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Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 9:12 am
by I-M nUbee
COW! give me a high five!!! :D

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 10:13 am
by gotenks
The Big Bad Cow wrote:PH0G WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SMOKING?????? Wow, ph0g you need to actually READ my posts before you flame them.
1) You have no one who believes in your religion. Thats becuase...
2) You have no proof of being a superior being.
3) You were born like us. What does that make your parents? Are they gods to?

4) You will eventually die like the rest of us. I God, being a superior being, does not die. How are you going to explain going to your own hell when you die?
5) There are people who are smarter than you. There are people who are stronger than you. It is not possible to be superior over them in every which way.
6) Your potential for being god is so small it is not even worth considering.

Ph0g, really this is the most immature behavior that I have ever seen from you. Its not funny, its annoying.
1, wasn't really a point...
2, your god has no proof either, other than what someone else has said, even though noone was there to witness it.
3, hell even god had to come frm some where
4, jesus died
5, someone killed jesus
6, potential is there, no matter how small it is... speaking of small and ph0g... never mind

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 12:13 pm
by Ph0g
PH0G WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU SMOKING?????? Wow, ph0g you need to actually READ my posts before you flame them.
1) You have no one who believes in your religion. Thats becuase...
2) You have no proof of being a superior being.
3) You were born like us. What does that make your parents? Are they gods to?

4) You will eventually die like the rest of us. I God, being a superior being, does not die. How are you going to explain going to your own hell when you die?
5) There are people who are smarter than you. There are people who are stronger than you. It is not possible to be superior over them in every which way.
6) Your potential for being god is so small it is not even worth considering.
Even if they weren't all wrong to begin with, lol, there is a fatal flaw in all of your points. They are based on Christian views, I am not Christian. Do you tell a Muslim his faith is wrong because his rules weren't written in stone by your god? No, you do not. Do you tell him his faith is wrong because they forgot to mention the part where Jesus walks on water? No, you do not.

I have my own views, and none of them can be disproved.

The problem with you trying to argue that I am not "God", is the fact that there is no definition of "God". God is defined by the religion which references him, which in this case is mine. That allows me to define "God" how I please. In my case, I have simply defined "God" as the superior being. It doesn't matter if no other religion defines "God" that way, mine does, and there is nothing you can do to change that.

Now, you want to argue that I am not a superior being? Well here is your first problem. General superiority can't be measured, so the statement is fool-proof. Secondly, this argument is about potential. Potentially, I could be exposed to gamma rays and Chemical X that make me superior in every way humanly imaginable :).

I am using the tactics of religious people. I make fool-proof statements which can neither be proved nor disproved, and then I translate words in my defense.

Winning is an impossiblity. You can not deny my potential to be the God defined in my faith.
But as you can see, according to Ph0g, the definition of God is "The Superior Being". but since he is NOT the superior being in the eyes of everyone, or physicaly, therefore he has no potential to be god as "The superior being". Neither does anyone else.
Look above. Not only is the potential for me to become anything there, but general superiority can not be measured either.
Two: if he absolutly believes that he is, in everyway, better than everyone on this planet, then he could have physical proof of his "Potential". But does he have it? NO
Please hand over your proof that your God is the creator of all and inferior to none. Oh wait, you don't have any? What a shame...

NOTE: I think it is time to introduce my newest invention yet. The ignorance-meter :).

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 1:20 pm
by I-M nUbee
gotenks wrote:1, wasn't really a point...
2, your god has no proof either, other than what someone else has said, even though noone was there to witness it.
3, hell even god had to come frm some where
4, jesus died
5, someone killed jesus
6, potential is there, no matter how small it is... speaking of small and ph0g... never mind
1, No one cares about him
2, Jesus Christ is proof. You cant say about 5000 or more people who saw him were all making up crap.
3, uhhh, then again if there is no god, where did this whole universe come from? he was always around, thats why hes called "God".
4, HELLO!!! Jesus Christ was a Human!! he was supposed to die. do some research.
5, Jesus IS NOT god himself, he is the son of God, the human form of God. Just becasue he can die doesnt mean hes just as worthless as you or me.
6, potential is based on the possiblity of being. having that said, there is no possiblility of Ph0g being God because he has no proof.

Now im not just saying this from a Christian's point of view. If Ph0g's true definition of God is "the superior being", then he is not god, because he is not superior to EVERYONE. and Ph0g, STFU. I bet more than half people on this planet is smarter than you, you little dork.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 1:27 pm
by Ph0g
Hey one, the word is potential. Potentially anything could happen to me that could easily make me superior in every way.

Besides, you CAN NOT say I am not a superior being. General superiority can't be measured, because it is built on aspects which can't be measured.

Someone simply being smarter than me is not necessarily superior, I may be superior in many more weighted aspects that overall make me a superior being. But once again, this is still about potential. One has the potential to become anything.
6, potential is based on the possiblity of being. having that said, there is no possiblility of Ph0g being God because he has no proof.
Thanks nUbee, I will keep in mind that there is no chance that the Christian god exists, because he has no proof.

I can't believe how stupid people are...

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 1:30 pm
by I-M nUbee
There he goes again... calling people stupid. Learn to make some good comebacks, Nerd.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 1:33 pm
by Ph0g
There he goes again, finding dumbshit excuses to hide the fact that he has NOTHING to say to me because I am right and there is nothing he can say to show otherwise.

If you can't argue what I have to say, don't bother saying anything at all.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 1:36 pm
by I-M nUbee
hmm.. what have you proven? that you same the sh*t over and over again? we dont need to disprove you, you need to prove the "potential to be god" and have you? no you have not

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 1:39 pm
by Ph0g
Wow, you are intelligent! You managed to read this entire thread without comprehending the point of the whole fucking thing? I am impressed!

I already stated my proof on my potential, now you must either accept it or attempt to come up with valid proof I am wrong, unfortunately for you that is an impossiblity. Threads like these REALLY make it evident who is a moron and who isn't.

I have a faith that defines god and says I am that god. You have a faith that defines god and explains who god is. Neither can be proved nor disproved, if they could they wouldn't be faiths they would be understandings. Since neither can be disproved, they both have the potential to be true. Since mine has the potential to be true, I have the potential to be god.

Nothing you can say will change the above, you know why? Because it is all FACT. That which can not be disproved has the potential to be true.

Maybe if you didn't have to inform us that you didn't grasp a damned thing I said, I wouldn't have to repeat it.

NOTE: People who refuse to accept facts are morons.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 1:43 pm
by I-M nUbee
IF all you are trying to say is that you have the potential or possibility to become god, then why even say it. your just wasting peoples time. so shut up already. no one here cares about you.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 1:46 pm
by Ph0g
I said it because no one here would accept the possiblity that I may infact be god, and now they must.

I also said it because it brings out the idiot in people, always a fun thing to play with.

I said it because I am showing all of you exactly what it feels like to argue with ignorant religious close-minded people.

I said it to show you what it is like to fight against your own tactics.

I said it, to piss you off.

I said it, because I am a jackass.

NOTE: Potentially becoming god makes you god. But this is based on the possiblity that my potential exists. Still, I may potentially be god.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 1:57 pm
by wood144
haha this thread reminds me of the first day of religions 107....the prof was talking about buddhism and this girl kept say over and over "no thats wrong becuase the bible says..." and the professor was just getting pissed cause we were looking at religions from an objective standpoint not a christian one. and the girl never came back to you've all heard my pointless story thank you for wasting your time reading it :)

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 1:59 pm
by Ph0g
Amusing story wood :P.

I can make the generalization that "People are morons", and it would be highly accurate.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 2:14 pm
by Der Kammisar
On the contrary my dear Ph0g, general inferiority can't be measured, because it is built on aspects which can't be measured.

Therefore you cannot prove that people are morons.

Posted: Sun Jun 15, 2003 2:20 pm
by Bucknutz
I have the potential to achieve light speed and go back in time.
