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Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:20 am
by AdminNOOB
Then don't believe it...I lie for no reason at all. Just search for it or give me your email.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:54 am
by Grim|EFG
I found it on a clan site where their admin is a heavy duty programmer; it was in their forums. I'll be darned if I can remember the clan site and <b>yes, it works w/ fixed physics as well</b>. It's insane. It's a config that is about 1/2 mg in size <b>and has all sorts of fps changes</b> in it to make it possible.
If a server is running fixed physics, then FPS changes won't make any difference.

You say you would attatch the script if you could... why not just post a link to it?

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:38 am
by AdminNOOB
I said I don't remember where I found was a long time ago. I have no place to post it....but I'll email it.

Cmon' you really think fixed physics is the perfect fix ? Yeah, just like PB and ETPro cheat db's keep out all the aimbots/wallhacks.

I'm sure all you guys are just juicing to get this thing aren't ya ?

Email me at my junk mail email then:

btw...why do you people INSIST on aruging over everything ???? If I say it works then the darn thing works.

OK, I'll make up a story now.... there is a hack out now where you can see the face of the person you're fighting....on the animations body. See, what happens is the hack finds temp web cam files and then puts the picture of the person on the animation during ET gameplay. It knows which person is the real user cause it has heavy intuition and psychic powers that pick up keyboard energy of who was using it when that face was on the cam.

Come on....are you the same people that it took two years to believe there was such thing as aimbots and that almight Punkbuster couldn't detect them ? you were surprised. Unbelieveable. Unless you're just trying to bait me to post this for everyone to go hopping around w/...not going to happen; just email me.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 2:50 am
by fretn
you say it's a script, copy paste it inhere

if it doesn't fit in one post, split it up

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:06 am
by Kendle
AdminNOOB, the reason people are sceptical is because they know what can and can't be done with scripts. Basically there's nothing you can do with a script to influence the server (unless you're the server admin and/or you know the server rcon password).

i.e., when you press your jump key you're simply informing the server that you jumped. The server calculates how far you jumped based on your trajectory / velocity at the time you pressed the key, taking into account the values of certain settings like g_gravity and g_speed, neither of which you, the client, have any control over.

Giving the existence of one thing (aimbots) as proof that something else (magic server-influencing jump scripts) exist is meaningless.

Prove such a script exists or be called a liar. Your choice :wink:

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 5:15 am
by >>steven!
i used to be able to go invisible in rtcw using a script

but im 1337

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 6:07 am
by deej
Steven I believe that was "bind MOUSE1 kill".

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 6:37 am
by >>steven!
timenudge lagscript tbh

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 7:38 am
by Mystiqq
I dont see any problem with trickjumping, but it should be taken into a consideration when making maps for ET. If you can trickjump to/throu someplace thats helps your team to win the map too easily then i think its just stupid.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 8:08 am
by >>steven!
trickjumps take skills, true it helps if u have a good pc but thats the same with most things in gaming.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:33 am
by Fella
The more I think about this post the more I'm beginning to understand the true point of it and the more it bugs me.

Yeah, trickjumping is fine and dandy to an exent but when it's taken to the limit of obviously taking advantage of some poor game development and especially when it obviously makes no sense at all, then yeah, it's really dumb.

I think a lot of these jumps are nothing more than taking advantage of glitchy parts of the maps. The same type of glitches that will let you time warp, die if you sink into a wall, somehow end up underground and can shoot people from under the sand, etc..

I mean, I highly doubt the game developers (use Oasis for an example) said: "hey, lets make a nice map called Oasis and make it so that you have to blow a wall down or go through a tunnel to get into the back to blow the guns. But, let's also make it impossible to climb a ten foot wall to get over the top but yet make it so that someone can jump over it from another building" Also, you tournament folk, you are the funniets. It's like "dont you DARE use teammates w/ teamwork to pile yourself over a ten foot wall, NO NO NO NO, don't you dare or you will lose for cheating...but, if you want to find that one puny inch of the map that will let you jump over it all by yourself, well then go ahead you deserve to win". Also, I do also think it's silly that you can die jumping off some stairs no higher than 15 feet but if you know the correct way to jump and land on some barbed wire from atop a huge tower on fuel dump then you can land w/out even injuring yourself at all. Nah, sorry, this does not sound like an original intention to me; sounds more like they needed more beta testing for this game which could explain why it's free and or simply should have taken more time on it. It's my favorite game but it obviously have some flaws. Again, I'm not just talking about being a good jumper but there is a huge difference between being a good jumper and taking advantage of some obvious game flaws.

BTW, Durinia (if you come on here again) why in TWL is it ok for some random player to go flying over a wall to blow the guns on Oasis but NOT o.k. for several players from a "team" in a "team" game to climb over each other to get over the wall ? (something children often do to get up a tree) I mean, it would seem to me that would be more acceptable as any team that can pull that off to get over a measely 10 foot wall would be a nice accomplishment but not some dude that jumps over the wall. I know tons of players that would be much happier if these rules didn't favor individuals that want to learn how to jump over things rather than teams that work hard on teamwork to blast the objective down or teamwork their way over something. I've heard an explanation that it's a bit unreal for several men to pile themselves so high ? garbage ! Men are more capable of that then they are jumping like Spiderman. I'm more than a little annoyed on that one as it's a reasonable teamwork accomplishment that can't be used but yet if you want to jump over it well then fine. this topic is bugging me too.

Oh, regarding that script, I don't have that one that you're talking about but I did find one that makes it much, much easier to get across the map (great for stopwatch) faster and a heack of a lot easier to jump over the Oasis wall but I don't have any fun with it as I feel like I'm cheating when I'm doing that. If all of these fancy little tricks are so legitimate they should be put in the manual.


Jumping like Spiderman

I'm done with this topic and just glad for fixed physics as it seems to have tamed down a lot of the "Mario" ET players though no game is perfect but still, some things are just silly. Yeah, I know the game is free but if you're going to have a free game in competitions, at least have it make as much sense as possible. Actually, I think that sort of thing should only be allowed on shrub servers, not competition mod servers.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:56 am
by MeeZ?
ET is a faster paced game than your average ww2 shooter. Thus the q3 engine physics. If you dont like the q3 engine physics, go play a non q3 based game.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:56 am
by AdminNOOB
333 FPS ???????????????????

I'm lucky to get 45 on Temple :( Network problems or not, getting over the bridge on temple can be a pain sometimes and it would be nice to be able to jump over it to get the flag and bash some people. How in the world do you get 333 FPS anyway ? Wow!

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:59 am
by AdminNOOB
"ET is a faster paced game than your average ww2 shooter. Thus the q3 engine physics. If you dont like the q3 engine physics, go play a non q3 based game."

I don't think anyone here that thinks some jumps are ridiculous would disagree with the fast pace of the game. I think the speed is sweet which is why I play this rather than Americas Army or Call of Duty. My ADD mind can't handle walking around that slow all the time. The only slow games I like are Splinter Cell and Commandos as you have to think you're way through each mission. Too bad the multiplayer versions are boring.

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 1:22 pm
by ReyalP
you can email me the script to

of course, if it was really an exploit, you should have sent it to one of the etpro team as soon as you became aware of it, and (again assuming it was real) it would probably be fixed by now...