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aimbot deterrent and other misc lua scripts

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2006 7:40 am
by McSteve
Posting this here because obviously lots of admins use ETPro on their public servers and frequent these forums. I've been dabbling with a bit of lua scripting, and after a little incident with an aimbotter last night I thought I'd release a script that other admins may find handy. Basically this new etbot or whatever it is seems to be able to disable admin_mod, which is a pain in the ass if you dont want to give all your refs rcon to deal with them.

The first script adds a couple of commands available to normal refs logged in via password, the commands are intended to make it unpleasant for bots to stay on your server.


Whilst I'm at it might as well post these too:

Batterybot: version of Hadr0's anti-spawnkill script modified for battery.

Selfkill punishment: want to discourage selfkills? use this script to set a limit for selfkills and penalise players in health and ammo.

I'll stick them on the wiki when I get around to finding out how to work it :S. Please feel free to provide feedback, either on variations you would like added or indeed if the lua masters want to give me some pointers on my first attempts, you are very welcome to do so.

p.s. They are all slightly sloppy atm with commented lines etc. This is due to the fact that I wasn't planning on promulgating them yet, it was only that botter last night that prompted me to do so.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 5:10 pm
by McSteve
plz note that there are some real sloppy bits in gw_ref that kick up error codes (haven't returned correct values). I'll update when I have time.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:55 am
by arni
i read over your script and noticed the following:

-- skcount > 6, - all ammo + set health to 10 HP + empty charge bar

are you actually emptying the charge bar and if yes how are you doing it? - afaik charge bar wasnt accessable from lua

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 5:27 am
by McSteve
You're right. It was my intention to do this and hence had this in the comments when i was drafting the pseudocode. Like I said, apologies for the sloppy script and misleading comments such as these, they haven't been tidied yet. Thanks to ReyalP, I quickly abandoned looking for the chargebar after he told me it was not accessible.

The empty charge bar thing was to prevent medics and fops bagging themselves up at spawn, but since they cant do both health and ammo I didn't see it as a major concern. I did think to use the relevant lines from im2good4u's noweapon script to empty their ammo/heath weaponbank, but haven't done so yet.

I'm tidying the scripts atm and so hopefully I'll get all misleading comments removed shortly.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:36 am
by arni
you can use stickycharge instead (which i think is on by default)

so no new charge for spawning

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 8:05 am
by McSteve
arni wrote:you can use stickycharge instead (which i think is on by default)

so no new charge for spawning
Hmm sort of, player will spawn with the same charge as he dies with, but it doesnt get set to zero.