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Checkpoint time

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 11:24 am
I was playing UT2004 the other day.. and it have a game mode that is alot like ET, its called Assualt....

Well after the first time attacked and the 2nd team attack then they have a check point timer running under the "total time left". doubt you understand this.. =P

playing Goldrush.. your team start out as alliede.. and you use 5mins to take the tank..and then you use 7mins to get it past tank barrie 1... and so on..and you end up Total time used being 20mins.

then when you defend.. then you have the your 20mins clock set.. but just under it, there would be a clock only count they 5mins you used taking the tank. it would could like -5.00 and all the way down to 0.00
and then start showing the Time you have gained defending the tank.

really.. i hope you understand this.. if not.. hmm.. then play a round of UT2004! =P

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 9:16 pm
by hiro
sounds like this is what you want

I think a similar thing was implimented in the map temple_final that basically ended the map early if the allies hadn't achieved the first phase in a certain time.

A good idea but not really suitable for competition, maybe for bayonet?

Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 11:42 pm
by Leviathan
Agree to hiro, sounds quite cool, but would change the gameplay way too much.....


Hmm... guess, we should give it a thought.....

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 6:45 am
No i dont want you to gain extra time..just like a timer that show you if your losing or winning... like you if your use 3.21 min to take the tank.. and then when you defend it.. then this timer will just run under your normal clock.. with the time left until your gaining time defending the tank.