Remote SSH session via putty

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Remote SSH session via putty

Post by Noobster »

I wondered if anyone could help out here...I am stuck. I accidentally shutdown the server using semiadmin quit. My only option to get the server restarted is to Putty/SSH into a Linux box. I have access but I am seriously lacking in regards to the Linux Os.

Any idears on what command i would use?
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Post by Boels »

Well using the quit command isnt shutting ur server down, but it restarts the server, at least with me :)
So if your server still isnt up, there might be an mistake in your server.cfg file.
Doublecheck the file and make sure it has no probs.

And for the rest, cant help u with linux
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Post by =FF=im2good4u »

quit is quiting not restarting

als why do semiadmin got quit that dumb

well for linux

goto you linux et dir (/usr/local/games/enemy-territory)

then do

Code: Select all

at least the the comand we use (im also a linux noob)

wel our startup file is named "obj"

inside it. it does

Code: Select all

screen -d -m -S etserver ./etded +set fs_game etpro +set com_hunkmegs 512 +set sv_maxrate 25000 +set com_zonemegs 64 +set com_hunkmegs 128 +set dedicated 2 +set g_logfile 3 +set sv_floodprotect 0 +exec server.cfg
so you might try this if you dont know your startup file hmm i dunno wut m i donig helping on linux :/
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Post by smokedoO0 »


I would really need to know what you mean by access -
but f you actually have achieved access then you only
need to exec the startup file, which you will already have else
it would have never been running anyway - so I imaging u dont need to
write one

my start up is "etpro"
and so the command for that is ./start_etpro

and dont use putty imo - punguinet is free and has a great
user interface - hope that helps you

- should you really need a startup file - then
./etded +set dedicated 2 +set net_IP +set net_port 27960 +exec server.cfg
> miss out the >

all that other stuf is best in the server.cfg so you can change it easily
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