Stopwatch - map picking

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Stopwatch - map picking

Post by Xeon_vl »

Ok , my excuses for my crappy english, it will be a hard stuff to explain me in english.

We like the Stopwatch mode, so i wrote a complete stopwatchcycle.

Code: Select all

//*****Siwa Oasis Stopwatch Game
set m2r1 "set g_gametype 3; map sw_oasis_b3; set nextmap vstr m2r2; sets StopwatchRound 1;" 
set m2r2 "map_restart 0; set nextmap vstr m2r3; sets StopwatchRound 2;" 

//***** Supplydepot
set m2r3 "set g_gametype 3; map supplydepot2; set nextmap vstr m2r4; sets StopwatchRound 1;"
set m2r4 "map_restart 0; set nextmap vstr m2r5; sets StopwatchRound 2;"

lots more
And it works perfect. Now, my clan admins also want it to be able to pick maps. so mind the situation, at end of sw oasis (m2r2), some admin goes to ref and loads frostbite during the intermission. At that moment, the nextmap variable is vstr m2r3
The first round of frostbite is terminated... and then the server searches nextmap
indeed, the stopwatch game isn't finished, round 2 is never loaded, and supply is loaded......
does anyone knows a way to get around this? an alternative script structure?
what we want it to do is play a second frost round and then swap back to the stopwatchcycle (in this case round 1 of supply)
any help is appreciated
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