known bugs in etpro 2.0.1

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Post by bani »

does it still happen if m1 doesnt try to pick up the panzer?

does it still happen if p2 doesnt pick up p1's panzer for ammo?
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Post by spoon »

bani wrote:does it still happen if m1 doesnt try to pick up the panzer?
bani wrote:does it still happen if p2 doesnt pick up p1's panzer for ammo?
No. I believe that P2 picking up the panzer is what's triggering it.
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Post by bani »

so you're saying that all someone has to do is gib p1, pick up his pf, and he will spawn with mp40, and nobody can get another pf?

doesnt make any sense, because p2 already has a pf, and it doesnt count players twice...
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Post by spoon »

bani wrote:so you're saying that all someone has to do is gib p1, pick up his pf, and he will spawn with mp40, and nobody can get another pf?
YES! :) Someone on his own team, that is. If Allies picks up an Axis panzer, then Axis doesn't seem to be penalized.
bani wrote:doesnt make any sense, because p2 already has a pf, and it doesnt count players twice...
I agree that it shouldn't count the same player twice, but it sure as hell looks like it is.

Any rate, I give up. Going to check out the 2.0.2 release... if it's fixed, great, if not, then at least KP knows how to work around it.
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Post by bani »

ok, i can reproduce it:

player 1 goes pf
player 2 goes pf
player 3 goes anything-except-pf

player 2 gibs player 1 and player 3

player 1 respawns with smg...
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Post by Kamel »

eh, it may not be worth mentioning (very well could have been a faulty setup), but i had banners placed in position 4 (on top of screen), but one of them was a bit large... it word wrapped and everything, actually worked great, with the exception that it crashed the server.

ok, i'll try my best to recreate...

i do config, banners working like they should, but one word wraps. i start server, it works great. it gets to the one which word wraps, then all the sudden connection interrupted. it actually shows the banner, but it freezes right after. so, i wait it out. then i go onto the server and try to kill it with a process killer. my first attempt didn't work because it just said "process can not be killed". i try with process killer number 2 (this one is much meaner, will nearly always kill programs, even anti-virus programs)... it says "access is denied" (of course, it's crappy windows 2000)... so i figure, well, if it's gonna be froze, i might as well just load it up again on port 27961. it works, lol. so, i connect... banner comes up.. same thing happens. so, now i try to list the processes to get the PID from them to try to kill them both. i think i made my server cry or something... it tried liting the processes, and it killed everything. not even my ftp server would work after that. i knew the box was still up though, because it would accept the connection, i just couldn't log in.

so, in short, bug in the banner system at position 4 when it has wordwrap. changed to position 2 worked great. it really FUBAR'd the box though. guessing the admins had to reboot it, but they dont have to know i was the one who did it, hehe.

as a few bugs, well, if you're in spectator mode while looking at a covert ops (and can see name labels), it shows up both names at once.

i've got a few more i've noticed, but i'm really tired... i'll make another post about them tomorrow
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Post by Lagger »

seen in both 2.0.0 and 2.0.1:
cannot pickup items
xp is not saved after reconnect
cannot change spawn point

all these were experienced when a client join is interrupted by server map change

also though not a bug, it is still very annoying for the newbies:

1. newbie joins etpro server with cvar violations
2. ignores the warnings and joins a team
3. is kicked by pb for not having fixed cvars b4 joining a team
4. rejoins the server w/o having fixed the cvars
5. is instantly kicked again because etpro remembers team

fix: kicked players re-joins as spectators

keep up the good work bani
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Post by Kamel »

ah, that's it... the biggest annoyance bug i've found; the name of players will sometimes switch to what they had it previously set to (maybe it actually changes their name to their profile name?). it's really common, and drives people nuts. usually this happens after a fairly recent name change, but i haven't been able to perfectly reproduce it. =\


my friend and i experianced this. i went over to his house (we in the same clan, so he already had etpro installed).. i connected to normal server which i'm ref at. i change my name to kamel, ref up, play a little. after a while, i head on over to our server (this server has etpro, the previous one didn't), and it says my name is mike. it's weird because it will say something like "Kamel has connected" then "Mike has joined the axis team" -- when you look in the tab menu while they are connecting, it will say the name which it was changed back to (mike in this case). so, i change my name back, everything works great. now, i finish playing, then mike returns to the server with etpro (not joining a clean server before this), -- before using /name mike in the console to change his name. it says kamel connected. he changes it back, works fine. after he wakes up the next day, his name is changed back to kamel once more when he joins the server... he changes back through console, everything is peachy, so far, it hasn't changed back to kamel yet.

i would like to add that the bug is more than an annoyance, because in our case, punkbuster didn't like mike's name stealing.. if you know what i mean.
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Post by bani »

this is due to the way et handles configs and profiles. it has nothing to do with etpro nor is there anything the mod can do about it.

basically when the game starts up it loads your config out of etmain. then when you connect to an etpro server it switches over to the config in etpro.

the easiest way to deal with it is to have a shortcut for etpro with '+set fs_game etpro' in the commandline.
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Post by Rain »

Lagger wrote:cannot pickup items
Known bug (happens in vanilla ET as well), although we don't know the cause yet. It might not be something we can fix in etpro, but as a temporary workaround, turning cg_autoactivate off and then on again will usually make the problem go away.
Lagger wrote:xp is not saved after reconnect
bani already has a fix for this (basically, ET doesn't always know who a player is yet when it needs to do the stats restore), but it's a fairly major change, so it's not integrated yet. It will probably be in the next major release of etpro, although it might sneak in before then.
Lagger wrote:cannot change spawn point
Can you provide some details? I've never seen this before.
Lagger wrote:also though not a bug, it is still very annoying for the newbies:

1. newbie joins etpro server with cvar violations
2. ignores the warnings and joins a team
3. is kicked by pb for not having fixed cvars b4 joining a team
4. rejoins the server w/o having fixed the cvars
5. is instantly kicked again because etpro remembers team

fix: kicked players re-joins as spectators
We can't really do anything about this, because PB doesn't give us any indication that it was responsible for kicking a player. You might try to convince evenbalance to make the cvar checking a little smarter, or at least to be more obnoxious with the notification and what needs to be done to correct it.
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Post by Rain »

bani wrote:custom maps which use custom icons will have to make special etpro shaders for. or the maps need to use stock icons/symbols for the map objectives.
=FF=im2weak4u wrote:well you can add a .pk3 file whit etpro shaders for those icons and make it dl able
As an example, take a look at ... andmap.pk3, which contains a shader script that fixes the command map icons for mml_church.

It's a simple addition, and mapmakers can just provide a small separate pk3 for people using etpro who want to get rid of the small visual glitch.

The changes we made to the way the compass works were needed to make sure that things inside the compass are properly drawn when near the edges: for example, look at the larger icons on the compass when they near the edge--they'll sometimes be drawn outside of compass, and they'll sometimes instantly appear partway inside of the compass instead of smoothly scrolling in while you walk.

The change required on the part of the mapmaker is simple enough that we're hoping mapmakers won't mind the slight inconvenience, and they don't need to do anything special if they use the command map icons included with ET (since we've already changed those.)
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Post by spoon »

Lagger wrote:seen in both 2.0.0 and 2.0.1:
cannot pickup items
I've found that if you crouch and then hit activate, it'll work on most everything (panzers being the exception). IF the object is under a gibbed corpse or half-in/half-out of a wall or something, you won't be able to get to it.
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Post by bani »

corpses block everything... not sure if this was intentional by SD or not.
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Post by SpanK »

Covert op with k43/garand switches back from alt-fire(zoomed mode) and in the same time zooms in (bind space zoomin) => normal fire mode with zoom fov.