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cmd. spam problem

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 12:27 pm
by LilleBror
Like shrug players can send other cmd to the bot_amimation that the server sends out.

But this should be very old news....

I personaly dont care since i now have a fix for this..

But its the fact and i have been bothered by this many times that other players can "stick" to the ground... so they can return fire while prone..
and not to mention avoid getting a sniper rifle unscoped...

Sanity check on that if the player is not holding an mg or motar... no dice... knockback please...

--one small request---
<frame number> ? is dont draw anything? (ignore) tab space ... -1 ? what?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:02 pm
by zinx
I do hope you realize no one knows what any of your posts mean.

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:28 pm
by ReyalP

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 10:46 pm
by LilleBror


long list of commands are sent that mask camuflage the real commands like


But agian the ETPro team should know this if you looked at the information that players(client) send to the sever(host).

Most of the commands are "bot" commands made fore the single player part in ETmain.

Massive expliot.

And a client workaround is writing the animations data into human_base.script and changing all the "singleplayer" animations to something else, in the folder in etpro. (not opening pak0.pk3 and editing)

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 4:04 am
by Dersaidin
LilleBror wrote:(not opening pak0.pk3 and editing)

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:31 am
by Luk4ward
heh, if u know so many things, especially animations pls post the answer for my post: click including the facts not only a general post

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 6:16 am
by LilleBror
off topic..
Dersaidin:= its not rocket since... u rename pakxlalal.pk3 to .zip exstention, and you can read the content and edit it, most likey will get u kicked by PB first time you try using it, the hash will not be the same.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 10:04 am
by zinx
LilleBror wrote:right.


This does indeed touch the animation state, and can be disabled.
It should be lower priority than firing, however. Medics can cause this animation to happen by attempting to drop a medkit without any charge.
This should not touch the animation state.
This is a purely client-side command. It would be impossible for it to touch any sort of animation state for anything but the player who typed it.
Those are both semi-admin/referee commands, and do not exist as standalone commands as you've represented them. Additionally, the semi-admin/referee versions that do exist do not touch any animation states.
long list of commands are sent that mask camuflage the real commands like


But agian the ETPro team should know this if you looked at the information that players(client) send to the sever(host).
The only information that players(client) send to the server(host) when using an unknown (client-side) command is the command itself. Unless the server decides to twiddle the animation state itself, nothing happens to the animation state. They do not send *ANY INFORMATION AT ALL* when using a client command such as /fade.
Most of the commands are "bot" commands made fore the single player part in ETmain.
Most of the commands don't do whatever it is that you're trying to say they do. And ETmain doesn't have singleplayer.
Massive expliot.
Where? How? Explain what the exploit is and how to trigger it.
And a client workaround is writing the animations data into human_base.script and changing all the "singleplayer" animations to something else, in the folder in etpro. (not opening pak0.pk3 and editing)

Code: Select all

grep -i single animations/scripts/human_base.script | wc -l
There are precisely zero occurences of "singleplayer" in the ET Pro human_base.script; additionally, modifying this file client side will have NO EFFECT unless pure is off, because it will not be loaded unless pure is off.

In conclusion, your post means absolutely nothing unless you take the time to explain what you're talking about, instead of using vague descriptions like "these commands plus a lot more do some massive exploit thingie that you can fix by removing 'singleplayer' from a file which doesn't have 'singleplayer' in it anyway."

I don't want a simplified explanation that's useless, I want a full description on what the problem is, what triggers the problem, and exactly how you think you are "fixing" it, such that someone like me who has no idea what you're talking about can actually figure it out from what you're saying.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 12:39 pm
by ReyalP
Note also that most commands are rate limited in 3.2.6. You'll hit floodkick if spam too much of anything (due to real, proven exploits unrelated to animations). This actually needs to get cleaned up, because it is too a bit too aggressive on things that don't matter.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:04 pm
by LilleBror
Zink: body.aninc is written into the human_base.script see pm.
Part 1.
My point is if you take a look at the replacment data in relaxed stats ect.
Some of then are default 2-3 seconds ect.
Every time i changed that type of behavior the "gfx lagg" stated to disapear.
The one i sent you is 6th or 7th try.
End part 1.

Part 2.
Sniper: crouching player that cant be pushed.
-Advantage cant be forced out of scoped mode.
(Demo can be submitted)
"Expliot of the Motar deployment code"*

Thomson/Mp40: proning that cant be pushed.
-Can still return fire while takings hits.
(Demo can be submitted)
"Expliot of the Mg deployment code"*

Direction change on ice surface.
Fast crouch and the steel spikes are in.
(Demo can be submitted)
"no idea at all"*
*there is a cmd that can be added to a movebind, that is my gut feeling.
End part 2.

Like the Shrug "filter" that has been made, a similar filter can be constucted to deal the the unwanted information. (I am presuming it is a filter)
So the "bot_animation" is only movement commands. :)

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 3:35 pm
by Rain
And Jesus said unto them, "And whom do you say that I am?"
They replied,"You are the eschatological manifestation of the ground of our being, the ontological foundation of the context of our very selfhood revealed."
And Jesus replied, "What?"

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:34 pm
by zinx
LilleBror wrote:Zink: body.aninc is written into the human_base.script see pm.
Part 1.
My point is if you take a look at the replacment data in relaxed stats ect.
Some of then are default 2-3 seconds ect.
Every time i changed that type of behavior the "gfx lagg" stated to disapear.
The one i sent you is 6th or 7th try.
End part 1.
Modifying the body.aninc and/or human_base.script isn't possible without turning off pure. These files are only loaded from verified pk3s when pure is on. If this is the fix rather than the hack, then please explain what it is fixing. I prefer to have too much information rather than too little - I can fill in the missing parts to some extent, but I can not create the entire argument out of thin air.
LilleBror wrote:Part 2.
Sniper: crouching player that cant be pushed.
-Advantage cant be forced out of scoped mode.
(Demo can be submitted)
"Expliot of the Motar deployment code"*

Thomson/Mp40: proning that cant be pushed.
-Can still return fire while takings hits.
(Demo can be submitted)
"Expliot of the Mg deployment code"*

Direction change on ice surface.
Fast crouch and the steel spikes are in.
(Demo can be submitted)
"no idea at all"*
*there is a cmd that can be added to a movebind, that is my gut feeling.
End part 2.

Like the Shrug "filter" that has been made, a similar filter can be constucted to deal the the unwanted information. (I am presuming it is a filter)
So the "bot_animation" is only movement commands. :)
Please provide demos for this. I do not know what you're saying at all, and I'm hoping that a demo will provide some sort of insight in to it. Crouching should not affect whether shoving / weapon knockback work, but position on the map will. If you can't move in a direction, then you can't be shoved or moved via knockback in that direction. You can always fire while you're being hit, that isn't an exploit.

"shrug" is a disableable server-side ET Pro command that just sets the animation. There are no other ET Pro commands that do that in release builds, and it doesn't affect movement. There is no "unwanted information"/etc. I don't know what you're talking about there.

It would really help if you wrote complete thoughts rather than small fragments without any context attached to them. I'm fairly adept at making sense out of things, but as I said I can not divine the meaning of the universe from nothingness.

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:47 am
by LilleBror
just got 2 pages of explenation trashed.. posting error.. adrenelin is a bit up..

!!short version!!
-Post all the cmd's that are avialable.

Demo's on the way.

-small essay comming next week. (to angry now)