SW Pub server revisited

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SW Pub server revisited

Post by BlackJudas »

It was suggested to me that I add the line ref twl-sw on my SW pub server in order for the maps to be set to the correct league times and have the Battery ramp be dyno only. This for the most part works fine, couple of things I'd like to mention here that I think ETPro bugs out on.

1. Because twl-sw is specific to league maps as of last season, adding any map in the stopwatchcycle.cfg works, yet the spawn times are incorrect, I've checked inside the map pk3's and they're certainly set correctly. IE. Caen, which has been modded by the league to have 15 second axis and 35 second allied spawns, when this map comes up in rotation, allies get blessed with 25 second spawns and axis get shafted with 40 second spawns. Again, this happens on Supply Depot. Default spawns are 20 second allies and 30 second axis. After running twl-sw, the spawns remain 20 seconds for allies, yet axis get screwed again with a 40 second spawn.

2. In my server.cfg, i have the following

Code: Select all

set g_gametype 2
map oasis

// Load TWL SW defaults

ref twl-sw
set g_dowarmup 0

exec stopwatchcycle.cfg
This works out dandy, except for the fact that stopwatchcycle.cfg never gets executed, the poor server is set to 100% oasis, 100% of the time, until i either exec the file manually through console, or rcon exec it. What gives?

3. This is not namely a problem, but to get around this issue, it seems I must remove the offending line "ref twl-sw" is there a way I can make battery ramp dyno only and change the default timelimits for all the maps involved, seeing that I only use the twl-sw command to achieve this end.

Posts: 67
Joined: Sat Sep 13, 2003 6:26 am

Post by blaz »

sup bj :) ltns


in etpro/twl-sw/maps/ there's a battery.script which contains the spawn code like normal, plus the dyno only code. you could directly paste that file into the /etpro/maps/ folder.. but it'd permanently make the ramp dyno only. therefore, that's a no go.

bani explains the use of b_mapscriptdirectory here.

i have not played with that setting yet so i'm unsure.

as far as spawn times and timelimits and whatnot go..

copy all the mapdefault*.cfg files from etpro/twl-sw/ and paste them in etpro/. if you ever go back to running a pub campaign server.. you'll have to either delete or modify these files (deleting them and pasting mapdefault*.cfg files from etpro/twl/ would work).

one thing i DO like about mapdefault* configs is..

Code: Select all

forcevar cg_complaintpopup 0
what the newbies don't know won't hurt them :>
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