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banimod on 1.0 /1.1 protcol 57

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 1:24 pm
by fokkeWolf

i am a fan still of 1.0 and 1.1 rtcw mainly cos it easy to run modded sp maps etc anyone with 1.0 can simply join maps like village2 and trainyard etc
i ran 10.0.0 banimod it runs fine although do need to disable the venom
as it crash the server is anyone fires it etc

i was wondering wil there be a banimod done special for the 1.0 ??

cos all mods now adays only cater for the latest versions etc

cheers the creeper

ps any one interested in having both 1.0 and 1.4 on same pc this is how it is done

do fresh instal on a pc with wolf 1.0 then go to program files (or where ever it is installed ) then click on the rtcw folder click copy
then click paste in side program files also ,
so you will have rtcw folder and also copy of rtcw (ok so far)
next run the 1.4 patch ,,now this will update the 1.0 not the copy of 1.0

next go into the copy ofrtcw( 1.0 ) and click on red multiplay icon and makea short cut to desk top

so on desk top you will already have a existing mp icon (1.4)
and also a 1.0 as well.

now some people some times have 1.3 and 1,4 or wat ever combination

cheers all

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 1:48 pm
by gotenks
banimod v. 0.5 is made for the rtcw demo/rtcw v. 1.0
bani hasn't done anything for 1.4 compatible banimod in over a year so i doubt any changes will be done on 2 series older banimod

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:07 am
by =FF=im2good4u
indeed like gotenks said

you can downlaod bani 0.5 on rtcw file search for banimod incaseoyu want it