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Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:58 pm
hmm. really? Cause every single time i come into the [FuN] 4 goldrush server and your in there you say "Hey aren't you the Beavis from the banimod forums". So i ignore you. because you aren't worth my time. Except in this case of which you won't see that you are immature and do not know how to handle yourself in even the slightest bit of situations. But its ok now mazza. Everyone sees the real you now!

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 12:59 pm
by Lemndrp
About the only thing I have to agree on with Mazza is the, "either deal with the way server is run or don't play in it". We run a no spawn killing server in ET. Its amazing how many people get pissed off, because they feel they were kicked for no reason, and how many people argue with me about it. I have it stated on our loading page, and on the banners, so I feel that we have our rules listed, if you can't read, go play somewhere else.

There are thousands of servers out there, that I'm sure most of them would allow you shove until your hearts content. If you don't get along with the clan members, or other regular players in a clan server, then find a new one. It isn't worth the time and energy to argue with the admin... you are supposed to be playing the game and having fun.

Mazza, maybe you can try adding a rule list to your loading page, or if you have banners running like we do on ET, you could add something about it there. Shove is a great feature, but if you don't like people using it to mess around, maybe you need to state that somewhere so people know you don't like that going on in your server. (Well in the time I took to type this out, you already mentioned something about the rules.)

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:07 pm
He says they do have rules. But if you type /rules in there server. Which i took the common courtesy to post them for everyone.

Instagib Gold Rush

* guns kill with 1 shot!

* kill the enemy and steal their gold

* take your collected gold to the nearest flagpole to cash in

* the more gold you cash in at once, the more you score

* make one person collect all your gold (known as the COW)

* the team with the most points at the end of the round wins

* gold weighs you down...

* use \kill to drop gold at the cow

* protect the cow until he cashes the gold collection at the end

* Angelica and Mazza are your hosts.

wow. Nice rules. Especially the last one. Shows another example of the powerhungry people who are [FuN]. Funny mazza. Not once in your little "rules" does it say "No shoving". Or am i mistaken?

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:26 pm
by kingjam
i thought there was one more rule on that server:

You must cow or you will be kicked

(& btw - i don't play there anymore - i dislike the way it is run immensely)

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:34 pm
See. There's another person mazza. Geez, That must tell you SOMETHING!

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:47 pm
by alex247
I have played on the fun servers only a few times. Those times that I did were not that fun. I had some of the same probablems that beavis has had...That is why I don't play there at all. I had no Idea what I did to piss who ever kept zapping me so I left and never went back.

So mazza...if its suppost to be fun...then why are there so many "unspoken rules" on your server. Its like I was suppost to know that I had to cow. I didn't know because my team never told me. If you don't tell people what to do then how are they to know. Maybe you should try puting up some rules in those banners in the game. I think it would help. As for me not playing there ever agian? Well I will stop in agian sometime... :wink:


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 2:08 pm
by captain darling
BEAVIS|BFC| wrote:There server is not made for [FuN]. Its made to pick on people. If you don't suck up to [FuN] then they treat you absolutly pathetic. Over half of the people i have talked to say bad things about the FuN server just because of some of these reasons.
and still you keep coming back... :?

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 2:24 pm
by NeX
mazza ur a needto get rid of those servers...all they are is shit and all you are is shit! now go back to doin ur great grandpa up the ass u dirty homo

ecscuse my french :twisted:

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 3:00 pm
by [FuN]mazza
LMFAO....thats all i got to say......u guys are really showing ure maturity...if u had cared to read any of the posts u would find out that i am u can call me all the names u care to........our servers are still proving the end of the day beavis yet again was asked to stop doing something.......he didn't....he got a nice power zap :shock: BIG took a few points from him.......jeez i wish i could stop being so nice and stop clearing out my banlists occasionally :shock:then we wouldn't have this discussion over and over again

beavis how many times u been banned now :?: but of course u didn't do anything wrong :shock: always the evil admin :wink: well do tell me why do u keep coming back :?:
Happy Fraggin
Maz :wink:

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 3:22 pm
by AMD_Junk13
Hi people for those that don't know me I'm [FuN]CompuWolf. I have been reading all this and find it disturbing that you BEAVIS, Nex and others are having such a hard time on our severs :cry:

I'm here to help :D all those that are having problems with Maz, the rules, other admin or the servers please list your Guid in this thread, the command is /myguid . I will help you by banning you for life myself so your never tempted to come into our servers and get your feelings hurt again.

I will be checking this thread daily TY :D


Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 4:04 pm
by alex247
MAN :roll: it just me :?: or do they use a lot of smilies :?: :!:

Ummmm.... :rock:

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 5:15 pm
by RammStein
Well, here you go:

[<AMW|RammStein>] [54fa1195101acebcc707266587b10390]

Ban me from all of them.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 6:11 pm
by kingcorncrap
I used to be a regular on [FuN] 4 Gamers. I was pretty cool with Thex, Ziggy and Texan. Sorry I can't really say much on this matter since i haven't played on the server or with mazza, but i agree with lemmy.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 7:13 pm
by AMD_Junk13
RammStein wrote:Well, here you go:

[<AMW|RammStein>] [54fa1195101acebcc707266587b10390]

Ban me from all of them.
Thank you that took more guts than these others speaking in this tread. I respect that and if you chose to change you mind just post in here before 1600 GMT.

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 7:36 pm
HeH. Udder pathetic. See heres what i'm going to do. Instead of giving you my guid and letting you win. I'm going to keep coming back and keep coming back with DIFFERANT names. Everytime i come in i will have a new name. You ask why i come back? Hmm.. Maybe it's because i wanna see if anything has changed. But everytime i go there NOTHING has changed. Still the ole' same ole' same ole' shit. I think sometimes that you all try to make yourselves look big. But your not. I can see that your probably a 14 year old kid, that is using dad's computer. And thinks that your all big! Well guess what, I'm here to help :D I will be the first to say that your all idiots. Jesus. Maybe if you would listen to the PUBLIC instead of the same People you say EVERY SINGLE DAY. Maybe you would get NEW people in there once in awhile. I go into [FuN]. And i see the same people as i did before.

This topic isn't getting anywhere. I've made my point clear. My goal was to show the RTCW:IGR Players a taste of what [FuN] really is. And as i've sayed before.

[FuN] = PowerHungry.

Nuff Said.

p.s. Lock this topic please. Sticky it if possible! people need to know the real truth...