Feature Request - b_removeartillery

Discussion for Bani's Tournament Mod

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Post by deej »

I think it'll end up splitting up the competitive community.

The ones that want to play the RTCW part vs the ones that want to play the ET part. In both cases RTCW:ET loses.
Our servers now run on 64 bit steroids. Point your ET to:
- Forgotten Ground StopWatch Server with occasional wolfrof 1
- Fraggle Rock ETPub Server - Mix up ET/UT & Duke Nukem
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Post by Svartberg »

This is how the game was meant to be played, nobody said anything about a fair or balanced play, if this was a major issue people wouldn't play this game for so darn long.

Look at the covertops class, a very unbalanced class that simply barely makes it to competitive matches, despite of how it could enrich the comp matches.
I even made a whole mod around balancing them - giving them better stealth abilities like the fireteam icon on enemy coverts to prevent the fireteam icons exploit, slightly better weapons, uniform indicator to prevent friendlyfire (when he isn't on an FT) and a few more subtle fixes.
Yet despite the good feedback my mod got on the small area i released it,
no covertops features ever saw the day on etpro, and the only arguement i got was "this is how it was meant to be played (or not played)" , (though at least a few bugfixes/features did make it to etpro)

If something is too strong, leagues limit it, (like the famous "one soldier only", which usually isn't even enforced serverwise), if leagues really want to limit something they make a rule about it - making this an option will just make it a standard imo, despite any objection there will be to it.
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Post by ouroboro »

no offense but the reason coverts are not used much in comp is because they are not needed much in comp. class choice is based on what a given class brings to the table. coverts bring satchels, period. when you need one, you use it then switch. and very rarely somebody will actually use a sniper with a straight face.

there are notable exceptions like reactor of course. ironically it's one of the most intense maps with all those satchels flying :alliedcovertops: and pliers twisting :axisengineer: and needles poking :alliedmedic: :axismedic:

nothing says every class should be used equally. that's why there's a choice. otherwise, league rules would specify you must have one of each class at all times (which come to think of it could make for some interesting matches, heh).

nobody felt bad for the poor unloved engi in rtcw. you used him to plant dyno then you switched.

PS these new smileys bring more to the forum than coverts bring to the game 8)
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Post by Svartberg »

ouroboro wrote:no offense but the reason coverts are not used much in comp is because they are not needed much in comp. class choice is based on what a given class brings to the table. coverts bring satchels, period. when you need one, you use it then switch. and very rarely somebody will actually use a sniper with a straight face.

nothing says every class should be used equally. that's why there's a choice. otherwise, league rules would specify you must have one of each class at all times (which come to think of it could make for some interesting matches, heh).

nobody felt bad for the poor unloved engi in rtcw. you used him to plant dyno then you switched.
dude, no offense, but you're addressing the wrong thing here.
you say they aren't used much in comp matches because they aren't needed - you are stating the obvious, and you're not reffering to *why* they aren't used much.

You know, back in the days, the mines were fixed on 10, most teams would take 2+ engineers, and you can guess how useful that mine finding would be.
couple this with satchel, and smoke (which is great to toss at spawn, or around objective) you got a class that can do something, *however* when you get his very weak weapons, and poor stealth capabilities (taking uniforms in comp matches won't fool anyone because they can't see the fireteam icon right away, and can see the weapon in around 5 seconds)
basically this means the more cons than pros. (even though finding mines would mean the difference between a smooth insertion and a suicide one)

so instead of fixing the coverts *shock*, the mines were limited, and in turn that contributed to less engineers, and suddently we started to see 3+ medics getting popular, and then *shock* people say they are too powerful (in my mod i introduced a 2 second gap between the medic taking his own packs), and then removing xp suddently seemed logical.

and getting back to topic, this isn't much different than fieldops, making such a wide range of classes and weapons usually won't be balanced, but offer a richer gameplay - i would rather see a cvar able to limit ffe/strike (like the "too many planes en-route thing), but even having the option to take them out is like limiting fieldops to 0.
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Post by Herf »

Nellie- wrote:Agree with your 3 cvars, fop myself :x

But I find it laughable you think arti is skilled. Mortar, yes definatly - and as I said I agree that's an offensivly biased weapon on all but one comp map.

But "predicting" 10 seconds ahead isn't a skill, heck we've even got the etpro spawntimer now there's nothing to it!

This thread has made me look at it from a new light though, the 3v3 argument is far stronger than anything I can come up with. This would be fantastic for that style gameplay. And a very worthy cvar to code all things considering.

Well it's in the hand of the Gods now ;)
"But I find it laughable you think arti is skilled."

Have you ever heard the phrase herftillery? I think there are likely three camps as to what that means for those who have heard it (dont care, its just random spam, and some who understand it). I actually prefer the one that I imagine thinks its a joke about spam : )

I think you miss my point nellie about skilled artilleries. I am talking about timing them to game events, not to a clock. Its where the enemy, your teamates, the objective, and the possible run locations are. It prediction of battle outcome and battle timing, based on your teammates and your enemy, prediction 10 seconds plus into the future. The clock is irrelevant to the higher levels of it. Though there are some shots, that involve the clock that are VERY difficult to do secondary to game conditions, to keep oneself alive and get to location in time takes effort, you lose part of your situation awareness, instead of thinking, there may be a guy around that corner, preaim get ready to fire, you are thinking, can I make the time, etc. Some clock shots I have envisioned, I have basically NEVER done, the battle is too chaotic, and I cannot do the simple math, shoot, stay a live, and put myself in positon. I bet if I worked on them entirely though, I could do them. Some clock shots I know I can still do, but I just dont think in terms of it enough anymore to make em effective. I am not talking spawn shots here, I am talking far from spawn clock shots. Most clock shots are easy. Its the higher level stuff that I think makes ET so interesting. The tactical prediction not only in smg battles, but at 5 sec, 10 sec plus intervals.

I reached a pretty high level in using artilleries, I have fallen way back now. I am thinking of other things in battle. Plus mortaring has taken some toll. Thats whats great about ET, if you get good at one facet, another facet usually suffers some. If I am timing very well, my aiming takes a hit, etc. The real trick would be to put it all together, to time nades, arts at highest level, while having a great mortar ability, and your top shooting ability all at the same time while running the team. I think its impossible really, but interesting to try. Thats whats great about ET.
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