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Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 8:32 pm
by Spark2
ouroboro wrote:same reason Id releases the source to the previous engine when they make a new one. i hate to say that coz i'm a total Carmack fanboy, but it's only logical.
Bullshit. This really makes me angry. The open sourcing of Id engines has been the best thing happening to (open source) gaming in years and some morons still claim that it has all just been a plot to make the game drown in cheats. This simply is a _ridiculous_ small disadvantage to all the good it has brought to the community. Many new engines and even games have been developed based on this, not to mention the knowledge that interested persons could gain from it. There is even a very interesting commercial role playing game in development, which wouldn't have been possible without the open source Quake 2 engine:

Just because you don't care about the communities and projects resolving around open source Id engines doesn't mean that it hasn't been a great gift. It's also very "logical" that Id keeps paying punkbuster to keep away the cheats from Q3, heck even will continue to pay them after open sourcing the engine, because they want their old games to die... Yeah right! :whip:

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 10:59 pm
by ouroboro
put a sock in it bub.

i like open source as much as the next guy, but i'm not an unbendable opensource fanboy like you seem to be.

there are times when giving the world all your secrets is _stupid_

i care as much or more than you do. i spend the _vast_ majority of my free time either playing or talking about online games.

i would love to get my hands on the Q3 engine - i'd have a ball with it. i have no clue what i'd do exactly, but i'd load it up and poke around, for sure! that doesn't mean i can't recognize when it may be preferable for a company to keep the lid on technology that powers, oh, about NINETY-NINE PERCENT of the shit i spend my day engaging in...


let's take the main contenders in this war: *NIX vs M$. the penguins say if windows was open source, it would allow users to quickly patch bugs like happens with linux. almost certainly true, but it would be equally certain that there would first be an absolute RASH of hacked windows machines (even moreso than there already is :P) the world over - costing billions and wreaking havoc in dozens of economies.

is this what we want? i vote no. i say since windows is what it is, there's really no turning back, and at this point remaining closed is in the best interests of more than just bill gates. if an open source solution is needed, *NIX can now joyfully fill that niche, and do it in fine style.

it's my belief that releasing the Q3 engine will be horrible - if only for me personally. perhaps you and everyone you speak with will be shouting it's virtues from the rooftops. i'll be frowning as i watch nearly every game i play get sucked into a whirlpool of hacks.

but hey, i'll have no choice but to move on to D3 engine games, so it's all good!


freedom of information is not always the best thing to do just for the sake of it. you have to weigh all possible outcomes. i'm sure opening our military plans to our enemies wouldn't go over too swimmingly. well, cheaters are our enemies.

and please whip me a little lower, i prefer it on the bum. thx sunshine

*mumbles* pompous asshole *mumbles*

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 3:43 am
by Spark2
Yeah, come up with the "unbendable fanboy" bullshit to support your nonsense, way to go. The cheater paranoia is already sickening enough in itself, it becomes even more sickening when people value it higher than the infinite possibilities of open source engine code. I have nothing more to say (egoistical ******* *mumble*).

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:09 am
by next_ghost ... al-bazaar/

"Given enough eyes, all bugs are shallow"

It's true that it will open the gates for crackers to crack and cheat but after some time, somebody will find bullet-proof way to prevent cheating. And please, stop mistaking "hack" for "crack".

And giving Winblows open-source at this point is no good. They're too bloated and bug-compliant that it would be faster and easier to write brand new OS from scratch than trying to find out what all the crap is actually doing. Only the 9x series look "dumb" enough to analyse and fix them quickly.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:23 am
by ouroboro
i read every word on esr's site in the late '90's when he was on i gave up trying to convince ppl to distinguish between hacker and cracker long ago, when i left that scene for the relatively laid back world of gaming :)

trying to educate the avg gamer that downloading a dll does not make one a "hacker" is an excercise in futility. for that matter, it doesn't even make them a cracker, heh. it makes them a cheater, full stop. but i just go with the flow now and call em what the herd calls em. screw it

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 11:36 am
by next_ghost
Using the right name is better education than a crusade against the wrong name. Saying a lie for thousand times don't make it truth and u have arguments on the web to support ur version when somebody asks.

Re: question for smart ppl

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 1:02 pm
by Ragnar_40k
RoadKillPuppy wrote:
ouroboro wrote:and while aimbots are certainly nasty, they're basically NEVER used in a match due to being so obvious.
There is something called a 'humanized' aim setting for aimbots... Almost impossible to spot...
Usually I get alerted when somebody on a mg42 (tank or stationary) collects kills like hell. Usually you have a short period of time before the player at the mg notices (and targets) you - but when he has a wallhack you get hit instantly. This is esp. obvious when there are several different routes and he always gets you in next to no time.

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 2:30 pm
by >>steven!
next_ghost wrote:Using the right name is better education than a crusade against the wrong name. Saying a lie for thousand times don't make it truth and u have arguments on the web to support ur version when somebody asks.
sum ppl take gaming too seriously

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2004 7:36 pm
by LaggyNewbie
there is one flaw with that.... Sound
Sound is key to FPS. You know an enemy is comming before you see him by his sound, footsteps and grunts from jumping (q3). If the data is sent to tell where the footstep sound of an enemy is placed exactly (for 3d audio purposes), the enemy character position can be hax0red anyways.