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Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 1:54 am
by Sexy|Beast
OK, I really didn't want to pollute Bani's forums with this garbage. So let apologize now Bani and everyone else who reads these forums to learn something or share something. I am sorry it has come to this. That is why I didn't retort to the child's initial flamebait. But since he is telling you what happens on the server when HE is playing against NESTA or myself, I would like to tell my side of the day in question.

First of all, anyone who plays with me regulary knows the only person I ever vote against is Death. What kind of vote? STFU. This vote BTW is absolutely priceless. When a lame, insecure moron feels it necessary to invite eveyone to su*k his di** over and over, and call everyone a N00B, spamming it, simply type\CALLVOTE STFU {Zer0}Death, and...ahhh back to PLAYING the GAME.

So I called this vote on him one day and it passed with flying colors, of course. He immediately began shooting NESTA and me in the back as we ran up the stairs, trimming our health down so we would die with the first enemy bullet. What would you do? Yes, we were taunting him after he went mute. He was so pissed! But when started shooting us, we tried to ignore it, but he was persistent. Needless to say, it erupted into a TK fest until I got kicked for low score at which point I turned my computer OFF and went OUTSIDE of my HOUSE into the REAL WORLD.

Did we ruin the other players gameplay that round? Probably some, and for that I apologize to those who were there and were bummed by that. Anyone who plays with me know I don't normally do that crap. I am the guy who stops to tell the new guy about the Bani features. I DO NOT berate people that are simply asking questions. I DO sometimes get into it with lamers who fells the need to spam pathetic, angry, need-to-see-a- psychiatrist taunts, to people that are trying to CHILL and PLAY.
{Zer0}Death wrote: Do you think if I care if Nesta, Sexy, Kenny, Teammates likes me???? I really dont. Thoes people live here on bani posts degrading others for there ammusement. They have on countless times have degrade people for asking questions, for there ideas, or over all opion on what they believed in. ...
OK, which of my few posts did I degrade anyone? Run the search and quote me please, emkay?. Thought so.

Little man, when you get home from work, take the time to hang your McDondald's hat and vest on the hook and eat something, masturbate, take a shower, whatever you need to do to cool off after serving Quarter Pounders to "N00Bs" all day.

Look the truth is, Lamer's whole arguement is about a round or two that got out of hand. And BTW, NESTA was not even a member of Zer0 at this point. So, this was NOT intra-clan fighting.

Yep, NESTA and I are bros, so what? You should try having friends in the REAL WORLD that you can do stuff with. Take your mind off of all the "N00Bs" that are making you angry. Go fishing, build something, learn a new skill, wake up little man.

On that note, I have to get to bed. NESTA and I are going to Las Vegas in the morning to see Phish and party in Sin City. G'nite. :P


Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 8:12 am
I was there and I can back up everything sexy has said.....I too have been at the recieving end of Deaths little game of shooting you till you got 2 life left.....then watching the enemy kill you. Its why I started playing But if you fight back back he complains.......anyway I have been playing on bi2 for almost 3 months now and sexy is one of my favorite to play with...along with the whole crew minus death. And contrary to deaths belief that it is because he is such a great player, I dont like playing wondering when he is going to decide to shoot me again...or spam me with profanity.

Thats my 2 cents. Not that it matters, everybody already disbelieves anything out of deaths mouth as soon as the words hit the air.

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 9:26 am
by {Zer0}Death
Well I knew I would be waiting for Nesta's buddy Sexy;Beast for his version of the story to come out in to the fourms. And I am more than happy to point out the flaws in it.

Sexy you say the only Vote you ever call are STFU votes, But that a lie, Because if you read my first post about Trashing Talking on B2 that topic was directly about You, Nesta, and other who call kick votes. No yes lately you have been calling the STFU vote I wont say you dont but if you feel you need to tell you version of the story, be a man about it and tell the Whole Truth...

When a lame, insecure moron feels it necessary to invite eveyone to su*k his di** over and over,<<< This is what you wrote. And that is trash right there anyone who reads these posts or seen me play know I say the following if I am pissed from being TKed::

Noob <<<< My favorite!!!!!!!!

1 on 1 me and you B3<<<<My Second Favorite!!!!!!!!!!1

Nice Score Players name<<<<I say that one a lot to, well because I usually always have the hightest score in the room...

Fock off Noob<<<That is my last saying

Thoes 4 saying's that I would say in these fourms or in the game room. And I only have to applied then to people who are trash talkers. Or my the case of TKing.

Sexy you say that I started killing you and Nesta 1 day because you called a STFU vote on me. Did I TK both of you yes, Was it Because of the Vote, Well you once again only told your version of the truth, What happened that day was once again I was TKed buy Nesta,And I blurted out my favorite word to him NOOB!!!!!!! Faceit if he is Tking people still then he really is a noob or hes doing it on purpose....3 tks in a row with a SMG is not accident and there for I have the right to call him a noob if I choose....

OK, which of my few posts did I degrade anyone? Run the search and quote me please, emkay?. Thought so. <<Sexy your quote Right????

Little man, when you get home from work, take the time to hang your McDondald's hat and vest on the hook and eat something, masturbate, take a shower, whatever you need to do to cool off after serving Quarter Pounders to "N00Bs" all day. <<< your Quote right?????

I am helping you do math today I will give you 1 more quote to make you look like a total jack ass here it is.............

When a lame, insecure moron feels it necessary to invite eveyone to su*k his di** over and over, and call everyone a N00B, spamming it, simply type\CALLVOTE STFU {Zer0}Death, and...ahhh back to PLAYING the GAME. <<< Once again your quote...

{Zer0}Death wrote:
Do you think if I care if Nesta, Sexy, Kenny, Teammates likes me???? I really dont. Thoes people live here on bani posts degrading others for there ammusement. They have on countless times have degrade people for asking questions, for there ideas, or over all opion on what they believed in. ...

Like I stared before Sexy, your trash, you degrade people, your no good at the game, and to top if off your a liar. What you have said in your post is half truths, People who have seen me play will agree to what is written and thoes who dont agree, well then they taking your side..

Like my quote says if you dont like me stand in line, But I ask you to be a real man and tell the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Feb 14, 2003 10:10 am
by Ph0g
Oh goddamnit people you just HAD to throw logs in the fire didn't you??

What none of you seem to get is that throwing your crap at him is exactly what he needs to throw crap back at you.

Sufficate the fire!!!! Thats how you take care of it!!

My last post made a great end to this thread, and death would have shutup with that...

Sexy, what you said is meaningless......we have established that death talks crap, we have established that him and Nesta had their own little war, but talking about it will only provoke death to fling more crap at us.

So....Death, you damaged our image, and you can't deny that. That is why you were removed, I have shown you better means to deal with people, and for your own sake I can only ask that you exercise them.

Now would be a good time to lock this thread.