Dear Bani

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Post by LoZz »

bani wrote:does anyone recall how vehemently opposed everyone was to changing the XP system? all the abuse I (and others) received for suggesting the skill system was damaging to competition and should be limited?

players were so used to the etmain xp system and so attached to it that they were completely blinded to the fact that it might not be the best thing for competition. any suggestion of changes was violently opposed.

same thing is happening with these new threads.

players are so entrenched and attached to the status quo that theyre unwilling to even discuss changes.

this is the same reason new maps arent getting any playtesting. players are too attached to old maps, old tactics, old ideas, and dont want to be bothered to learn anything new. any new ideas/concepts/etc are met with incredible abuse.

mappers are leaving et because of these problems. don't you people get it? your abusive attitudes are driving away people who have the ability to make the game better.

some ideas might be bad, fine. but players are unwilling to even discuss any changes at all these days, regardless of the merit of the proposal.

instead of any reasoning or debate, its always "stfu you (some insult)" and "'omfg leave et alone and go play (some other game)".

i'm sure many of you will continue to blind yourselves to the fact that you're hurting et with this backwards attitude. probably the same people who will flame me now, and then go off on other forums to whine about the lack of maps.

bani thats so negative maybe every one abused etc because they "LIKED"? it and "DIDN'T" want change, just because you think it would be a good idea dosen't make it so others don't think its good.
bani wrote:players were so used to the etmain xp system and so attached to it that they were completely blinded to the fact that it might not be the best thing for competition. any suggestion of changes was violently opposed
thats is your opion and i see no reasion why you think they are wrong, many people think you are wrong you know. your opion is just as important as mine and every one elses. saying there blind wasnt a very good choice of words, no nice way of saying this but maybe not so up your self next time? (sry if thats rude)
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Post by bani »

read what i said again.

it has nothing to do with liking or not liking a specific change, it has to do with people unwilling to discuss any changes at all, period.

like i said, this attitude has driven away mappers from et. and you people still wonder why. :roll:
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Post by MeeZ? »

LoZz wrote: Meez you are 12,
the last et clan you where in was ltc, which you where kick from for being an mimature little sob, hence why u are baned from there servers and website and irc
I play every night if i can,
ive beeing play rtcw-et clan matches sence you where 10
For starters, there is no such thing as RTCW-ET. Second, I wasnt kicked from LTC? I left ltc because they were so crap, and like never played apart from publics. I play every day and night when i can (6v6 + 3v3. And lastly, a light joke.

Oh, and ive been gaming for 8 years now. PS: Me a sod? hmm... to kammz maybe, but then again i see kammz is ya bumb-boy so you cant think for yourself.

[/off topic]

[on topic]

I like the new changes, change > no change. It can go right, or it can go wrong. If it goes wrong, scrap it. If it goes right, Keep it. Thats all i can say. Infact, i think doing it anyway would be cool, get rid of all the whiners that dont want change and will stop playing within a year anyway. Then were left with the people in the community who want to keep the game alive for the next 5 years.
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Post by >>steven! »

it was change that killed rtcw, i just dont want to see changes for the sake of keeping it fresh. i like to see changes implemented that have been thought through and not because of a vocal minority of ppl who dont even play competitive ET anymore.

PS. i was all for the changes in the XP system, the vocal ppl at the time where the same nubs that r backing u for a goldrush with no tank no truck no tank barriers and no truck barriers. o and ive input my ideas that could eb useful changes, so i can state my point of view about other ppls suggested changes :P).

remember these words tbh:

strengthen allies too much, and it will end up in axis being spawncamped summet silly ;)

the easiest way to eliminated the bottleneck on a bank defence is too add an extra entrance to the bank (maybe from the mg arch behind the truck, where there is a door already. true it would be 3 entrances all at the front of the bank, but it would make it a whole lot easier to attack the bank all at once instead of in single file. (that is the only place that should be slightly difficult for allies on the whole map, and other crossfires should be easily broken down with decent tactics and teamplay
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Post by bani »

>>steven! wrote:it was change that killed rtcw
eh? what changes killed rtcw? please be specific.

afaik competitive rtcw didnt change _at all_ because osp didnt really change the game at all. and after a short while, osp stopped being updated totally.

i've seen comments from clans about them leaving rtcw because it had become stale and boring and unchanging. even though et is often looked down upon as the "bastard stepchild" of rtcw, at least it was something new for them.
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Post by Rain »

ET killed RtCW, not change. :?
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Post by bacon »

RtCW isn't dead, it's just not as active as it used to be. There's still some pretty good servers out there, as well as some great players.
You can't say that change killed it since there were a few popular mods (ie banimod, osp, shrub) which made changes to the gameplay yet the number of players increased until ET came out.
Another thing to point out is that the banimod community was small, but it was a good community. Unlike the ETPro community where everybody just bitches about every small thing they can think of....

Also about change & ET: The nades in the test for ET were waaay better than they are now, you could get some really impressive kills with them. But since people would rather bitch about it instead of learn to use it effectively they went back to the RtCW nades :(
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Post by Nogen »

Again I will use the sport analogy...

Sports have a very very long lifespan. They are constant, they have set rules and set fields. People don't go mucking around with the rules or the shape of the fields just because they think it would be better another way. You don't go adding a few extra balls on a soccer field just so it will speed the game up and result in more goals being scored.

Consider chess...imagine if every few months they proposed that you add a few extra squares to the board, or you allow pawns to move like rooks just to speed the game up.

Now consider the lifespan of an online game. They last only a few years, give or take a couple of years based on the quality. Now why is it that sports and conventional games last so long and yet computer games have such a short lifespan? Sure a big factor is technology based. We live in a world where peoples attention span always drifts towards the flashy graphics etc of new games rather than embracing a quality gameplay experience. I can count on two hands the number of real quality computer games I have played in my life with most of them coming from a time now classed as old skool. Of course I list ET among those games and I feel that a great many other people do as well. There is an implicit fear built in to us in seeing our game become something else...maybe better, maybe worse but not our game.

People oppose change in games for good reason. They want to learn to play a particular game and know that ever after the game will be the same. By keeping it all constant and not having endless options for competition setups, everyone can feel like they are playing the same game and are truly part of a global community.

There seems to be a push from people who get bored with existing maps or existing settings to want to artificially add exciting new options and exciting new strategies at every turn. Sure some of the ideas may be good and some of the changes may be "better" but people do have valid reason for rejecting them simply because they are changes.

Throughout a vast many threads, bani, you criticise people for rejecting ideas based on the fact that they are just different ideas. You continually point out that this is not a valid argument, however, based on my arguments above I believe that it is.

Changes if they do happen should be a slow evolution. Have a look at how blizzard handles starcraft/diablo and the rest of battlenet. Bring in a few small changes at a time, let them become the norm before bringing in any others. I have to say in most regards this has been done with ET and I applaud the ETPro boys for their work...But there has to be a point where it stops...a point where the gameplay stops changing and the only things added are "features". You see time and time again that people oppose more drastic changes. Sure it might be better for compeition but its not the same game.

By making too many drastic changes all that will happen is that you will alienate too many players. You'll put everyone back in the mindset of embracing the new and flashy and when the next big game comes out they'll embrace that too and disappear back to the scraphead of the fickle technology hungry masses.
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Post by bani »

Nogen wrote:Throughout a vast many threads, bani, you criticise people for rejecting ideas based on the fact that they are just different ideas. You continually point out that this is not a valid argument, however, based on my arguments above I believe that it is.
i will point out that changes to the XP system were violently opposed, because players were too comfortable with the old system. now you'll be hard pressed to find any league who didn't adopt severe XP nerfing.

i guess we will have to agree to disagree here. your claim is basically that there is no room for improvement to ET (or that despite any remaining flaws, people should just learn to live with them). i disagree with this defeatist attitude, and I say ET can become better than it is, if people would just be open to debate instead of slamming the door at every suggestion of something new (maps, gameplay changes, etc).

the logical extension of your argument carried to its conclusion would then be, there should never be any new maps, ever.

is that what you really want?
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Post by gotenks »

your annalogy fails, there are several different styles of "chess" to play, they re-arrange pieces, another example is checkers, there are several different checker styles... yet another is Monopoly (collect $$ for landing on freeparking, etc) and another is UNO (they actually got people to write in their favorite "style" and made a list of their favorite)... things get updated to prevent getting old and boring (another physical example would be creation of rugby... iirc it was an alteration of football (soccer)
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Post by bani »

Nogen wrote:Sports have a very very long lifespan. They are constant, they have set rules and set fields. People don't go mucking around with the rules or the shape of the fields just because they think it would be better another way. You don't go adding a few extra balls on a soccer field just so it will speed the game up and result in more goals being scored.
actually they do. there are multiple variants and rulesets for eg baseball, basketball, hockey, etc. and league rules do change (though not often), sometimes to better accomodate spectators (and ugh, advertisers). there have been changes in how ties are decided, etc. because long drawn out tied games are no fun for either players or spectators.

sports have (had) a very very long lifespan because there was no alternative. we've seen a slow, constant decline in real world sports interest though in the past decade or so though...
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Post by ReyalP »

And in some sports (motorsports for example), both the rules and courses change quite frequently.
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Post by gotenks »

bani wrote:
Nogen wrote:Sports have a very very long lifespan. They are constant, they have set rules and set fields. People don't go mucking around with the rules or the shape of the fields just because they think it would be better another way. You don't go adding a few extra balls on a soccer field just so it will speed the game up and result in more goals being scored.
actually they do. there are multiple variants and rulesets for eg baseball, basketball, hockey, etc. and league rules do change (though not often), sometimes to better accomodate spectators (and ugh, advertisers). there have been changes in how ties are decided, etc. because long drawn out tied games are no fun for either players or spectators.

sports have (had) a very very long lifespan because there was no alternative. we've seen a slow, constant decline in real world sports interest though in the past decade or so though...
also the fact that people had longer attention spans back then, now it takes to long to microwave a potato...
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Post by Nogen »

your annalogy fails, there are several different styles of "chess" to play, they re-arrange pieces, another example is checkers, there are several different checker styles... yet another is Monopoly (collect $$ for landing on freeparking, etc) and another is UNO (they actually got people to write in their favorite "style" and made a list of their favorite)... things get updated to prevent getting old and boring (another physical example would be creation of rugby... iirc it was an alteration of football (soccer)
Yes there are lots of different sorts and variations on games...but if I say lets play UNO or chess you know exactly what I am talking about and you wouldn't need the rules explained to you beforehand.

Soccer? Boring? Its the world sport buddy. People with no attention spans who get bored make changes to stop things being boring. All games undergo large changes market research. Rugby may have been a spin off but they are vastly different games and neither have undergone significant changes past that initial phase.
With regards to monopoly...the free parking cvar is only one that I can think of for that game. I was protesting large amounts of options and changes. When people play monopoly they ask are we playing the free parking rule? They don't have to ask whats the 50 different settings for todays game.

Rule changes in sport are only very minor and do not affect gameplay very much at all. An example would be soccer where competition rules might affect whether you play substitution or interchange. Other things are to do with competition structures and how the actual comps are organised.
we've seen a slow, constant decline in real world sports interest though in the past decade or so though...
Thats because people are getting fatter and lazier... :twisted:
there have been changes in how ties are decided, etc. because long drawn out tied games are no fun for either players or spectators.
People don't like seeing a winner decided though through these means. A penalty shootout is used in soccer as a last resort and is not deemed to determine the better side...only to produce a result. A draw in soccer is an exciting thing to watch and the result inducing penalty shootout is great for spectators. I think there should be more of a focus on some other way to settle a draw in ET post match rather than altering the game to ensure a result during the game. As I suggested before maybe its the ladder structure that should change. Maybe stopwatch isn't the best way to ladders. I think the timed element is terrific but maybe there is another way to implement it.

As an aside...
If you want to talk about long drawn out games that don't produce a result...try test match cricket. I live in Australia and "we" love our cricket here. The game goes for 5 days and very often results in a draw. (A draw and a tie is a different thing). Its an incredibly boring thing to watch...
sports have (had) a very very long lifespan because there was no alternative
I don't think thats necessarily completely true. There are new sports popping up here and there but most never make it into the mainstream. I guess the lack of a technology aspect has a fair bit to do with their longevity. I think part of is it if someone says "soccer" you know exactly what you are going to don't have to ask is it soccer 2.1 or soccer 2.2? and what are the cvars?
and league rules do change (though not often), sometimes to better accomodate spectators (and ugh, advertisers).
I said before that games are about the players...they only become about the spectators when there are a few bucks to be made. Typically most major sports have an international governing body which determines what the league rules should be for all internationals. These rules then filter down through all levels of competition so typically everyone will be playing the same rules.
I know in my local soccer comp most of our league rules and even small changes to gameplay come directly from FIFA.
i guess we will have to agree to disagree here. your claim is basically that there is no room for improvement to ET (or that despite any remaining flaws, people should just learn to live with them).
No no no that isn't my claim at all!!! I said:
Changes if they do happen should be a slow evolution. Have a look at how blizzard handles starcraft/diablo and the rest of battlenet. Bring in a few small changes at a time, let them become the norm before bringing in any others. I have to say in most regards this has been done with ET and I applaud the ETPro boys for their work...But there has to be a point where it stops...a point where the gameplay stops changing and the only things added are "features".
Changes should only be very small and adopted very slowly. I really think blizzard's handling of starcraft and in general their online community for all their games is absolutely superb. Starcraft went through some rapid patching early on with a lot of balance changes. Then with each patch the balance changes became less and less severe until it converged on the game that has been constant for about 4 years. The occasional patches that come out now only add features and fix the odd bug.
the logical extension of your argument carried to its conclusion would then be, there should never be any new maps, ever.
Thats probably a fair comment bani. I am in general opposed to new maps. I feel that most amateur mappers are not up to the task of creating great maps. Having said this, I can't claim to be a fountain of knowledge of this topic. My personal bias prevents me from wanting to even try out new maps which I guess is my loss. Out of all the custom maps I have played I guess I have liked more than I have disliked so maybe in time I will come around. I think its important though, like any other changes, that new maps be brought in slowly. If I was running a league, or even competing in a league (which I am) I wouldn't want more than maybe 2 new maps in a season.
and I say ET can become better than it is, if people would just be open to debate instead of slamming the door at every suggestion of something new (maps, gameplay changes, etc).
Can you at least understand why people oppose changes in general... whether you agree with their stance or not? All they want is to know that ET will always be ET and not just look like ET.
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Post by gotenks »

Nogen wrote:
your annalogy fails, there are several different styles of "chess" to play, they re-arrange pieces, another example is checkers, there are several different checker styles... yet another is Monopoly (collect $$ for landing on freeparking, etc) and another is UNO (they actually got people to write in their favorite "style" and made a list of their favorite)... things get updated to prevent getting old and boring (another physical example would be creation of rugby... iirc it was an alteration of football (soccer)
Yes there are lots of different sorts and variations on games...but if I say lets play UNO or chess you know exactly what I am talking about and you wouldn't need the rules explained to you beforehand.

Soccer? Boring? Its the world sport buddy. People with no attention spans who get bored make changes to stop things being boring. All games undergo large changes market research. Rugby may have been a spin off but they are vastly different games and neither have undergone significant changes past that initial phase.
With regards to monopoly...the free parking cvar is only one that I can think of for that game. I was protesting large amounts of options and changes. When people play monopoly they ask are we playing the free parking rule? They don't have to ask whats the 50 different settings for todays game.
You want as many rules as I know about:
1. 1 trip arround the board before you buy anything/vs no trips
2. divy out properties before game starts (actually suggested in rule paplet)
3. buy houses/hotels un-evenly on properties
4. buy inexcess of 1hotel (1hotel+3houses)
5. buy houses/hotels w/o owning a monopoly
6. the American Edition Rules (buy a lawyer instead of going directly to jail... etc)
7. land on go collect double the lotto
8. ... well anyway, it really is hard to sit down and automatically know the rules without discussing them before hand... As i said, people are too impatient to come up with/keep a good sport now... If you don't make SOME sort of change people will flock away... I personally like soccer, but I like rugby too, I didn't mean soccer got boring, but people's attention spans just aren't what they used to be
I'm not saying all of bani's ideas are great, i remember some (in banimod) that were downright awfull... but as long as there is a LOGICAL reason as why this change would negatively effect the gameplay things won't get changed in a bad way...
Also side point... most people know the rules of the league before they join... some allow trick plants some forbid it... things like that, you will always know the rules/conditions of the league before you join a match, and you should always read the rules before joining a league anyway...
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