My b_campaignfile won't latch!

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My b_campaignfile won't latch!

Post by Whammo! »


My server is all set up except for the b_campaignfile. I have it set in my whammo.cfg as follows:

set b_campaignfile "scripts/esm.campaign"

(whammo.cfg is executed from server.cfg)

All the other cvars in whammo.cfg seem to get executed just fine.

Both configs sit in the etpro folder on the server.

If I execute the whammo.cfg via rcon, b_campaignfiles doesn't change, however if I do: seta b_campaignfile "scripts/esm.campaign" in the console via rcon it will take.

I have verified that it will write b_campaignfile to the etconfig.cfg properly. But when the server is restarted it goes back to "" as the value, so something is overwriting it in the etconfig.cfg on startup I suppose.

This is with the latest beta 3.2.2 BTW

Thanks for any advice

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