How should I relate to the new hitboxes?

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Post by AdminNOOB »

You also have to consider, if you have zones which do less damage, then you need zones which do more damage to balance this out and this could result in some rather nasty balancing issues.

I'll be happy when it doesn't take 5 headshots to kill some medics...pretty darn idiotic. As far as I'm concerned the head hitbox should be small and take two shots to totally kill w/out revive; yeah; revive someone w/ two bullets in their brain and have them run around like they're in their prime...that makes sense.

If you want one shot headshots....have a sniper put one right in their forehead and that's cool but it would take a lot of lotto for an smg user in a fast paced gunfight to do it and that's how it should be. More body shots, less headshots w/ smaller headbox would be nice. Also, it would certainly make the botters job harder to lock on a smaller head hitbox. As it is, most bots stink w/ headshots in a fast fight anyway.
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Post by AdminNOOB »

Also, what makes no sense (should be considered a bug IMO) is that it takes 3 body shots to kill a player when using a garand (as engy w/ rg) which is 1/2 of normal guns but yet takes the same amount of headshots to kill. So,....more powerful bullets on the body but yet no more damage to the head ? ? huh ? ?what ? Also, what's the deal w/ shooting at say...a field ops backpack and having it take the same amount of shots to kill them; would think it would help protect them (same as engies). Also, they shouldn't be able to call in artillery if their backpacks are broken from a few bullets.

This is just me. Also, seeing mines is silly (w/out help of a specialist) and adrenaline is too much. Also (haha..sorry) how can a player run around 100 miles an hour, jumping, crouching, proning and shooting like he's totally healthy (w/ a mere 2HP) suddenly just DIE when jumping off a 10 foot roof ? Ummm...a broken leg maybe but DEATH ?? Especially after running around w/out a problem in the world only to die from jumping.....DUMB!! I'm not asking for a total Ghost Recon but least make changes to things that make sense. Heck...If I shoot some medic nine times I expect the dude to slow down. Make some changes that make sense.
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Post by Nogen »

Dude, I think you are playing the wrong game. Thats what ET is - a game. Its not a simulation.
Or maybe you think that the players should sweat as well. And you have to press the "wipe sweat" button or else it might go in your eyes. And perhaps you should be able to dig trenches...or bury yourself in the snow. Maybe you should be able to throw rocks at people when you are out of ammo because, hell, I could do that in real life. And how do they fit so much ammo in such a small crate? And if there really is so much ammo in one crate why can't I just take just the type of ammo I need? I mean shit where do the spawning players even come from? Do they get zapped in from a parallel dimension? What kind of army sends out reinforcements every 20 seconds? Maybe the whole maps forces should all just go out at once and just have a mega spam fest. How the hell do medpacks work? Do I get insantaneously warped to another location with a time dilation device so doctors can remove bullets from me and then warped back without anyone seeing? Why don't the doctors remove all the bullets? Why only 20hp worth? Do you pay the doctors in medpacks I wonder? And perhaps you should have a few billion people simulating the rest of the population. You could have a few thousand people being at the HQ and some people at artillery batteries responding to artillery calls...or some people circling the map in planes just in case someone drops a cannister. I could get my family to play "working in the war factories" and some other people to play "drafting the new conscription legislation".

If you want to play real armies go join the real army and break your legs every time you fall...then tap out and wait 6 months in the "reinforcement queue" (hospital). If you want to play a fun balanced game with its own well known and loved "reality" then play ET.
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Post by KingJackaL »

AdminNOOB, please do some research before you bother winging. First, don't just surmise how many hs's it takes to kill. It's not a fixed number. Shooting somebody will do X damage. Damage is given depending on their health, class (regen if medic), level (adren if lvl4 medic), the distance to the target (distance drop-off), alt-mod of weapon (scope on sniper)... well as what you're shooting them with, and where you hit them! ... ntable.jpg

Read, learn, be wise.
revive someone w/ two bullets in their brain and have them run around like they're in their prime...that makes sense.
So let me get this straight - if they died (skulled) after 2 hs's, that WOULD make sense?

So these soldiers that move slower when carrying a heavy weapon, but not when they put it in their pocket (well where else does it go?), who teleport into battle every X seconds on the dot, can throw colored smoke to make explosions and jab each other needles to un-dead each other while using their in-built voice comms and v-say menus and driving a tank standing 1m to the side of it...

...these soldiers, they make sense if the change you suggest is made?

Dude, get a clue. ET is meant to be FUN, not realistic.

Lol Nogen - 'wipe sweat' key :D. /me WANTS!
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Post by AdminNOOB »

It could be very good if it was unrealistic in a way that made sense. You like say to get a clue don't you ?

As for talking about damage, health, blah...I'm just giving examples of situations not every single situation that can arise or I'd write a novel. Funny you just can't get my point. Oh yeah, it makes sense that suddenly a gun is 3X more powerful if you scope it (regardless of distance) but yet that same gun is weak from two feet away w/out scope.... I could go on and on and on.
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Post by Imbroglio »

AdminNOOB wrote:I could go on and on and on.
i think you are at the wrong forum, try this ONE
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Post by AdminNOOB »

Thanks !
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Post by Fella »

Can somone explain in moron-proof terms (for people like me) exactly what to expect from these hitbox changes as it appears to be a change to make it more realistic but I would really like to know how the rest of my game will change when and if it goes through.

I know it was hated in the community that the hitboxes were unrealistic in whats supposed to be an unrealistic game but yet it's going to be changed. So what is going to change since now it's apparent it's going to change.

I'm a new member and if a regular could point me to an informative post I would appreciate it.
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Post by Nogen »

The hitbox changes don't change anything. They simply correct the system to work how it is supposed to. Unless you are completely awesome and have learned to aim at invisible hitboxes you won't need to change anything about the way you play - you will just start hitting more often.

Simply put: If you put your crosshair over your opponent and shoot you will hit your opponent.
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Post by Fella »

Sweet !!

Then what is that cg_crosshairY (or whatever) supposed to be about ?

I saw someone post something about that needing to be changed. I guess thats not true.

Who am I supposed tolisten to on this board anyway? I mean, who knows and who doesn't know? There are so many debates about issues on here.
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Post by Nogen »

Don't listen to me...I don't know anything but what I've read on this forum.

cg_crosshairY changes refer to the people who learnt to aim at invisible hitboxes.
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Post by ReyalP »

Fella wrote:Sweet !!

Then what is that cg_crosshairY (or whatever) supposed to be about ?

I saw someone post something about that needing to be changed. I guess thats not true.
Many people adjusted cg_crosshairY to compensate for the old hitboxes. (move crosshair down, so you can put the crosshair on the model head, but still hit the head hitbox, because the player animations duck down while moving, but the old hitbox didn't). Doing this with the new hitboxes would be foolish.

If you never adjusted it, you don't need to do anything.
Who am I supposed tolisten to on this board anyway? I mean, who knows and who doesn't know? There are so many debates about issues on here.
Well, thats for you to figure out, isn't it ?

The old hitboxes looked like this:

The new ones follow the head model.
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Post by ouroboro »

would the etpro guys be so kind as to post some screenshots of b_realhead boxes in action? since we can't run an etpro listen server with bobots or whatever.

or is there some other way to see the new head hitbox by myself? or do i need to find a server with cheats on and another person to have a look at 'em?

that'd be a freakin hassle. give us some screenies pls :)

hrm or is it possible to run a dedicated server on windows and run 2 clients on the same box and connect to the server twice, so i can "kill the other me" and see the boxes? omfg such a runaround. i want to see the new boxes :(

btw what are the chances of fixing etpro so we can run listen servers for testing stuff/running around all alone like losers?
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Post by ouroboro »

hrm i was testing stuff, i can run a server like

"ET.exe" +set fs_game etmain +set dedicated 2 +set g_gametype 2

then in the server console do

devmap battery


g_debugbullets 7

then i can connect to my own server with 2 clients and enable godmode and shoot at the other me and see the body hitbox, but no head box (this is etmain). no g_debugbullets setting will show the head box.

but it don';t matter coz i never even get that far with etpro - i get the same error message about "NOT" in "human_base.script" that you get when you try to run an etpro listen server.

:( nothing ever goes as planned
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Post by Svartberg »

from what i understood the new hitboxes are being calculated serverside, does that mean if you have high ping you need to shoot *ahead* of the enemy ?? and the higher you go the farther away you need to aim (preaim), so much for shooting invisible places :(
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