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Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 2:02 pm
by agrado
KingJackaL wrote:
agrado wrote:It's not always a disadvantage. For example, if you have high ping and you are shooting a stationary player then you can shoot them several times before they even know they are being shot. They could even die without ever knowing they were being attacked.
Yes and no.
You say that, but then you don't actually disagree with anything I said.
KingJackaL wrote:I don't think you understand how antilag works dude :|.
You are mistaken.
KingJackaL wrote:You could shoot them 3x before they knew they were being shot, yes... but in the same way, and at the same time as they would have already shot you 4x ( without YOU knowing... ) ;).
Not if they didn't know you were there (e.g. you are shooting them in the back, or from a long way away).

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 2:10 pm
by KingJackaL
agrado wrote:Not if they didn't know you were there (e.g. you are shooting them in the back, or from a long way away).
That's got NOTHING to do with your high ping though :roll:

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 3:37 pm
by ReyalP
My comment about high ping/low FPS always being a disadvantage was in the overall sense. Yes, sometimes a high ping or a big spike can work in your favor, but on average it will always be better to have a good connection and FPS.

How often do you see clans arguing for a higher ping server, to maximize their lag advantage :roll:

If you are holding still and dying suddenly, it should be a good hint that you are doing something wrong :shock: Soldiers who stand still in the open have a shockingly short life expectancy.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:43 pm
by agrado
KingJackaL wrote:
agrado wrote:Not if they didn't know you were there (e.g. you are shooting them in the back, or from a long way away).
That's got NOTHING to do with your high ping though :roll:
Yes it does. Your client shows them in position X. You shoot them several times. They feel the first hit, move to dodge, but still get hit by the subsequent shots because on the high-ping player's client they hadn't moved yet (just the same as you can get "shot round corners" by high-ping players). If you had been a low-ping player then the victim could have dodged. Because you had a high ping, they had no chance to dodge.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:45 pm
by agrado
SCDS_reyalP wrote:My comment about high ping/low FPS always being a disadvantage was in the overall sense. Yes, sometimes a high ping or a big spike can work in your favor, but on average it will always be better to have a good connection and FPS.
I agree entirely. I was only pointing out that it isn't true that high ping is always a bad thing. It's just nearly always a bad thing :)

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 5:16 am
by Mystiqq
Wow i didnt know those hitboxes were off that much... interesting.
BTW. has anyone checked the hitbox model when mounted on a tank mg? curious to know if theres something wrong with it...

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:25 pm
by Societal Eclipse
The hitboxes while riding the tank are so horribly off that it should be a higher priority than fixing the head boxes. I can empty an entire clip in someone's chest from ten feet away and get no hits, then next time I might aim at the chest and get a headshot. Is the new version of ETPro going to do anything about the swimming hitboxes too? Those are pretty confusing too. :?:

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 12:22 am
by squadjot
does g_debugbullets 8 illustrate the actual "hitable" trail ? ..i mean..then its nuts..its like..strafing would be you would create a wall of yourself :P

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 6:55 pm
by dragon
I don't think ET really needs completely different damage zones.

Head and Body are the 2 zones that are needed. If the existing work the ETPRO team does fixes the head and body hitboxes any further changes (like arms/legs/feet) would make a radical difference to the game.

I'd rather only have accurate hitboxes for Head and Body. I suspect the bulk of people playing this game are the same.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 8:30 pm
by dA*Rogue
Yeah, I'm with DRAGON on this one.

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:50 pm
by Svarvsven
dragon wrote:
I'd rather only have accurate hitboxes for Head and Body. I suspect the bulk of people playing this game are the same.
Nah, I wouldnt agree to that. Ie, outer limbs shouldnt give that much hitpoints on a player.

omg omg omg, u killed me in the FOOT

And this is really not a problem for good players either, cause they just dont aim for feet/hands. To make a difference between hit in the liver or neck...that might be a little crazy though.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 3:03 am
by Rasmoo
I try to kill in any way possible, and it leads to many silly situations like shooting people in the feet under the tank or in the arm because it's sticking out a little bit behind an obstacle.

Low damage for extremities such as hands would be crazy though. Bullets in hands and feet, and still strafejumping happily around and firing a machine gun. :lol:

How about turning the hit model into a lot of concentric circles? 50 points for a bullseye and almost like playing dart.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 10:12 am
by Spark2
Svarvsven wrote:Nah, I wouldnt agree to that. Ie, outer limbs shouldnt give that much hitpoints on a player.

omg omg omg, u killed me in the FOOT
So fscking what? It's a game.
omg omg omg, your knight killed my rook by JUMPING on it :P Don't get me started.

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:46 am
by duke'ku
Spark2 wrote:So fscking what? It's a game.
omg omg omg, your knight killed my rook by JUMPING on it :P Don't get me started.
my rook just owned your knight, noob

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:49 pm
by AdminNOOB
Whatever improvements are made is welcome by me. I think it's really, really foolish that a player that really has lousy aim is doing well while missing his opponent by two feet and landing headshots while a player that has killer aim w/ crosshair locked very well and body/head someone ends up w/ no shots landing and sitting there going #$#$#$#$#$#$# I HIT YOU TWENTY TIMES AND NOTHING !!! I'f my crosshair is on your body/head....I expect a hit and if somone has their crosshair to feet from you...they should miss. Also, I'm not talking about ping...because I've spec'd numerous players and this isn't so much a ping related issue but rather a fault hitbox issue.

I'll be ecstatic when my shots land that are supposed to land. Heck, I don't even really like when I obviously miss and I land a head shot...silly.