Banimod - [AV]bani's Return To Castle Wolfenstein Mod
Banimod - [AV]bani's Return To Castle Wolfenstein Mod
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Goldrush is the most popular gametype in Banimod. It is a variation of team deathmatch, but with a twist. Those of you familiar with Tribes 2 "Hunters", Quake "Head Hunters" or Quake 3 "Harvester" will be right at home with Goldrush.

  • Kill the enemy, steal their gold
  • Cash in gold at flagpoles
  • Gold weighs you down
  • Hoard gold for big scores
  • The team with the biggest score wins
  • Kill the enemy

    Steal their gold

    Cash in gold at flagpoles

    The team with the biggest score wins

    Terms and Tactics
  • "Cow" - Player designated to hoard the team's gold
  • "Cow Tipping" - Killing the enemy's cow
  • "Feeding the cow" - Giving the cow gold
  • "Farming" - Guarding and feeding the cow

  • In Goldrush, teamwork always wins and free-for-all scrambles always lose.
  • 1 player with 10 gold scores more (316 points) than 2 players with 5 gold each (56 points each)
  • Cows should be good defensive players
  • Send comments/suggestions to banimod at anime dot net
    Thanks to ikkyo for help developing this mod.