Disabling stats, med whoring, etc...

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Amish z8')
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Disabling stats, med whoring, etc...

Post by Amish z8') »

I'm not sure if these have been mentioned, or actually even implemented already, but I would like to bring them up anyway just in case.

- What would it take to get the stats disabled?

I'm seeing a lot of complaining on et-center.com about the way the game is going in terms of dm. There's a lot of interest in a cvar that could control this.

What is the harm in throwing this into ETPro? Combine this with the ability to just turn off the awards system with the way you can limit leveling up via the server cfgs, and you can really return the game to what it's about, obj teamplay.

- Take the medic and limit his ability to pick up both the tommy and mp40. If they're on allies, only allow them to pick up the tommy, if they're on axis, only the mp40.

I really believe this would limit the med whoring we see now. Without this, teams will be forced to run an extra fo, or have their stacked meds battling with pistols a lot more. In addition, I believe this would open the game up a lot more. More split attacks and emphasis on timing.

I'm sure this one has been discussed a ton though.
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Re: Disabling stats, med whoring, etc...

Post by eclipse+ »

Amish z8') wrote: - Take the medic and limit his ability to pick up both the tommy and mp40. If they're on allies, only allow them to pick up the tommy, if they're on axis, only the mp40.
I like this idea. Having 5 meds and 1 FO is pretty lame..
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Post by Kendle »

Agree with the stats option. IMO stats were the worst thing OSP bought to RTCW and I'd love a cvar to turn them off completely.

Meds, been discussed many, many times, and my personal opinion is you've got to limit their health to really have an effect, but limiting them to only picking up SMG's dropped by teammates would be a good start.
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Post by dragon »

As long as it's a cvar, i don't have a problem with no stats, but I can't see us using it. Stats > * when dissecting our clan matches :)

As for medics, meh, I'd rather limit the ammount of ammo they can carry to help nerf them. 60 rounds (inc 30 in the gun) is enough for em :)
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Post by kekkyoku »

bani, please implement these cvars:


1- How it is now

2- No display of OSP stats

3- Only making stats displayed to the user, "when frags dont determine the winner of the game, it really shouldnt be reported".


1- Scoreboard how it is now (displaying of XP)

2- RtCW style scoreboard, with minimal 'points' for frags, but higher points for teamplay like ammo packs, disarming the dynamite, or returning the radar parts. Make XP and levels only displayed to the user.


1- XP system how it is now: levels, upgrades etc.

2- Set XP levels for each person, designated by other cvars. For example Field ops are with level 1 battle sense and level 1 light weapons but level 0 signals at all times regardless of their score. Set by something like b_fieldopslevels 1,1,0


-No explanation needed.

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Post by Deus »

kekkyoku wrote: b_maxmedics
I would prefer team_maxmedics
some time ago someone asked for team_maxcoverts because of a german league was limiting battery defense with only one covert allowed, but that was before etpromapscripts, but i think it would also be nice to be able to limit the classes.
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Post by [MoB]Seany »

if ur gonna limit a medic to only picking up his/her teams smg...then u really need to do that to all the classes...for example, if an allied medic kills some axis with an mp40...what would be stopping an allied engie with a tommy from runnin by and exchaning it....then the medic picking up that tommy...u suddenly have control over that ammo with a FO in sight :?
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Post by Heimdal »

Im just wondering why we want to nerf medics so badly? I mean, it is the same for everyone. Why shouldnt medic stay the way it is? I see a lot of complaints about stats and stuff, why is stats a bad thing too? I mean, clans that complain about them winning the game look at our stats etc. are lamers anyways so why care? If there werent stats they would be saying some other nonsense right? So quite the point of all this whining about medics being good and stats being in the game I dont quite see the point of. Stats are a part of online games. The boosts received by XP is also quite limited now, it mostly results in more ammo. 90 XP is pretty much unachievable when playing an evenly matched team (my experience) so removing xp would hardly change the match results at all eh?
Amish z8')
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Post by Amish z8') »

The problem with stats is that it's ruining many people's online pub experience. People are /killing to avoid deaths, avoiding the objective and generally playing an individual oriented game in a team based environment. This is especially true in some of the 'pro' pubs.

I would love to two even teams take 2 weeks and scrim all the same teams. 1 team still has stats and the other team does not. By the end of the 2 weeks, I'm almost positive that the team without stats will improve more than the team with stats available to them.

The current problem with the medics the way they are is that the game is becoming severly unbalanced. Almost to the level of being retarded med rush gameplay only. There is almost no need for field ops other than spam. The fact that meds can kill an opponent and then get their gun for additional ammo, or switch completely, is teaching teams to just med rush and forget the other classes. This is dumbing down the way the game is played.

By switching the med, obviously the most powerful class in the game, to only their team's default smg, you place a premium back on the field op handing out ammo. This helps the defense in defeating mindless med rushes and will force offenses to become more creative and tatical in their attacks.

The engineer argument about limiting smg's is kind of silly. You don't have teams with 6 engi's attacking defenses. We're trying to find solutions to nerfing the strongest (really, it's the dumbest) class in the game.
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Post by Dissent »

I agree with Amish and Kekk.

/b_statwhores 2
/b_scorestyle 2
/b_levelsystem 2
and then take away medic's ability to pick up an enemy weapon.
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Post by Latro »

I agree.

Ever since ET - beta test, I have believed that the ammo and health cabinets have no place in competition. Pubs are different. But to have these cabinets where team members are not soley sufficient on the other classes of the team. This causes a significant imbalance to competition and the choices made by a team in creating their strat in regard to class selections.


1- How it is now

2- No ammo or health cabinets
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Post by Herve »

I agree with everything but restricting medics, that shouldnt be done imo.
Amish z8')
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Post by Amish z8') »

As a possible compromise for teams, how about eliminating individual stats but still allowing overall team stats? That way a team can look at the end of the round and tell if they need to get their gibbing up or if they're slacking on handing out med packs/ammo.

I could see that being beneficial for a team based game experience.
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Post by [MoB]Seany »

dosnt /kill count as a death in the new etpro?
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Post by Herve »

I dont know if /kill counts as a death but I was on a server doing nothing but jumping off a high building, 10 deaths that way but my ratio was 4 kills/5 deaths. So obviously deaths that arent /kills or real deaths dont count. They did count in the suicide column however.
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