To finish ETPro? v2

Discussion for Bani's Tournament Mod

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Post by blakjack »

fix reloads that dont reload (weaponswitch)
aaaaaand fix ettv laggy binaries
everything else is fluff
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Post by Nellie- »

Deus wrote:
Dersaidin wrote:I'm surprised no one has commented on the b_hudfiles idea.
I like the idea, but its too late IMO for such a huge project, since ET is not that popular anymore
Not popular? :shock:

hudfiles are great in cpma ! Be a cool addition.
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Post by ReyalP »

blakjack wrote:fix reloads that dont reload (weaponswitch)
Be more specific. How do I reproduce the problem you are complaining about, and what do you expect it to do instead ?
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Post by Dersaidin »

I'm not sure if its the same weapon switch-reload thing blakjack is talking about, but I think I have expericened something similar - if its a bug (prolly is imo):

The ETTV binary lagging is another important one :)
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Post by blakjack »

not complaining, reminding
/me also reminds reyalp not everyone is here to complain
seen it mentioned numerous times over a long period, never brought it up myself just happen to agree it is "bug-like" and more worthwhile resolving
thought it was pretty well known so i didnt spell it out.

basically, any instance where the reload sound and animation complete, but the reload doesnt occur. usually accompanied by a weapon switch, but cant say for certain that it is limited to that.

commonly related to autoreload - however I believe to have experienced it with manual reload, esp when using mg42, which might be more noticable due to the long reload time, lovely getting stranded when that doesnt reload. no we havent nerfed mg42s in our league

quick search found these links ... php?t=4753 ... php?t=4893 ... php?t=5759 ... 2787#62787

as for ettv, just in case specifics are needed: the laggy masters on b13 windows binaries, later also experienced on linux servers, fixed by the dodgy forcecvar timescale 0.5 crap. our league is limited to windows servers, ran our previous season on b4/b7, upgraded to 2.6b/b13/3.2.6 at the commencement of this season, cant roll back now and cant run ettv as a result.
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Post by jump3r »

blakjack wrote:as for ettv, just in case specifics are needed: the laggy masters on b13 windows binaries, later also experienced on linux servers, fixed by the dodgy forcecvar timescale 0.5 crap. our league is limited to windows servers, ran our previous season on b4/b7, upgraded to 2.6b/b13/3.2.6 at the commencement of this season, cant roll back now and cant run ettv as a result.
use the ettv b4 for master server and b13 for ettv slave, it works fine tbh.

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Post by Dersaidin »

Yeah blakjack, looks like what I reproduced in that demo.

I'll add it to the list, as well as another thing in one of those threads: turn spread being dependant on FPS/mouse rate...
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Post by Luk4ward »

nUllSkillZ wrote:I know this is a pro mod.
But as many pub server run pro some suggestions for checking server rules.
Many servers have rules like "no spawnkilling allowed" or "no infight selfkilling allowed".
But it's not possible to check if every player follow these rules.

Pub has a nice feature if someone kills himself while in fight:
"scared to death" (not sure if Pro has a similar/this feature).
Alternatively show a warning the first time and next time kick.

There's an anti spawnkill mod called ETSK.
May be it's possible to at this mod (source code is free available).
Alternatively if there's a kill within spawn (could be a radius around the team_WOLF_objective entity) first time warning second time kick.

It will extremally increase the usage of etpro on public servers. Why we (admins) have to install etadmin mod only because we want putting ppl with 999, or limit the /kill (its a bad idea, but what we cant do much with that! :( ), this scared to death is brilliant and i think about 90% of public servers with etpro will be more friendly to all players, etc. (i can typing such sentences infinitive)

as for spawn killing, it s the same thing as for /kill. Public severs wont be anymore worrying about lame, players who r spoiling the game...
gotenks wrote:bani has said he has a better idea for the /kill thing... though i don't think he ever did it....

as for the spawn kill thing, i never understood how someone could complain about being spawn killed while they have the 3 seconds of invoulnerability, also the fact that usually just thinking can get you out of the problem
erm...uh..i guess u werent on any public server or just dnt care of having fun playing there. I can tell u why spawnkilling is so important to be disabled (yes, even with 4 or 5 secs spawn protection):

1) after respawn u r going out from the spawn in the group of ppl, 3/4 secs u r not so far from the spawn because of lot ppl in your team, 1 rocket/1 arty/skilled meds and fields and u r all gone!

2) after respawn u r going out from the spawn in the group of ppl, 3/4 secs u r not so far from the spawn because u cant get out or your team is blocking u and your firing, 1 rocket/1 arty/skilled meds and fields and u r all gone!

3) after respawn u r going out from the spawn, after 3/4 secs your protection is gone and u didnt find any spawn killer, but then u see 1 rocket/1 arty/skilled meds and fields and u r gone!

4) after respawn u r going out from the spawn, after 3/4 secs your protection is gone and u didnt find any spawn killer, but then u see them, kill them and after all happy u r going to do obj, with low hp u r easily killed by your teammate...

5) after respawn u r going out from the spawn, after 3/4 secs your protection is gone and u r totally lost, but hey then immediatelly u found your enemies whohoho...but they were waiting for u and of coz ur gone

6) after respawn u r going out from the spawn, after 3/4 secs your protection is gone and u didnt hide, so the sniper/panzerpussies made from u a jam

shall i continue?

a lot of public severs r in a mode: set it and forget, so there is an anarchy and nothing good at all...

I would see some resolution of these problems:

*selfkilling in a battle
*spawn killing
*better curse filter (enhanced such in etadmin mod, culture is nightmare nowadays)
*heavy weapons & any other for example sniper restrictions depending on number of ppl on server (this option is important too)

If new etpro got these necessary things i will disable etadmin mod (a lot of admins too in my opinion). Mod would be number 1, and none will be thinking about swapping to other or installing some extra software such etadmin only because to make fair playing and getting fun from playing...

as for some extra options:
*setting levels on guids (refs, etc.)
*setting any command, so admins can set a for example:
pb_sv_getss to /pbscreen , and allow this only with ref status
*nicks protection
*disabling voting after some amount of time

p.s every1 can see that the no of cheats/cheaters r imho etpro should go in this direction too...maybe by implementating /yawn command or something..dnt know..

//sent a pm to bani about multihacking tool working on newest updates (et version, mods (new etpro too), etc.)

sorry for english -> emotions
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Post by ReyalP »

Lets not turn this otherwise useful thread into a spawn kill or /kill debate. We are well aware what people on both sides think of these issues.

For myself, I don't see any urgent need to add features to etpro which are already available using a lua mod or (to a lesser degree) etadmin_mod.

I don't care if you are complaining or reminding, I just wanted to know exactly which bug you were talking about and how to reproduce it. The threads you linked and Dersaidin's demo should cover that.
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Post by Dersaidin »

In case you missed it...


Although I havn't ever felt the need for etadmin and know little about it, I remember other people's responses: afaik it can be used together WITH ETPro.

As for half the other stuff, I'm sure I saw a LUA script that detected if players killed an enemy within a certain distance of their spawn blob within a certain period from their spawn. Search around.

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Post by McSteve »

ReyalP wrote: For myself, I don't see any urgent need to add features to etpro which are already available using a lua mod or (to a lesser degree) etadmin_mod.
Luk4ward, I have to agree with ReyalP's statement above. The tools are by and large already out there, especially with regards to the lua mods (omg powerful). I'm at a bit of a loose end at the moment because my current project has been put on hold due to a bug (in sess.aweaponstats, made me v sad). If you are not confident with installing/modifying lua scripts yourself, send me a pm or catch me in irc #ghostworks and tell me exactly what you would like.

Like ReyalP said, most of this stuff already exists and the authors of pretty much all of the lua scripts have given permission to others to use/reuse as desired (with credit ofc), so it shouldn't take too long to put it all together.

I'd be happy to help you; 1 for the love of the game and 2 so we can leave the ETPro team to concentrate on the pro aspects of the mod, the way it should be.
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Post by Luk4ward »

ReyalP wrote:Lets not turn this otherwise useful thread into a spawn kill or /kill debate. We are well aware what people on both sides think of these issues.

For myself, I don't see any urgent need to add features to etpro which are already available using a lua mod or (to a lesser degree) etadmin_mod.
i havent been informed about such things. I only heard about this like about Yeti (everyone heards about him but none has seen). Etadmin mod is just very easily configurable by cfg files, and for lua scripting the problem is only in learning how to do it...
McSteve wrote:
ReyalP wrote: For myself, I don't see any urgent need to add features to etpro which are already available using a lua mod or (to a lesser degree) etadmin_mod.
Luk4ward, I have to agree with ReyalP's statement above. The tools are by and large already out there, especially with regards to the lua mods (omg powerful). I'm at a bit of a loose end at the moment because my current project has been put on hold due to a bug (in sess.aweaponstats, made me v sad). If you are not confident with installing/modifying lua scripts yourself, send me a pm or catch me in irc #ghostworks and tell me exactly what you would like.

Like ReyalP said, most of this stuff already exists and the authors of pretty much all of the lua scripts have given permission to others to use/reuse as desired (with credit ofc), so it shouldn't take too long to put it all together.

I'd be happy to help you; 1 for the love of the game and 2 so we can leave the ETPro team to concentrate on the pro aspects of the mod, the way it should be.
yep, apologise for disturbing concentrating ETPro team on the pro aspects of the mod,
and thx for the help, for sure ill contact You when i finished other things on server,

again thx

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Post by Tron »

Since ReyalP's reply to this thread gave it some sort of official status, I thought it wouldn't hurt reminding you of the things that I personally would consider essential for a "Pro" mod. Even though they have been mentioned several times before and even though I know you devs are reluctant to implementing them, to say the least. ;) I took the liberty to quote Overdrive from, adding what I think he forgot.
-fix fps/spread.
Spread is depended on the FPS
-fix fps/recoil.
same as with spread
(-add demosave functions
preferably the way CB uses to save demos. Would be very nice for all the people uploading demos :)
clanA_vs_clanB_pov_gametype_map_date (or something like that, its been a while since i was an admin).)
-add an ammo notice when playing fieldops. You would then see how many ammo your teammates still have. OSP had this. (tnx to urtier)
-fix netlaming by restricting changing FPS/MP ingame (tnx to swine) ( Note: I know this is very controversial and it would add least have to be supported with relevant demos, but since I'm not active clan-wise in ET anymore, I feel others should make the effort to help with constructive arguments/proof)
added by me:
- make b_fixedphysics 1/b_fixedphysicsfps 125 default (same reasoning as b_realhead, targeted at public servers)
- (if pigs will fly:) implement cl_maxpackets 125 as available in Q3 :D
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Post by Deus »

Tron wrote:Since ReyalP's reply to this thread gave it some sort of official status, I thought it wouldn't hurt reminding you of the things that I personally would consider essential for a "Pro" mod. Even though they have been mentioned several times before and even though I know you devs are reluctant to implementing them, to say the least. ;) I took the liberty to quote Overdrive from, adding what I think he forgot.
-fix fps/spread.
Spread is depended on the FPS
-fix fps/recoil.
same as with spread
(-add demosave functions
preferably the way CB uses to save demos. Would be very nice for all the people uploading demos :)
clanA_vs_clanB_pov_gametype_map_date (or something like that, its been a while since i was an admin).)
-add an ammo notice when playing fieldops. You would then see how many ammo your teammates still have. OSP had this. (tnx to urtier)
-fix netlaming by restricting changing FPS/MP ingame (tnx to swine) ( Note: I know this is very controversial and it would add least have to be supported with relevant demos, but since I'm not active clan-wise in ET anymore, I feel others should make the effort to help with constructive arguments/proof)
added by me:
- make b_fixedphysics 1/b_fixedphysicsfps 125 default (same reasoning as b_realhead, targeted at public servers)
- (if pigs will fly:) implement cl_maxpackets 125 as available in Q3 :D
recoil and spread have been fixed for ages.
OSP had no covop.
b_fixedphysics is teh sux

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Post by jump3r »

Tron wrote:
-fix netlaming by restricting changing FPS/MP ingame (tnx to swine) ( Note: I know this is very controversial and it would add least have to be supported with relevant demos, but since I'm not active clan-wise in ET anymore, I feel others should make the effort to help with constructive arguments/proof)
this one is bullshit, ive never seen any demo of working maxpackets/fps "lagscript" ... ght=#61969
added by me:
- make b_fixedphysics 1/b_fixedphysicsfps 125 default (same reasoning as b_realhead, targeted at public servers)
- (if pigs will fly:) implement cl_maxpackets 125 as available in Q3 :D
agree, also fix the sv_fps x)
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