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Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 3:42 pm
by IdNotFound
Crouching doesn't make you barely visible as proning, and the spread from the smg can still easily hit you, unlike proning...

It's mostly irritating though...

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 4:06 pm
by Trippy
yea prone is cool for shooting an enemy from under the tank, but that hitbox thingy really needs to be fixed, as i hate proners in 1v1 personally. and no my sens isn't too slow to move down, it's just that my bullets dont seem to hit.... :roll:


Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 9:23 pm
by Herf
Heh, why all the hate?

Proning is just a tactic, and I think its a cool one. I fail to see why people dislike proners, I find it very effective at times in medium range battles where slopes are involved I can run out of site, then prone on the slope, he runs up near the slope, can obviously see there isnt an enemy there anymore (a standing one at least) comes straight forward and gets shot in the head multiple times before he knows what hit him.

Lets face it, aimwise, ET isnt anything L33T. Compared with the aim in ut2k4 where u got all sorts of dodge jumps, wall jumps, multiple ways to move at variable speeds, ET aim is rather two dimensional strafing back and forth, jumping=death cause aim goes to hell, so what, proners during battle suck? Bah. Its a minimal bit a variablity you have to deal with.

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 11:10 pm
by Trippy
sure proning at mid range and long range is ok, but what i hate more are people that go prone in close to mid range. when there are no tactical aspects like hiding behind the hill so that the enemy doesnt see me and then ambush him.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 4:11 am
by Fade2Black
I know ET isn't real when one of the things you can do is to move from prone to standing without any effect on your stamina.

IMHO there should be a stamina penalty from moving from prone to standing similar to when you jump.

Flame away.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 4:15 am
by gotenks
not a big user of prone exploit here but i've used it a bit, and lately i've been getting killed more while doing it (even on noob pubs) i think bani put the delayed reaction in it, or the noobs are learning to aim down more

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 5:29 am
by Trippy
no the noobs always aim for the feet, that's why they rarely make headshots... :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 6:07 am
by bani
Fade2Black wrote:I know ET isn't real when one of the things you can do is to move from prone to standing without any effect on your stamina.
you mean the fact you can take 7 bodyshots and not die wasnt a clue that ET "isnt real"? only proning finally gave it away? :lol:

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 6:14 am
by bani
nerf prone huh?

@newdeal, @kekkyoku, @bedrock: if i do this then i had better never ever hear any of you whining about damage based xp or overtime plants or killnerfing. or the prone nerfing instantly comes right back out 8)

how about a 2 second no-firing delay when you transition in or out of prone. that would pretty much eliminate proning in the middle of close-up-firefights.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 6:24 am
by gotenks
how about locking your aim so you can move till the animation is finished? this way all the person has to do is move a step or two to the side and get totally missed by the proner

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 6:32 am
by bani
the prone animation is pretty fast so they would only be locked for a fraction of a second.

weapon delay seems more sensible to me.

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 6:38 am
by Kendle
I think the proper solution is to make the animation fit with what's actually happening. The problem now is the player appears to go prone instantly, from everyone else's perspective. The animation should go through a stand -> crouch -> prone -> crouch -> stand sequence when proning and standing up again.

But assuming that's not possible (as in can't be changed with code), then a delay of some kind would act as a deterent to those that use it in firefights, without penalising those who use it for more "legitimate" purposes.

I think it's also important to recognise that this is an issue. We can all come here and stroke our egos by claiming we're such good players proning doesn't effect us, but if it wasn't so benefical then why is everyone and their dog doing it these days?

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 7:01 am
by =FF=im2good4u
hmm prone is part of my tactic :/

so all i need todo is whine about damage basedxp or dynamite overplant :wink:

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 7:26 am
by Ham
Proning IS getting out of control and making the game lame. A week or 2 ago we had a match against an entire team of proners with the lameass prone script, and to top it off they had 3 riflenaders. Try killing a guy with a riflenade when he prones and hits you in the ankles. GG

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 8:10 am
by Spark2
I don't know, proning is fun for me, it makes seemingly hopeless situations still interesting and gives me a sense of "possibilities" (besides spray and pray).
I don't doubt that proning is very effective and done a lot, but I still wonder why it should make the game less fun. Of course it's completely unrealistic and silly, but that's not a good argument because the entire game is unrealistic and silly.
So in terms of actual gameplay value, do most people really think that it reduces the fun/appeal of the game, or are they just annoyed because they assume that proning must be lame and thus are prejudiced against ist?
I could certainly get used to a nerfed proning quickly (NO, I'm not addicted, I can stop everytime! ;)), but I'm now playing against proners (on a high level) since a long time and I'm also proning myself a lot (sometimes more, sometimes less) and I don't find it annoying, it's fun. Maybe nerfing it would already be worth it just to have one less reason to whine, but I don't know. :)
If it has to be nerfed, I'd probably prefer the short weapon delay. This would also make proning still viable while reloading, etc, so it wouldn't become completely useless. Yes, I like that thought.