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problems connecting

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:44 pm
by nahud
connecting to atlantic battle and i see etpro 3.0.8

the loading bar finishes once, and then teh screen blinks, and starts reloading the map again. once the second reload is done, i am disconnceted for 'unknown reasons'...

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:59 pm
by Poki
same here [but without reload]

I reconnected at least 30 times and then i got ingame. 2 mins later -> lag and i was disconnected for unknown reason

I think et-tv isn't ready for public betas yet.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:36 pm
by meLonF
it seemed to me the servers were just overloaded. i got in numerous times to one server (as it seemed to be handling the load better) but could never get into others.

The lag was quite bad at times (again probably due to the overloaded servers).... i must say though, in the periods where the lag dropped down, ETTV was looking very very nice indeed and i can't wait till the first offical version it ready to go :)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 5:53 pm
by Herve
I looked at all the servers using HLSW, and it showed the pings of the players being 300-400, with euros pinging 600-700. Towards the end of the game each server only had about 120 people on them (from what I saw), and the pings were still bad. Maybe if you limited it to 60 users per server or something, it would work out better.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:59 pm
by Rain
The lagginess was caused by a bug we didn't pin down until just as the match ended.
(The same bug or similar bugs caused most of the problems, actually...)

Next time around should be better, regardless of how many players we end up with.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:22 pm
by faltytower
I had some problems connecting, but managed to overcome them and spectate most of the match. A lot of ETTV servers overflowed after each ready->warmup->fight cycle and this was caused by the lag bug, I'm guessing? In any case what I did was reconnect to any of the *70 ports, staying away from the *69s (I was convinced those servers ports redirected ppl to the actual game server, not to mention I couldn't join them anyway).

Overlooking bugs, lags, no delay, and other nuisances, I generally liked what I saw and enjoyed the match overall. I was surprised by the huge turn out for the event (more than I had anticipated) and couldn't believe one-thousand gamers tuned in for the shoutcast. A great interest indeed.

One thing I would've liked to see in the Beta test:
  • A cvar for clients to ignore other ETTV spectators' chat without ignoring match chat and to ignore clients connecting to ETTV messages without removing match death info or match events. I had to turn off Draw 2D to ignore the huge amount of whining/spamming going on the client side.
Since the lag bug is fixed, would another test be possible, even on short notice? TWL alpha finals is this coming Monday and I'm sure both competing teams (deathTouch, Greater Than) would welcome it. RadioiTG is already shoutcasting the match. Just a thought.

Good job and thank you all involved for your hard work in making ETTV a reality.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 12:06 am
by Gstyle
I think we can be very happy with the first public TEST i think so many people will never watch an et-tv match again and so i think ti will work realy good. bani you will do it :)

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 2:50 am
by jorylit
Poki wrote:same here [but without reload]

I reconnected at least 30 times and then i got ingame. 2 mins later -> lag and i was disconnected for unknown reason

I think et-tv isn't ready for public betas yet.
have the same problem.
after warmup end, and the game "fight" sound is heard, the game is getting stuck(probably lag), and i get disconnected with the same massage.