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master goes 999 after some time, without player or slave

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 10:08 am
by Kissaki
I found nothing with search function so I'll just state my problem.

I set up ettv 2 days ago, everything works fine.
But after some time (without anyone or ettv (slave) on the server);
in HLSW it has a normal ping but on connect, it first takes some time with "awaiting gamestate". (no counter)
When it finished waiting and connecting you can't even fly as spectator.
If you join a team you have 999 and can't do a thing.

If you restarte the server everything goes fine.
Btw, the ettv slave I also set up is still running, without problems (not connected to a master).

We played with clanbase config yesterday. Nobody was on it since then.

The server is on suse Linux, I never had problems with etpro, noquarter, etpub etc.

Any solutions?

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 4:52 pm
by ReyalP
This is probably the same bug that affects current windows versions. Restarting the server should be a usable workaround on linux.

There should be a new version soon which addresses this completely.

Posted: Wed Apr 04, 2007 5:33 pm
by arni
i can confirm the bug and maybe give some more insight:

it also happens sometimes with ppl on the server and what happens is that the server only sends aproxx 1 snap per second which results in massive lag

only happens on some machines tho

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 12:34 am
by ReyalP
arni wrote:i can confirm the bug and maybe give some more insight:

it also happens sometimes with ppl on the server and what happens is that the server only sends aproxx 1 snap per second which results in massive lag

only happens on some machines tho
Yes, this is very likely the same bug that was caused the 999s on windows. The bug itself isn't actually platform specific, although it gets hit a lot more frequently on windows.

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:42 am
by Syd
this info is on the forums, just not in this section. Check the latest ETTV News for bugs in the individual releases.