

You're retarded.


Etpro Statsaver RESTORES STATS ON DISCONNECTS, it doen't allow admins to manually reset XP.

I've already put in feature requests for manual XP resetting because ( like chubbyrooster said ), that's what I used it for on my Shrub servers - running 3-map or 6-map campaigns but changing often.

Another cool ability was I was able to save up the XP over the maps, then first I would swap to the first new map of the cycle, then do an XP shuffle ( so everyone still had XP - meaning the shuffle wasn't reduced to just a random shuffle ), then lastly reset the XP. Meaning that you got a shuffle at the start of each campaign, but that was actually an XP shuffle ( still no-way near 100% bullet proof, but I believe it's a small statistical improvement over a random shuffle ;) ).

I put my feature request in the BayonET forums though, as this really ISN'T needed for competition/etpro. It's a pub feature.

Lastly, there is one difference between the objective cycles in Shrub, and a true campaign. With a true campaign, several 'campaign' features work - like the map showing where all the maps are ( in Europe/North Africa etc ), and which have and haven't been played yet. Also, with a true campaign the debriefing also tells you who is winning the campaign, as well as who won the individual map.

Of course, these are minor things ;).
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Post by Vio »

KingJackaL wrote:Another cool ability was I was able to save up the XP over the maps, then first I would swap to the first new map of the cycle, then do an XP shuffle ( so everyone still had XP - meaning the shuffle wasn't reduced to just a random shuffle ), then lastly reset the XP. Meaning that you got a shuffle at the start of each campaign, but that was actually an XP shuffle ( still no-way near 100% bullet proof, but I believe it's a small statistical improvement over a random shuffle ;) ).
Yes! This is the reason why I too want xp save in etpro, to get a real xp shuffle between maps. Sure it's for pubs but let's face it, all decent pubs will be running etpro.
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Post by chubbyrooster »

I don't know much about the plans for bayon, but we'd be thrilled to run etpro pub with customs not having to deal with campaigns (e.g. XP save). The shuffle ideas are interesting. So many cool features with 3x, and the anti-cheat takes out several cheats that run on the others.
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