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Have you been shot when clearly behind a solid wall/box?

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 11:20 am
by Whammo!
This happens to me regularly. It happens to you too doesn't it?

I think it is that unlagged code or maybe a bug in banimod (God forbid :D )

I don't remember this happening when I played reuglar RTCW.


Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 11:55 am
by bani
its the way unlagged works. they really did shoot you before you went behind the wall/box.

it is possible to "fix" this, but then the person shooting you will wonder why they hit you with a panzerfaust before you ducked behind the box but nothing happened.

it's not a bug, unlagged is working properly, and "fixing" it wouldnt be fair to high pingers.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 12:24 pm
by Knifey
high pinger suck ass. dont play an online game with 56kb. I think bani should make a server that has unlagg off, so us lowpings can play normally.

IGNORE: Senseless rant

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 1:57 pm
by Whammo!
<humor> So basically this "unlagged" dumbs down my connection so some yokel with a 486 and a 56k Sportster can unwind after taking his girlfriend/sister out on the town? <end humor>

The reason a lot of us love cable/DSL/T1 etc. is because it gives you a low ping. Why should people be penalized for having a good ping?

I was a 56ker once, but jeez this is the new millenium. Frustration playing Q2 on 56k is what made me go the ISDN > DSL > cable route. A good argument could be made that people like me that embrace "new" technology drive the technology (and economy) forward.

It seems to me the problem is the wide gap between a 60 and a 300 ping.

There used to be a lot of servers that specified ping when you connected. ie. "This server is for low pings only"

Strafing is an integral part of the game. A 56k'er can learn to "lead" their aim. If i want to pop out from behind a box/wall, squeeze of a few and go back I should be able to.

<humor> It's like going to college and re-learning your alphabet cuz there's a retard in your class! <end humor>

<end rant>

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 2:02 pm
by Whammo!
One more thing for the record...

This is really the most annoying when on an instagib enabled server.

your check is in the mail,


Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 2:24 pm
by bani
high pings may come from more than just a slow modem. for example someone in france on high speed lan playing on a north american server.

unlagged puts everyone on an even playing field. even if that user had a low ping, they would still have killed you.

the only issue with unlagged is that it "feels weird" sometimes to be "killed around a corner". you just have to understand that the player really did kill you when you were out in the open.

what you people are really saying is "i want my low ping to give me an unfair advantage over players with high ping"...

the "shot around a corner" is a FAQ that is answered in the unlagged FAQ.

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2002 6:10 pm
by duke'ku
I hate having to lead. That's why I love delag. If I get shot when I'm out of the line of fire, fine, I was in the line of fire when the pulled the trigger. Just because my ping is lower than the guy who shot me doesn't mean I shouldn't get shot.