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Serious Budget Internet withdrawals

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2003 11:04 pm
by Frosty
Just a rant... so if you're busy, please skip down to the last few lines. Thanks!

Oh man! I miss BI2 so much. I've been getting all cranky lately. Playing on Bani's servers was a great way for me to blow off a little steam caused by my high-pressure job. It used to be that I could count on dropping into a quick game of beach obj a few times a day. Now I can't seem to find a good game, and I miss seeing some of my ol' chums, even those that don't consider themselves my chums. :wink:

I play from China, so please understand that it isn't all that easy to find game servers with a good ping.

When I search for games now, I find the OldCrows servers, but the obj games are always empty. All that's left are a few Goldrush games, that to be honest, I've never found very appealing. Either that or Instagib games which, although fun, remind me too much of Nintendo's Duck Hunt. So I've been playing Goldrush... meh! I run around trying to find something to do, shoot at people up in the sky, and generally frown the entire time.

Yesterday, I had some guy start hassling me about camping. I had no idea what I was doing wrong. I never stopped for more than a second or two, and that was only to take aim with my duck hunt rifle. I didn't know the map very well, so I was running around the entire map trying to get my bearings, and when I saw an enemy I would pause and shoot him. FROSTY IS A CAMPER!!! /kick player F1! F1! F1! I politely asked the guy what I was doing wrong so I could correct it. They called me a n00b... heh heh. I agree. :oops:

Anyone else feel the same? I've got money, Bani. What do we need to do to remedy this terrible situation? Hell, tell me what I need and I'll buy the server and bandwidth. My peace of mind is at stake! :roll:

BTW - anyone know the IP addy for the Tokyo Banimod server? It's not showing up on my server list.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 12:21 am
by CacoPhony
I think you summed that up pretty well, Frosty. BI2 was my favorite rtcw server and is already missed terribly. I really fell in love with all its many BaniMod features (although it took a little while to adjust to some of them) it seems a little strange on other servers that lack them. :) Oh ya, and I also dug the relatively short recharge times, respawn times, etc. that this server had set.

What I miss most, though, are the people I'd gotten used to playing with on a regular basis (lol...daily). It had a little growing family of 'regulars' after a while, which also made it unique among the other BI servers.

Anyway, to comment on what you said, Frosty....nope, you're not alone. I feel the same way, dude.

Take care, fellas.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 8:18 am
damn you all hit it right on the head! I now wander through the house...and get onto the game to wander aimlessly through one of the goldrush servers. I really don't like goldrush. My whole routine has been thrown off.

I did find a server running the bani and it was not terrible, I even ran into almost everyone of the old chums from BI2. But the settings sucked and the spawn time was an eternity...which made it all the more suck ass when youre sitting waiting for a medic and you get gibbed by your own teammate.
I think you're right frosty...I too have money to throw at this problem. Somebody (bani) tell us what to do

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 9:13 am
by gotenks
when we get our public server running...(possibly next week) we'll get be running banimod most of the time... it'll max at 20 people for now, but we're pretty lax and will change options if you want us too... well no oltl instagib goldrush, but things within reason.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 10:47 am
by Sexy|Beast
I agree with you guys. Playing BI2 was like going down to the local watrering hole after work and meeting all your buddies for some pool or darts. It was great playing with you guys every nite, and a lot of us cut our teeth on Banimod together.

We seem to have migrated to the SWAT and Oldcrows servers in the aftermath though. SWAT is kick ass all around except I know a few peeple that won't play because of the big heads. I HIGHLY recommend the SWATs though. Good people, good maps and besides, it can be downright entertaining when Kenny is playing and someone shows up and talks excessive smack or spawn camps with a flame thrower. :twisted:

And SHVDTKY is right, Oldcrows has a 40 sec. spawn, holy eternity Batman! Take a nap while you wait. Besides, I only counted 19 Banimod servers on ASE (it's spooky, ASE won't drop BI2 from my scan list and I have it there frozen in time but blacked out) and half of those are empty. Has anyone tried the other servers? Maybe we could collectively inhabit one of those until the Zer0 server goes up? I am going to check them out.

Let's face it, we have to move on, and as far as throwing money at it, I am down. Perhaps Bani or Kenny or somebody could give us a basic rundown of what it takes to set up a server. I don't mean the KNOWLEDGE it takes, I realize that is a whole other ball of wax, just the equipment and bandwidth. What was BI2 running on? System, OS, connection? Maybe this will give people an idea of the initail and recurring costs of setting up and running a server and whether they can afford it . Then, if they can afford it, they can decide if they want to invest the time into learning to do it right.

P.S. Hey Cacophony! Welcome to the forums!

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 11:15 am
I still have BI2 listed as well. Depressing. Also I can never seem to find any swat servers listed. Whats the IP address of the one you are talking about Sexy. I would like to find it.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 12:54 pm
by =SWAT=Kenny
swat server:
amd xp1900
512 MB ddr 2400
2 6gb raided hds
cd drive
300w ps
asus mobo
crap vid card- dont need a good one to run command line
15" monitor

redhat 8....

wolf 1.1.41
banimod 1.1.48

3 ds3's (its at a co-locate at an isp)

btw we do not have 3 servers we have 1 and it runs 3 instances of wolf. linux rules!!

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 12:58 pm
by =SWAT=Kenny
Sexy|Beast wrote:I
We seem to have migrated to the SWAT and Oldcrows servers in the aftermath though. SWAT is kick ass all around except I know a few peeple that won't play because of the big heads.

if big heads bugs people that much i think they should post something on our forums to that effect.
Sexy|Beast wrote: I HIGHLY recommend the SWATs though. Good people, good maps and besides, it can be downright entertaining when Kenny is playing and someone shows up and talks excessive smack or spawn camps with a flame thrower. :twisted:
a definate no no on our servers.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 2:14 pm
by WeblionX
Really, the only hurdle would be the "setup fee." Meaning buying the computer and setting it all up. Then the price wouldn't be so high just paying for the connection. Though I am curious as to what a DS3 is.


Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 2:31 pm
by CacoPhony
Hey! Can anyone clarify what a ds3 is? Thanks. :roll:

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 2:34 pm
by Boco
Hey, Caco! I was one of the regulars. I loved BI2 because I would ping 60ms on it. I think it was located in the West side of the United States, although I could be wrong. I have migrated to the Oldcrows Objective for now, but some features were turned off and it confused me for a bit... (I was confused why MediLock wasn't working, lol!) Also, I seem to lag when turning and whatnot. Very weird. I wonder if that was my problem... Anyways, come see my on Oldcrows sometime, Caco. I might even check out the SWAT servers, but, for some reason, Pathfinder doesn't show it, even though I added the IP to my favorites section...

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 3:11 pm
by TEAMMATE-8163
SHVDKTY (ID) wrote:I still have BI2 listed as well. Depressing. Also I can never seem to find any swat servers listed. Whats the IP address of the one you are talking about Sexy. I would like to find it.
Boco wrote:I might even check out the SWAT servers, but, for some reason, Pathfinder doesn't show it, even though I added the IP to my favorites section...

for some reason many people have problems finding the =SWAT= servers. the server list that gets generated by the game is horrible. i never open wolf to join games.....

i use this to connect to all games: its called the ALL SEEING EYE. dont be scared, its a nifty little program, it wont bite. its like gamespy but with allot of neat features. you DONT have to buy it but you get reduced features if you dont. $10 if you do register it. = swat obj = goldrush = OLTL (temp. down)

i guess they dont like showing up on wolf's server list because the IPs are almost identical.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 3:37 pm
by Sexy|Beast
Yeah, good point Teammate, when I said ASE, that's what I meant: All Seeing Eye.

This program is way better than Pathfinder in my opinion. And the $10 to register is well spent because you get first access to the server scans and an unlimited buddy list. This feature kicks ass. Not only can you track your buddies, but you can see everyone playing on say, BI2 at any given time and decide if you want to join. When I was first starting out, I would put some of the better players I met on my buddy list so I could track them and play where they play and hopefully improve. GET THIS PROGRAM. You will never click on the Wolf MP icon again because you connect to the server you want to play through ASE. And like Teammate said it is free, unless you want to unlock the added features.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 3:59 pm
by TEAMMATE-8163
another good feature is that you can arrange the servers by mod/type...this is useful if just want to view all servers, lets say running banimod on 1.41....

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 4:04 pm
by WeblionX
Well, unfortunately I'm still going to have to use the little wolfmp icon. No servers happen to run my map. I mean, come on! It's 1/8 completed already! It's so unfair.. :roll: