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Demo view suggestions

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 5:58 am
by squadjot
Hey..ive been playing around witht he new demo features..and its great.

I got some wishes for next versions

1. Could the freecam -command be changed into a +freecam -freecam or freecam 1/0 instead of a toggle.

2. Could you add cam-angles to the follow-cam? maybe b_demo_followXangle, b_demo_followZangle, b_demo_followYangle? (to control the angle of the view of the projectile u follow)

3. A new feature!..(dunno if its possible like that) Well i wondered if u set a cam on our aim, with a custom distance value .plus a either flip effect (view FROM your point...or view TO your point)..or a add a angle..
gah..hard to explain.. oke imagine..u have a long line drawn from your a straight line to infinity :P... i want a cam across that line.. the cam would seem as somekind of zoom effect..but if u flipped would point at the nozzle of the gun..(the gun that draws the gun-"line" wich the cam are attached to)

4. a pause command..that works better than freezedemo (or even rewind, heard that was impossible tho)

Re: Demo view suggestions

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 8:00 am
by MeeZ
squadjot wrote:Hey..ive been playing around witht he new demo features..and its great.

I got some wishes for next versions

1. Could the freecam -command be changed into a +freecam -freecam or freecam 1/0 instead of a toggle.

2. Could you add cam-angles to the follow-cam? maybe b_demo_followXangle, b_demo_followZangle, b_demo_followYangle? (to control the angle of the view of the projectile u follow)

3. A new feature!..(dunno if its possible like that) Well i wondered if u set a cam on our aim, with a custom distance value .plus a either flip effect (view FROM your point...or view TO your point)..or a add a angle..
gah..hard to explain.. oke imagine..u have a long line drawn from your a straight line to infinity :P... i want a cam across that line.. the cam would seem as somekind of zoom effect..but if u flipped would point at the nozzle of the gun..(the gun that draws the gun-"line" wich the cam are attached to)

(or even rewind, heard that was impossible tho)
it is DEFINATELY impossible... I have not seen a single game that can re-wind demo's. This is because of how it works... Just check out the q3 engine source.

Re: Demo view suggestions

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 9:29 am
by Deus
MeeZ wrote:Just check out the q3 engine source.
So You have it ?

Re: Demo view suggestions

Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 6:41 pm
by Rain
squadjot wrote:1. Could the freecam -command be changed into a +freecam -freecam or freecam 1/0 instead of a toggle.
The next version of etpro will support 'freecam on' and 'freecam off' a là noclip.
squadjot wrote:4. a pause command..that works better than freezedemo (or even rewind, heard that was impossible tho)
What does freezedemo do that isn't desirable?

Rewinding demos isn't possible from a mod--they don't have enough control over what the engine does with the demo. Even if they did, it would be a very difficult task because of the way demos are handled.

Posted: Mon May 03, 2004 10:45 pm
by squadjot
freeze demo, does not freeze the freezes the "picture"..but the demo continues..."underneith" the frozen frame.. :)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 12:26 am
by Rain
Er, are you sure about that?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 12:35 am
by squadjot
positive... unless its buggy... but yes..occured all the times ive tried..and ive tested the demo functions alot lately..

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 2:48 am
by defragga
Rain wrote:Er, are you sure about that?
100 percent ... I recognized the same, timescale 0 just displays a conn interupted symbol, but in the background demo playback goes on (but I think not in timescale 1, but in timescale 0.1 ?)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 3:52 am
by fretn
afaik there's a q2 which has a demo-rewind option, or at least they are working on it, can't remember the name tho'

I like n°3 :)

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 8:37 pm
by shake
instead of cam angles to the weaponcam, would it be possible to have a mouselook-type thing on the weaponcams like the original panzercam in EDV for rtcw?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 11:37 pm
by squadjot
is multiview possible? ...during playback of demo's

Posted: Tue May 04, 2004 11:52 pm
by Rain
Only if multiview was used while recording the demo.
(You'll get info for people you weren't watching while recording, though, so long as they were on the mv list.)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 12:22 am
by squadjot
thnx :)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 12:23 am
by fretn
shake wrote:instead of cam angles to the weaponcam, would it be possible to have a mouselook-type thing on the weaponcams like the original panzercam in EDV for rtcw?
that was actually a bug in the rtcw version :) but it was a friendly one ;)

Posted: Wed May 05, 2004 12:37 am
by squadjot
well..any kind of orbiting around the weapon would be cool...imo.. or a "lookat"-cam could also be cool (combined with freecam) maybe both (y)