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Deploy mines on any texture

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 8:41 pm
by Resolution 208

I have found that certain mappers use their own custom textures for grass/snow, etc... in their maps; and hence engineers cannot place mines since the texture is "unknown" to banimod; and whether or not the texture should be permiable. (hence, whether or not a mine can be placed there)

I cannot find a way to allow mines to be placed on these textures within the current scope of commands/cvars/settings.

I suggest: g_mines 2

Allows mines to be placed on any texture.

- R208.

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2003 9:08 pm
by gotenks
ok... one flaw with that would be planting mines on document objectives and in doorways that need to be opened... eg in the war room, as well as neer the entrance to ducts... sounds very exploitable... and the reason bani didn't use mines in the first place, to me

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 4:14 am
by =FF=im2good4u
well it should be posable if oyu make a shader file for those maps/textures (whit serveparm snowstap,grasstep or something) and .pk3 it add it to you server dir and make it dl able :wink:

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 4:17 am
by Resolution 208
gotenks wrote:ok... one flaw with that would be planting mines on document objectives and in doorways that need to be opened... eg in the war room, as well as neer the entrance to ducts... sounds very exploitable... and the reason bani didn't use mines in the first place, to me
But those maps use stock textures; and thus one should not use this feature; since all the textures in that map are known.

Likewise, if one changes to a stock RTCW map, simply adding into /scrips/stockmap.script (ie mp_beach.script) a line which says "g_mines 1" would nullify the above.

I run mp_marketgarden (Splashdamage Map) and mp_utopia (Cyrex's Map), neither of which involve a war room... and would benefit from use of mines around their respective objectives.

- R208.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 4:19 am
by =FF=im2good4u
like i sad use a shader file

im not usre but i think mines are placeable on surfaceparm snowstap

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 4:35 am
by Resolution 208
=FF=im2weak4u wrote:like i sad use a shader file

im not usre but i think mines are placeable on surfaceparm snowstap
Agreed. I suppose what I am asking for is a list of textures and/or shaders which are allowed to have mines placed on them. For one of the maps, I could have the author modify the map to support it.

- R208.

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 4:46 am
by =FF=im2good4u
or i could do it if i had any of those maps

you dont need to edit the map onlt the mapname.shader file

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 2:51 pm
by duke'ku
mines will only go on surfaces with surfaceparm grasssteps, grass, dirt, sandsteps, and so on.

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 4:30 am
by =FF=im2good4u
yep i thought so

so jsut edit the shaderfiles

Posted: Tue Sep 30, 2003 3:47 pm
by Resolution 208
=FF=im2weak4u wrote:yep i thought so so just edit the shaderfiles
(with) serveparm snowstap,grasstep or something.
I have asked the author to include the above shader information for the upcoming full release of mp_utopia.

Thanks for the help on identifying the needed parameters...!


- R208.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 12:08 am
by =FF=im2good4u
well if the authoer doesnt do it . it would still be ez to do it yourself, besides its only a small file

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 4:25 am
by Resolution 208
=FF=im2weak4u wrote:well if the authoer doesnt do it . it would still be ez to do it yourself, besides its only a small file
Unfortunately the .shader is inside the .pk3 file; which, if changed, would make the CRC on the file different form the "official" version; and thus, it appears to be a "different map" than what people have downloaded.

With "sv_pure 1" server-side, the server would disallow any client to use a modified map, since the CRC of the file would have changed; and the server would have no choice other than to re-download the map (13 Mb!+) to the client... a no-win situation.

Since the map I was discussing is still in "beta", I have suggested the shader information be addedto his custom textures; and thus; once the "full" version is released, there will be no issues as above.

- R208.

Posted: Wed Oct 01, 2003 5:31 am
by =FF=im2good4u
well ..

my idea was not to just chance the file inside the same.pk3
make a new .kp3 like r203shaders.pk3 and add the .shader stuff in there

if oyu keep the filenname of the shader file and the directory path then it sould overwhite the mapfile insde etmain whit the file inside etpro and just make it dl that litle file inside etpro

i dont know how this work whit sv_pure but else disable sv_pure